$Id: README,v 1.4 2007/07/13 03:26:56 greve Exp $ These are diffusion gradient direction files that describe some of the protocols distributed by Siemens though the MGH DTI Sequence Package. These are used at the Massachusetts General Hosptial (MGH) Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging as supplied by Thomas Benner. The sequence names usually start with "ep_b". If you do not have or are not using the MGH DTI Sequence Package, then these files will not be of use to you. DISCLAIMER: THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT THESE ARE THE GRADIENTS THAT WERE USED IN YOUR ACQUISITION. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! IF YOU ARE USING VB13 OR HIGHER, THEN THE TABLES FOR THESE NUMBER OF DIRECTIONS WILL BE INVALID: 6, 10, 12, 20, 30, 64, 256. Siemens uses their own internal tables tables for these numbers. VB13 is supposed to include the gradient directions in the header (but I have not been able to find them yet). The files are named according to the following format: gradient_mgh_dtiNN.gdt where NN is the two-digit, zero-padded number of directions (eg, 06 for 6 directions or 72 for 72 directions). Each file will have three columns with the number of rows equal to the number of directions. Each row is a gradient direction of unit length. The directions are in the magnet frame. The file does not indicate the bvalue or the number of acquisitions for which the bvalue is 0. These can be obtained in one of two ways: 1. From a private field the Siemens dicom file (or an "infodump" file created by unpacksdcmdir or mri_probedicom). The relevant fields are: sDiffusion.alBValue[1] = 700 [Indicates the bvalue] sDiffusion.lDiffDirections = 60 [Number of diffusion gradients] sWiPMemBlock.alFree[6] = 60 [Number of diffusion gradients, redundant] sWiPMemBlock.alFree[8] = 10 [Number of images in which bvalue=0] These can be found by running the unix 'strings' program on the dicom file. Note that all the relevant information can be obtained from one dicom file. It will usually be assumed that the bvalue=0 images will be acquired first. 2. Examining the pulse sequence name in each dicom file. This is stored in the (non-private) dicom tag (18,24). The sequence name will have the following format: ep_bX#N X = bvalue N = nth acq for that bvalue So, if you have 5 acqs at bvalue=0 followed by 6 with bvalue = 700: ep_b0#0 ep_b0#1 ep_b0#2 ep_b0#3 ep_b0#4 ep_b700#0 --> N restarts at 0 ep_b700#1 ep_b700#2 ep_b700#3 ep_b700#4 ep_b700#6 Note that all the dicom files in the series need to be queried in order to obtain all the relevant information.