Task: label-masking

Prompt: Eliminate right extended amygdala intensities

Prompt: Delete the intensities of the septal nuclei

Prompt: Delete the intensities of the right fornix

Prompt: Filter away all intensities that are not the right accumbens nucleus

Prompt: Get rid of the tissue of left cerebellum matter

Prompt: Delete voxels not in the right subthalamic area

Prompt: Erase left pars compacta

Prompt: Exclude tissue that is not the left paleostriatum in this modality

Prompt: Get rid of everything except both of the amygdalae signal

Prompt: Get rid of data that is not 3rd ventricle

Prompt: Exclude the pixels of left ventral tegmentum in this subject

Prompt: Exclude data that are not right occipital lobe

Prompt: Clear the intensities of right cortex of the endbrain

Prompt: Filter out all pixels that are not the left cortex in the cerebellum

Prompt: Erase right putamen voxels

Prompt: Clear data that are not left nucleus accumbens septum

Prompt: Filter out left habenular nucleus intensities

Prompt: Filter away pixels outside 3rd ventricle

Prompt: Filter out the right neocortical surface

Prompt: Filter away the right mammillary body signal

Prompt: Filter away all signal that is not callosal commissure

Prompt: Delete data that is not the third ventricle

Prompt: Erase caudate nuclei data

Prompt: Clear all pixels that are not the left ventral pallidum

Prompt: Get rid of left ventral tegmental area data

Prompt: Eliminate the pixels of left red nucleus

Prompt: Clear voxels not within right ventral tegmentum

Prompt: Filter away the tissue of right temporal lobe

Prompt: Erase voxels not within left septal nucleus

Prompt: Erase voxels that are not both extended amygdalae

Prompt: Delete the voxels of left temporal cortex

Prompt: Remove data that are not the right parabrachial pigmented nucleus

Prompt: Get rid of both of the subthalamic nuclei

Prompt: Remove all tissue that is not brainstem

Prompt: Clear everything except the right pars compacta voxels

Prompt: Filter out voxels not in the right insula

Prompt: Erase everything except the right pars compacta intensities

Prompt: Delete both of the red nuclei

Prompt: Filter away both lateral ventricle

Prompt: Get rid of signal not within the thalamuses

Prompt: Filter away data that is not the left dorsal striate nuclei

Prompt: Erase right septal nucleus tissue

Prompt: Erase septal nuclei pixels

Prompt: Remove signal that is not the brain

Prompt: Filter out all intensity beyond the right cerebellum

Prompt: Eliminate signal that is not the pars compacta

Prompt: Exclude data outside both lateral ventricle

Prompt: Filter away the left cerebral cortical ribbon data

Prompt: Clear all intensities not in the left ventral pallidum

Prompt: Eliminate tissue that is not left cerebellum

Prompt: Filter away everything except cingulate cortices intensities

Prompt: Filter away the intensity of both of the pars compacta

Prompt: Filter away data that is not fourth ventricle

Prompt: Eliminate the intensities of the right cerebellar cortical ribbon

Prompt: Erase pixels outside red nuclei

Prompt: Erase all voxels that are not left neocortical surface

Prompt: Clear everything except both habenulae intensities

Prompt: Filter out callosal commissure

Prompt: Filter out intensities not in right pars reticulata

Prompt: Delete signal that is not all of the endbrain

Prompt: Delete everything except all of the endbrain intensity

Prompt: Get rid of the signal of right temporal lobe

Prompt: Filter away the right putamen data

Prompt: Clear the tissue of right substantia nigra pars compacta

Prompt: Clear pixels that are not right temporal cortex

Prompt: Get rid of accumbens

Prompt: Remove tissue that is not all of the brain

Prompt: Exclude the intensity of 3rd ventricle

Prompt: Get rid of the intensities of left parabrachial pigmented nucleus

Prompt: Clear right accumbens nucleus

Prompt: Erase the data of lateral ventricle in this imaging

Prompt: Filter out left nucleus accumbens septi data

Prompt: Erase all signal that is not the anterior commissura

Prompt: Exclude everything but the right parabrachial pigmented nucleus tissue

Prompt: Remove all intensity outside the habenular nuclei

Prompt: Erase all pixels outside left frontal lobe

Prompt: Clear all intensities that are not the left thalamus

Prompt: Remove all intensities beyond left habenula

Prompt: Clear both substantia nigra

Prompt: Delete everything except the left accumbens nucleus intensities

Prompt: Erase the right hippocampus proper

Prompt: Eliminate signal that is not both of the pars compacta

Prompt: Clear the callosal commissure

Prompt: Eliminate the data of left inferior lateral ventricle

Prompt: Remove everything except all of the brainstem signal

Prompt: Erase all data that are not the left temporal lateral ventricle

Prompt: Filter out all data that is not all of the cerebellar matter

Prompt: Get rid of the intensity of right pars compacta

Prompt: Exclude the cerebral white matter intensity

Prompt: Delete the intensities of left globus pallidus externus

Prompt: Clear the right basal ganglia

Prompt: Remove all intensities that are not the brain

Prompt: Get rid of both of the globi pallida internus intensities

Prompt: Exclude the 3rd ventricle voxels

Prompt: Eliminate everything but all of the cerebellum white matter data

Prompt: Erase all intensities not within both of the red nuclei

Prompt: Exclude the anterior commissura

Prompt: Clear left temporal lobe

Prompt: Filter away data that are not the 4th ventricle

Prompt: Clear the left occipital cortex