#!/bin/bash # fsl_sub_mgh # (This script was modified from FSL's fsl_sub by Anastasia Yendiki) # Copyright (C) 2007 University of Oxford # Authors: Dave Flitney & Stephen Smith # Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library # http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl # fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk # # Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance # Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford # University, Oxford, UK # # # LICENCE # # FMRIB Software Library, Release 4.0 (c) 2007, The University of # Oxford (the "Software") # # The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the # University"). # # The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for # non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order # that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for # the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University # makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any # warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, # or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use # under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims # all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It # further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using # the Software. # # The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the # University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and # liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for # negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the # Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. # # No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or # transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, # without the express permission of the University. The permission of # the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, # transmission or transference is done without financial return, the # conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the # product, and all original and amended source code is included in any # transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any # copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to # abide by these terms and conditions. # # You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software # commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be # defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part # of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license # by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the # Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of # developing software products for sale or license to a third party or # (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the # final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a # third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an # external organisation for which payment is received. If you are # interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis # Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the # University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: # innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/1112. ########################################################################### # Edit this file in order to setup FSL to use your local compute # cluster. ########################################################################### ########################################################################### # The following section determines what to do when fsl_sub is called # by an FSL program. If it finds a local cluster if will pass the # commands onto the cluster. Otherwise it will run the commands # itself. There are two values for the METHOD variable, "SGE" and # "NONE". You should setup the tests to look for whether the calling # computer can see your cluster setup scripts, and run them (if that's # what you want, i.e. if you haven't already run them in the user's # login scripts). Note that these tests look for the environment # variable SGE_ROOT, which a user can unset if they don't want the # cluster to be used. ########################################################################### METHOD=SGE if [ "x$SGE_ROOT" = "x" ] ; then if [ -f /usr/local/share/sge/default/common/settings.sh ] ; then . /usr/local/share/sge/default/common/settings.sh elif [ -f /usr/local/sge/default/common/settings.sh ] ; then . /usr/local/sge/default/common/settings.sh elif [ -d /pbs ] && [ -z $PBS_JOBID ] ; then # For PBS (AY) METHOD=PBS if [ "x$MYPBSQUEUE" = "x" ] ; then MYPBSQUEUE=default fi if [ "x$MYPBSMAXJOBS" = "x" ] ; then MYPBSMAXJOBS=40 fi if [ "x$MYPBSWAIT" = "x" ] ; then MYPBSWAIT=20 fi elif [ -f /usr/bin/srun ] && [ -z $SLURM_JOB_ID ] ; then # For SLURM (AY) METHOD=SLURM if [ "x$MY_SLURM_PARTITION" = "x" ] ; then MY_SLURM_PARTITION=normal fi if [ "x$MY_SLURM_MAX_JOBS" = "x" ] ; then MY_SLURM_MAX_JOBS=200 fi if [ "x$MY_SLURM_WAIT" = "x" ] ; then MY_SLURM_WAIT=20 fi else METHOD=NONE fi fi ########################################################################### # The following auto-decides what cluster queue to