Task: stroke-detection

Prompt: Are there acute ischemic infarctions? Response: Yes, a right ACA territory infarct is present

Prompt: Which vascular region has the acute ischemic stroke lesions? Response: The left ACA territory

Prompt: Does the patient have acute ischemic infarction? Response: Yes, a right cerebral territory infarct is present

Prompt: Does the patient have acute ischemic infarction? Response: Yes, a left brainstem infarct is present

Prompt: In which vascular region is hyperintense infarct present? Response: The left brainstem

Prompt: In what vascular territory is stroke tissue? Response: The left cerebral territory

Prompt: Are there hyperintense lesions? Response: Yes, a right cerebral territory infarct is present

Prompt: Estimate acute ischemic infarct region Response: The right ACA territory

Prompt: Is acute ischemic infarct observed? Response: Yes, a right MCA territory infarct is present

Prompt: In which territory is stroke lesion? Response: The right ACA territory

Prompt: In which vascular territory is hyperdense tissue? Response: The left MCA territory

Prompt: Where are the hyperintense infarcts found? Response: The left cerebral territory

Prompt: What hemisphere has the acute ischemic stroke lesions? Response: The right hemisphere

Prompt: In which vascular territory is acute ischemic infarct detected? Response: The right PCA territory

Prompt: In which territory is infarct? Response: The left ACA territory

Prompt: In what hemisphere are the infarcts present? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: Check the infarcts region Response: The left brainstem

Prompt: Where is infarction present? Response: The left MCA territory

Prompt: In what vascular region are the acute ischemic stroke lesions? Response: The left ACA territory

Prompt: Where is lesioned tissue detected? Response: The left cerebral territory

Prompt: Assess the stroke lesions location Response: The left MCA territory

Prompt: Do infarct hyperintensities occur? Response: Yes, a left MCA territory infarct is present

Prompt: Check hyperintense infarct location Response: The left brainstem

Prompt: Which hemisphere has the infarct hyperintensities? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: Does the subject have acute ischemic infarcted tissue? Response: Yes, a right ACA territory infarct is present

Prompt: Where is stroke tissue? Response: The right brainstem

Prompt: What hemisphere has the infarctions? Response: The right hemisphere

Prompt: Where are the hyperintense lesions present? Response: The left cerebral territory

Prompt: In which hemisphere is lesion? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: In what vascular territory is lesioned tissue located? Response: The right MCA territory

Prompt: Which territory has infarct? Response: The left ACA territory

Prompt: What hemisphere has stroke lesion? Response: The right hemisphere

Prompt: In what hemisphere is lesioned tissue detected? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: In which hemisphere is lesion? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: Which hemisphere has the infarct hyperintensities? Response: The right hemisphere

Prompt: Estimate infarcted tissue region Response: The right PCA territory

Prompt: In which hemisphere is lesioned tissue? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: In which vascular territory are the lesions seen? Response: The right PCA territory

Prompt: Does the scan exhibit hyperintense infarcts? Response: Yes, a right cerebral territory infarct is present

Prompt: In which hemisphere is hyperintense infarct found? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: What vascular region has lesion? Response: The left MCA territory

Prompt: Determine chronic stroke lesion location Response: The right ACA territory

Prompt: Where are the lesions? Response: The left cerebral territory

Prompt: Where is infarction found? Response: The left brainstem

Prompt: Which hemisphere has hyperintense infarct? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: What hemisphere has the stroke lesions? Response: The right hemisphere

Prompt: Does the patient have acute ischemic infarcts? Response: Yes, a left ACA territory infarct is present

Prompt: In which vascular territory is infarcted tissue seen? Response: The right MCA territory

Prompt: Do hyperintense lesions exist? Response: Yes, a left ACA territory infarct is present

Prompt: In what hemisphere is lesioned tissue? Response: The right hemisphere

Prompt: Which vascular territory has the acute ischemic infarctions? Response: The right cerebral territory

