#!/usr/bin/perl -w #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #@COPYRIGHT : # Copyright 1996, John G. Sled, # McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, # Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University. # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this # software and its documentation for any purpose and without # fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright # notice appear in all copies. The author and McGill University # make no representations about the suitability of this # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without # express or implied warranty. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #$RCSfile: make_template.in,v $ #$Revision: 1.4 $ #$Author: claude $ #$Date: 2006/05/05 02:13:44 $ #$State: Exp $ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------ MNI Header ---------------------------------- #@NAME : make_template #@INPUT : #@OUTPUT : #@RETURNS : #@DESCRIPTION: #@ #@METHOD : #@GLOBALS : #@CALLS : #@CREATED : August 15, 1996 J.G.Sled #@MODIFIED : # $Id: make_template.in,v 1.4 2006/05/05 02:13:44 claude Exp $ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- use MNI::Startup qw(nocputimes); use MNI::Spawn; use MNI::MincUtilities qw(:geometry); use Getopt::Tabular; use POSIX qw(:math_h); # Start main program ------------------------------------------------ &Initialize; self_announce; &MakeTemplate($input_volume, $output_volume, $shrink_factor); # End of Main Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------ MNI Header ---------------------------------- #@NAME : ShrinkVolume #@INPUT : volume, shrink factor #@OUTPUT : #@RETURNS : #@DESCRIPTION: reduce sampling in finest sampling direction by given factor # reduce other sampling directions only if reduced sampling is # less. Uses nearest neighbour resampling. #@METHOD : #@GLOBALS : Standard ($Execute, ...) #@CALLS : #@CREATED : 96/05/29 J.G.Sled #@MODIFIED : #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub MakeTemplate { my ($input_volume, $output_volume, $shink_factor) = @_; my (@step, @length, $newstep); volume_params($input_volume, undef, \@step, \@length, undef, undef); if($shrink_factor > 1) { # find smallest step size $newstep = (abs($step[0]) < abs($step[1])) ? $step[0] : $step[1]; $newstep = (abs($step[2]) < abs($newstep)) ? $step[2] : $newstep; $newstep = abs($newstep * $shrink_factor); for($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if(abs($step[$i]) < $newstep) { $step[$i] = $step[$i] * $shrink_factor; $length[$i] = POSIX::ceil(($length[$i]-1)/$shrink_factor)+1; } } } # generate volume Spawn(['mincresample', $input_volume, $output_volume, '-nearest_neighbour', '-step', @step, '-nelements', @length, '-clobber']); } # ------------------------------ MNI Header ---------------------------------- #@NAME : SetupArgTables #@INPUT : none #@OUTPUT : none #@RETURNS : References to the two option tables: # @pref_args # @protocol_args #@DESCRIPTION: Defines the tables of command line (and config file) # options that we pass to ParseArgs. #@METHOD : #@GLOBALS : makes references to many globals (almost all of 'em in fact) # even though most of them won't have been defined when # this is called #@CALLS : #@CREATED : #@MODIFIED : #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SetupArgTables { my (@pref_args, @protocol_args); sub print_version { print "Program $ProgramName, built from:\n$LongVersion\n"; exit; } # Preferences -- these shouldn't affect the results @pref_args = (["General Options", "section"], ["-verbose|-quiet", "boolean", 0, \$Verbose, "be noisy [default; opposite is -quiet]" ], ["-clobber|-noclobber", "boolean", 0, \$Clobber, "overwrite output files [default: -noclobber]"], ["-version", "call", undef, \&print_version, "print version and quit"]); # Protocol (data-specific) options @protocol_args = (["General Options","section"], ["-shrink", "integer", 1, \$shrink_factor, "specify a smaller workspace; the" ." sampling in each dimension is reduced to that of the finest" ." sampling divided by factor or the current sampling which ever" ." is less. (suggest 2 or 3)", ""]); (\@pref_args, \@protocol_args); } # ------------------------------ MNI Header ---------------------------------- #@NAME : SetHelp #@INPUT : none #@OUTPUT : none #@RETURNS : nothing #@DESCRIPTION: Sets the $Help and $Usage globals, and registers them # with ParseArgs so that user gets useful error and help # messages. #@METHOD : #@GLOBALS : $Help, $Usage #@CALLS : #@CREATED : #@MODIFIED : #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SetHelp { $Version = '1.12.0'; $LongVersion = 'Package MNI N3, version 1.12.0, compiled by nicks@gust.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu (x86_64-apple-darwin11.4.2) on 2015-06-19 at 15:37:08'; $Usage = < 2); RegisterPrograms([qw(mincresample dd mv)]); }