use. The calling # FSL program will probably use the -T option when calling fsl_sub, # which tells fsl_sub how long (in minutes) the process is expected to # take (in the case of the -t option, how long each line in the # supplied file is expected to take). You need to setup the following # list to map ranges of timings into your cluster queues - it doesn't # matter how many you setup, that's up to you. ########################################################################### map_qname () { if [ $1 -le 20 ] ; then queue=veryshort.q elif [ $1 -le 120 ] ; then queue=short.q elif [ $1 -le 1440 ] ; then queue=long.q else queue=verylong.q fi #echo "Estimated time was $1 mins: queue name is $queue" } ########################################################################### # Don't change the following (but keep scrolling down!) ########################################################################### POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 export POSIXLY_CORRECT command=`basename $0` usage () { cat < $command gzip *.img *.hdr $command -q short.q gzip *.img *.hdr $command -a darwin regscript rawdata outputdir ... -T Estimated job length in minutes, used to auto-set queue name -q Possible values for are "verylong.q", "long.q" and "short.q". See below for details Default is "long.q". -a Architecture [e.g., darwin or lx24-amd64] -p Lower priority [0:-1024] default = 0 -M Who to email, default = `whoami`@fmrib.ox.ac.uk -j Place a hold on this task until job jid has completed -t Specify a task file of commands to execute in parallel -N Specify jobname as it will appear on queue -l Where to output logfiles -m Change the SGE mail options, see qsub for details -F Use flags embedded in scripts to set SGE queuing options -v Verbose mode. -s Change the PBS shell option, see pbsubmit for details This is a modified version of FSL's fsl_sub that is compatible with the PBS queueing system running on launchpad/seychelles. The above command line options work with SGE, but they may not all work with PBS. This modified version is only intended to work with bedpostx_mgh. EOF exit 1 } nargs=$# if [ $nargs -eq 0 ] ; then usage fi set -- `getopt T:q:a:p:M:j:t:N:Fvm:l:s: $*` result=$? if [ $result != 0 ] ; then echo "What? Your arguments make no sense!" fi if [ $nargs -eq 0 ] || [ $result != 0 ] ; then usage fi ########################################################################### # The following sets up the default queue name, which you may want to # change. It also sets up the basic emailing control. ########################################################################### mailto=`whoami` if [ $METHOD = SGE ] ; then queue=long.q MailOpts="as" elif [ $METHOD = PBS ] ; then # (AY) queue=$MYPBSQUEUE MailOpts="abe" if [ "x$MYPBSARCH" != "x" ] ; then pbs_arch="-l nodes=1:$MYPBSARCH" fi elif [ $METHOD = SLURM ] ; then # (AY) queue=$MY_SLURM_PARTITION MailOpts="ALL" if [ "x$MY_SLURM_ARCH" != "x" ] ; then slurm_arch="--constraint=$MY_SLURM_ARCH" fi fi ########################################################################### # In the following, you might want to change the behaviour of some # flags so that they prepare the right arguments for the actual # cluster queue submission program, in our case "qsub". # # -a sets is the cluster submission flag for controlling the required # hardware architecture (normally not set by the calling program) # # -p set the priority of the job - ignore this if your cluster # environment doesn't have priority control in this way. # # -j tells the cluster not to start this job until cluster job ID $jid # has completed. You will need this feature. # # -t will pass on to the cluster software the name of a text file # containing a set of commands to run in parallel; one command per # line. # # -N option determines what the command will be called when you list # running processes. # # -l tells the cluster what to call the standard output and standard # -error logfiles for the submitted program. ########################################################################### if [ -z $FSLSUBVERBOSE ] ; then verbose=0 else verbose=$FSLSUBVERBOSE; echo "METHOD=$METHOD : args=$@" >&2 fi scriptmode=0 while [ $1 != -- ] ; do case $1 in -T) map_qname $2 if [ $METHOD = PBS ] ; then # (AY) queue=$MYPBSQUEUE fi shift;; -q) queue=$2 shift;; -a) sge_arch="-l arch=$2" pbs_arch="-l nodes=1:$2" slurm_arch="--constraint=$2" shift;; -p) sge_priority="-p $2" pbs_priority="-p $2" shift;; -M) mailto=$2 shift;; -j) jid=$2 sge_hold="-hold_jid $jid" pbs_hold="-W depend=afterok:$jid" slurm_hold="--dependency=afterok:$jid" shift;; -t) taskfile=$2 tasks=`wc -l $taskfile | awk '{print $1}'` sge_tasks="-t 1-$tasks" # Split jobs in batches so that the total number of jobs running # at any given time does not exceed a user-specified maximum (AY) if [ $METHOD = PBS ] ; then # (AY) nbatch=$(($tasks/$MYPBSMAXJOBS + ($tasks%$MYPBSMAXJOBS > 0))) ninbatch=$(($tasks/$nbatch + ($tasks%$nbatch > 0))) pbs_tasks="" elif [ $METHOD = SLURM ] ; then # (AY) nbatch=$(($tasks/$MY_SLURM_MAX_JOBS + ($tasks%$MY_SLURM_MAX_JOBS > 0))) ninbatch=$(($tasks/$nbatch + ($tasks%$nbatch > 0))) slurm_tasks="--array 