Task: stroke-segmentation

Prompt: Delineate the lesions

Prompt: Demarcate the MCA territory infarct

Prompt: Mark the lesions

Prompt: Segment left MCA territory infarct

Prompt: Show us the MCA infarct

Prompt: Highlight stroke tissue

Prompt: Delineate stroke lesions

Prompt: Find the hyperintense infarcts

Prompt: Delineate the infarct hyperintensities

Prompt: Segment the stroke lesions

Prompt: Highlight hyperdense tissue

Prompt: Seg stroke lesions

Prompt: Seg left MCA infarct

Prompt: Delineate the stroke lesions

Prompt: Seg lesions

Prompt: Highlight the stroke tissue

Prompt: Show us the acute ischemic infarcts

Prompt: Segment stroke lesions

Prompt: Delineate the infarct hyperintensities

Prompt: Show me the infarct hyperintensities

Prompt: Label MCA ischemic infarct

Prompt: Highlight the stroke tissue

Prompt: Mark MCA territory lesion

Prompt: Segment acute ischemic infarctions

Prompt: Segment left MCA ischemic infarct

Prompt: Mark infarct hyperintensities

Prompt: Demarcate stroke tissue

Prompt: Demarcate stroke lesions

Prompt: Mark MCA territory infarct

Prompt: Find the left MCA infarct

Prompt: Demarcate infarctions

Prompt: Segment lesioned tissue

Prompt: Mark PCA ischemic infarct

Prompt: Segment acute ischemic infarcts

Prompt: Find the infarct hyperintensities

Prompt: Delineate right MCA territory infarct

Prompt: Find infarctions

Prompt: Highlight the lesions

Prompt: Show me the right MCA ischemic infarct

Prompt: Delineate right MCA territory ischemic infarct

Prompt: Delineate the stroke lesions

Prompt: Highlight infarct hyperintensities

Prompt: Delineate the MCA territory stroke lesion

Prompt: Demarcate the brainstem territory lesion

Prompt: Demarcate right PCA territory stroke lesion

Prompt: Segment MCA territory ischemic infarct

Prompt: Find stroke lesions

Prompt: Find infarctions

Prompt: Highlight the infarct hyperintensities

Prompt: Demarcate the infarctions

Prompt: Seg the stroke tissue

Prompt: Segment the infarctions

Prompt: Highlight chronic stroke lesions

Prompt: Label the MCA ischemic infarct

Prompt: Demarcate hyperintense lesions

Prompt: Highlight lesioned tissue

Prompt: Demarcate the left brainstem territory infarct

Prompt: Show me the right MCA ischemic infarct

Prompt: Highlight the stroke tissue

Prompt: Label stroke lesions

Prompt: Mark infarct hyperintensities

Prompt: Label infarctions

Prompt: Label hyperintense lesions

Prompt: Highlight MCA territory stroke lesion

Prompt: Show us hyperdense tissue

Prompt: Demarcate acute ischemic stroke lesions

Prompt: Seg lesioned tissue

Prompt: Demarcate the hyperintense lesions

Prompt: Label the right MCA infarct

Prompt: Mark the infarcts

Prompt: Label hyperintense infarcts

Prompt: Delineate the left MCA infarct

Prompt: Label the infarctions

Prompt: Segment the left MCA lesion

Prompt: Seg infarct hyperintensities

Prompt: Delineate hyperintense infarcts

Prompt: Delineate the right MCA territory stroke lesion

Prompt: Mark the right MCA lesion

Prompt: Show me the stroke lesions

Prompt: Mark the MCA lesion

Prompt: Show me the right MCA territory infarct

Prompt: Highlight the MCA territory ischemic infarct

Prompt: Segment the left brainstem ischemic infarct

Prompt: Mark the left MCA territory ischemic infarct

Prompt: Demarcate the chronic stroke lesions

Prompt: Highlight the acute ischemic lesions

Prompt: Segment the right cerebral stroke lesion

Prompt: Label MCA territory lesion

Prompt: Segment chronic stroke lesions

Prompt: Seg the infarctions

Prompt: Mark the hyperintense infarcts

Prompt: Delineate MCA territory infarct

Prompt: Highlight the hyperintense lesions

Prompt: Find stroke lesions

Prompt: Seg the stroke lesions

Prompt: Seg the MCA stroke lesion

Prompt: Mark hyperintense infarcts

Prompt: Show me left MCA territory stroke lesion

Prompt: Label the hyperintense lesions

Prompt: Demarcate infarcts