Prompt: In what vascular territory is acute ischemic infarcted tissue seen? Response: The right MCA territory

Prompt: In what hemisphere are the infarctions found? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: In which hemisphere is stroke lesion? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: What territory has the infarct hyperintensities? Response: The right ACA territory

Prompt: Does the image have infarcts? Response: Yes, a right brainstem infarct is present

Prompt: Does acute ischemic lesion exist? Response: Yes, a left PCA territory infarct is present

Prompt: In what vascular territory is lesion? Response: The right PCA territory

Prompt: Are there chronic stroke lesions? Response: Yes, a left cerebral territory infarct is present

Prompt: In which vascular territory are the stroke lesions? Response: The right brainstem

Prompt: Where are the stroke lesions? Response: The right brainstem

Prompt: Are there infarctions? Response: Yes, a left ACA territory infarct is present

Prompt: Is lesion detected? Response: Yes, a left MCA territory infarct is present

Prompt: Where are the infarct hyperintensities located? Response: The right ACA territory

Prompt: In what hemisphere is hyperintense infarct? Response: The right hemisphere

Prompt: Do acute ischemic infarctions exist? Response: Yes, a right brainstem infarct is present

Prompt: Do hyperintense infarcts exist? Response: Yes, a right brainstem infarct is present

Prompt: Which hemisphere has lesioned tissue? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: Is there hyperintense infarct? Response: Yes, a left ACA territory infarct is present

Prompt: Determine infarct region Response: The left PCA territory

Prompt: In what territory are the hyperintense lesions exhibited? Response: The left MCA territory

Prompt: Which territory has lesion? Response: The right PCA territory

Prompt: Are hyperintense lesions found? Response: Yes, a right MCA territory infarct is present

Prompt: In what hemisphere is lesioned tissue? Response: The right hemisphere

Prompt: In what vascular region are the infarcts? Response: The right ACA territory

Prompt: Does the subject have hyperdense tissue? Response: Yes, a right cerebral territory infarct is present

Prompt: In which hemisphere is hyperintense infarct detected? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: In which hemisphere is lesioned tissue identified? Response: The right hemisphere

Prompt: Are there stroke lesions? Response: Yes, a left PCA territory infarct is present

Prompt: In what vascular territory are the acute ischemic stroke lesions? Response: The right MCA territory

Prompt: What vascular region has infarction? Response: The right MCA territory

Prompt: Is acute ischemic infarct exhibited? Response: Yes, a left brainstem infarct is present

Prompt: Which hemisphere has stroke tissue? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: Where are the acute ischemic lesions observed? Response: The right cerebral territory

Prompt: In what hemisphere is hyperintense infarct? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: Where is infarction? Response: The right brainstem

Prompt: Do stroke tissue exist? Response: Yes, a left MCA territory infarct is present

Prompt: Does the image reveal stroke tissue? Response: Yes, a left ACA territory infarct is present

Prompt: In what territory is chronic stroke lesion? Response: The right brainstem

Prompt: Is there infarction? Response: Yes, a right cerebral territory infarct is present

Prompt: In which vascular territory is infarction identified? Response: The right PCA territory

Prompt: Does the subject have lesioned tissue? Response: Yes, a right PCA territory infarct is present

Prompt: What vascular territory has the hyperintense lesions? Response: The left ACA territory

Prompt: In which hemisphere are the chronic stroke lesions found? Response: The left hemisphere

Prompt: Where are the stroke lesions exhibited? Response: The left brainstem

Prompt: Are acute ischemic lesions observed? Response: Yes, a left brainstem infarct is present

Prompt: What vascular territory has infarcted tissue? Response: The left MCA territory

Prompt: What hemisphere has infarct? Response: The right hemisphere

Prompt: Does the patient have stroke tissue? Response: Yes, a right ACA territory infarct is present

Prompt: Which hemisphere has stroke tissue? Response: The left hemisphere