#! /bin/tcsh -f # # getfullpath # # Returns the full path name to the given file # # # Copyright © 2021 The General Hospital Corporation (Boston, MA) "MGH" # # Terms and conditions for use, reproduction, distribution and contribution # are found in the 'FreeSurfer Software License Agreement' contained # in the file 'LICENSE' found in the FreeSurfer distribution, and here: # # https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FreeSurferSoftwareLicense # # Reporting: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu # # if($#argv < 1) then echo "getfullpath filename" exit 1; endif set fname = $argv[1]; set dirname = `dirname $fname`; if(! -e $dirname) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $dirname" exit 1; endif pushd $dirname > /dev/null set dirname = `pwd`; set base = `basename $fname`; echo $dirname/$base exit 0