Step by Step Guides
Voxel-Based Morphometry (FSLVBM)
- Need T1-weighted acquisitions (note marrow/meninges problems with BET)
- Create directory for analysis and copy images there
Run stages of FSLVBM via scripts
BET (fslvbm_1_bet)
- View outputs and troubleshoot as appropriate
Create template and registrations (fslvbm_2_template)
- View outputs and troubleshoot as appropriate
Perform modulation and smoothing (fslvbm_3_proc)
- View outputs and troubleshoot as appropriate
- Choose the appropriate smoothing
- plausible biological locations and reasonably matched to size of significant clusters
- Setup GLM design matrix and contrasts (use GLM GUI)
randomise (choice of 500 vs 5000 samples if based on p-value accuracy - see table of p-value errors)