Task: synthetic-lesion-segmentation

Prompt: Show me cerebellum hyperintense tissues

Prompt: Seg the hyperintense tissue in the left parietal lobe

Prompt: Demarcate hypointense abnormality

Prompt: Find left hemisphere hypointense signal

Prompt: Demarcate PCA signal abnormalities

Prompt: Label the signal abnormalities in the parietal lobe

Prompt: Segment hypointense abnormality in the temporal lobe

Prompt: Demarcate the left parietal lobe hyperintense lesions

Prompt: Demarcate the left PCA hyperintense signal

Prompt: Find the left hemisphere lesions

Prompt: Label hypointense tissues

Prompt: Delineate the left caudate hyperintense tissue

Prompt: Segment signal abnormalities in the ACA territory

Prompt: Find the hypointense lesion in the left frontal lobe

Prompt: Segment hyperintense lesion in the frontal lobe

Prompt: Seg signal abnormality in the parietal lobe

Prompt: Demarcate left frontal lobe hypointensities

Prompt: Highlight right frontal lobe hyperintense tissues

Prompt: Delineate the hypointensities

Prompt: Show us ACA signal abnormalities in the left hemisphere

Prompt: Mark right hemisphere lesions

Prompt: Find the hypointense abnormalities in the brainstem

Prompt: Delineate hypointense lesions in the ACA territory

Prompt: Seg right caudate lesion

Prompt: Find the right hemisphere lesions

Prompt: Mark the lesions in the ACA

Prompt: Delineate the hypointensity

Prompt: Segment the hyperintense abnormalities in the MCA territory

Prompt: Mark left ACA hyperintense lesions

Prompt: Mark the left MCA territory signal abnormalities

Prompt: Show me the right hemisphere lesion

Prompt: Segment the signal abnormality in the PCA

Prompt: Segment the signal abnormalities in the left putamen

Prompt: Segment the left hemisphere lesions

Prompt: Label caudate hypointensity

Prompt: Show me left temporal lobe signal abnormality

Prompt: Highlight ACA territory hypointense abnormality

Prompt: Demarcate lesion in the left PCA territory

Prompt: Find occipital lobe hypointense tissue

Prompt: Demarcate the signal abnormality in the right occipital lobe

Prompt: Highlight lesion in the left thalamus

Prompt: Find the right hemisphere lesion

Prompt: Show us hypointensities

Prompt: Segment signal abnormality in the MCA

Prompt: Label the thalamus lesions

Prompt: Segment the lesion in the MCA territory

Prompt: Find the left hemisphere signal abnormality

Prompt: Mark right hemisphere hyperintensities

Prompt: Find right hemisphere hypointensity

Prompt: Demarcate the PCA hyperintense lesions in the right hemisphere

Prompt: Segment the hypointense abnormality in the caudate

Prompt: Find the caudate lesion

Prompt: Mark occipital lobe lesions

Prompt: Show us hypointense tissues

Prompt: Label hypointense tissues in the brainstem

Prompt: Seg right hemisphere hyperintense signal

Prompt: Label the hyperintense abnormality in the parietal lobe

Prompt: Segment the hyperintense lesion in the left cerebellum

Prompt: Segment signal abnormality in the PCA territory

Prompt: Segment the MCA hyperintense abnormality in the right hemisphere

Prompt: Show us MCA territory lesion

Prompt: Show me temporal lobe lesion

Prompt: Highlight occipital lobe hyperintense lesion

Prompt: Segment the right globus pallidus signal abnormality

Prompt: Mark the left hemisphere lesions

Prompt: Segment MCA signal abnormalities in the left hemisphere

Prompt: Delineate left hemisphere signal abnormality

Prompt: Mark the MCA territory lesions in the right hemisphere

Prompt: Label the right hemisphere hypointense tissues

Prompt: Show us right temporal lobe hyperintense tissue

Prompt: Seg hyperintense tissues in the left globus pallidus

Prompt: Segment the hyperintensities

Prompt: Label the lesions in the caudate

Prompt: Mark the left cerebellum signal abnormality

Prompt: Seg the left cerebellum hypointense lesions

Prompt: Show me hyperintensity in the left caudate

Prompt: Demarcate the globus pallidus hypointense signal

Prompt: Find hyperintense lesions

Prompt: Seg the signal abnormality in the left MCA

Prompt: Find the signal abnormality in the caudate

Prompt: Find right hemisphere hypointense signal

Prompt: Segment the left putamen hyperintense tissues

Prompt: Label the thalamus lesion

Prompt: Delineate the hyperintense signal in the right cerebellum

Prompt: Segment hypointense lesion in the ACA

Prompt: Show us the thalamus hypointensity

Prompt: Label the hypointense abnormality in the frontal lobe

Prompt: Highlight hyperintense abnormality

Prompt: Seg the right frontal lobe signal abnormalities

Prompt: Show us the hyperintense lesions

Prompt: Seg the MCA hyperintense lesion

Prompt: Segment the brainstem hypointense tissue

Prompt: Segment right hemisphere hypointense abnormalities

Prompt: Label PCA lesion

Prompt: Seg the hyperintense tissues

Prompt: Seg hypointensity

Prompt: Demarcate right hemisphere hyperintensity

Prompt: Segment lesion in the left thalamus

Prompt: Mark the signal abnormalities in the right frontal lobe

Prompt: Label the hyperintensities in the right MCA territory