1-$nbatch" fi shift;; -N) JobName=$2; shift;; -m) MailOpts=$2; shift;; -s) pbs_shell="-s $2"; shift;; -l) LogOpts="-o $2 -e $2"; LogDir="${2}/"; mkdir -p $2; shift;; -F) scriptmode=1; ;; -v) verbose=1 ;; esac shift # next flag done shift ########################################################################### # Don't change the following (but keep scrolling down!) ########################################################################### if [ "x$JobName" = x ] ; then if [ "x$taskfile" != x ] ; then JobName=`basename $taskfile` else JobName=`basename $1` fi fi if [ "x$tasks" != x ] && [ ! -f "$taskfile" ] ; then echo $taskfile: invalid input! echo Should be a text file listing all the commands to run! exit -1 fi if [ "x$tasks" != "x" ] && [ "x$@" != "x" ] ; then echo $@ echo Spurious input after parsing command line! exit -1 fi case $METHOD in ########################################################################### # The following is the main call to the cluster, using the "qsub" SGE # program. If $tasks has not been set then qsub is running a single # command, otherwise qsub is processing a text file of parallel # commands. ########################################################################### SGE) if [ "x$tasks" = "x" ] ; then if [ $scriptmode -ne 1 ] ; then sge_command="qsub -V -cwd -shell n -b y -r y -q $queue -M $mailto -N $JobName -m $MailOpts $LogOpts $sge_arch $sge_hold" else sge_command="qsub $LogOpts $sge_arch $sge_hold" fi if [ $verbose -eq 1 ] ; then echo sge_command: $sge_command >&2 echo executing: $@ >&2 fi exec $sge_command $@ | awk '{print $3}' else sge_command="qsub -V -cwd -q $queue -M $mailto -N $JobName -m $MailOpts $LogOpts $sge_arch $sge_hold $sge_tasks" if [ $verbose -eq 1 ] ; then echo sge_command: $sge_command >&2 echo control file: $taskfile >&2 fi exec $sge_command <&2 fi jobid=`exec pbsubmit -o "$qsubopts" -c "$cmdline" $pbs_arch $pbs_shell | tail -n 1` echo $jobid | awk -v FS=. '{print $1}' else if [ "x$LogDir" != x ] ; then cp /dev/null $LogDir/joblist fi k=0 while [ $k -lt $ninbatch ]; do j=$k pbs_hold_previous=$pbs_hold while [ $j -lt $tasks ]; do taskno=`printf '%04d' $j` qsubopts="-V -r y -q $queue -M $mailto -m $MailOpts" qsubopts="$qsubopts -N ${JobName}_$taskno" qsubopts="$qsubopts $pbs_hold_previous" #qsubopts="$qsubopts $LogOpts" let lineno=j+1 cmdline=`sed -n -e "$lineno p" $taskfile` if [ $verbose -eq 1 ] ; then echo pbsubmit -o \"$qsubopts\" -c \"$cmdline\" $pbs_arch $pbs_shell >&2 fi jobid=`exec pbsubmit -o "$qsubopts" -c "$cmdline" $pbs_arch $pbs_shell | tail -n 1` jobid=`echo $jobid | awk -v FS=. '{print $1}'` pbs_hold_previous="-W depend=afterok:$jobid" if [ "x$LogDir" != x ] ; then echo ${JobName}_$taskno $jobid >> $LogDir/joblist fi let j=j+ninbatch sleep $MYPBSWAIT done pbs_hold_last="$pbs_hold_last $jobid" let k=k+1 done # Return colon-separated list of job IDs: # This will allow the list to be passed as a single argument # to a potential next call of fsl_sub (e.g. $bedpostid in bedpostx). echo $pbs_hold_last | sed -e "s/ /:/g" fi # Check for jobs that are held and release them: # Jobs are held if the jobs they depend on do not exist # (e.g., in bedpostx, when a single-slice job happens to # be submitted after the preprocessing job has already ended) user=`whoami` heldjobs=(`qstat -u $user | grep -w H | awk -v FS=. '{print $1}'`) if [ ! -z $heldjobs ] ; then qrls ${heldjobs[*]} fi ;; ########################################################################### # The following has been modified from "SGE)" above to submit jobs # on a cluster using SLURM. (AY) ########################################################################### SLURM) if [ "x$tasks" = "x" ] ; then if [ "x$LogDir" = "x" ] ; then slurm_log="--output=$LogDir/slurm-%j.out" slurm_log="$slurm_log --error=$LogDir/slurm-%j.err" fi if [ $scriptmode -ne 1 ] ; then slurm_command="srun --partition $queue --mail-user $mailto --job-name $JobName --mail-type $MailOpts $slurm_log $slurm_arch $slurm_hold" else slurm_command="srun $slurm_log $slurm_arch $slurm_hold" fi if [ $verbose -eq 1 ] ; then echo slurm_command: $slurm_command >&2 echo executing: $@ >&2 fi exec $slurm_command $@ | awk '{print $NF}' else if [ "x$LogDir" = "x" ] ; then slurm_log="--output=$LogDir/slurm-%A_%a.out" slurm_log="$slurm_log --error=$LogDir/slurm-%A_%a.err" fi slurm_command="sbatch --partition $queue --mail-user $mailto --job-name $JobName --mail-type $MailOpts $slurm_log $slurm_arch $slurm_hold $slurm_tasks" if [ $verbose -eq 1 ] ; then echo slurm_command: $slurm_command >&2 echo control file: $taskfile >&2 fi exec $slurm_command <&2 fi /bin/sh < ${LogDir}${JobName}.o$$ 2> ${LogDir}${JobName}.e$$ $@ EOF1 else if [ $verbose -eq 1 ] ; then echo "Running commands in: $taskfile" >&2 fi n=1 while [ $n -le $tasks ] ; do line=`sed -n -e ''${n}'p' $taskfile` if [ $verbose -eq 1 ] ; then echo executing: $line >&2 fi /bin/sh < ${LogDir}${JobName}.o$$.$n 2> ${LogDir}${JobName}.e$$.$n $line EOF2 n=`expr $n + 1` done fi echo $$ ;; esac ########################################################################### # Done. ###########################################################################