#! /bin/tcsh -f # # mris_preproc # # Script to prepare surface-based data for high-level analysis by # resampling surface or volume source data to a common sujbect (usually # an average subject) and then concatenating them into one file which # can then be used by a number of programs (eg, mri_glmfit). # # Original Author: Doug Greve # # Copyright © 2021 The General Hospital Corporation (Boston, MA) "MGH" # # Terms and conditions for use, reproduction, distribution and contribution # are found in the 'FreeSurfer Software License Agreement' contained # in the file 'LICENSE' found in the FreeSurfer distribution, and here: # # https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FreeSurferSoftwareLicense # # Reporting: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu # # # setenv FIX_VERTEX_AREA set VERSION = 'mris_preproc dev'; set PrintHelp = 0; set subjlist = (); set meas = (); set measdir = () set isplist = (); set ivplist = (); set irplist = (); set srcfmt = (); set target = fsaverage set surfdir = surf set mapmethod = "" set fwhmsrc = (); set fwhmtarg = (); set niterssrc = (); set niterstarg = (); set projfrac = (); set projfracmax = (); set projfracavg = (); set V2SMaskNonCtx = 1; set outpath = (); set paireddiff = 0; set paireddiffnorm = 0; set paireddiffnorm1 = 0; set paireddiffnorm2 = 0; set catmean = 0; set catstd = 0; set synth = 0; set srcsurf = 0; set srcvol = 0; set tmpdir = (); set cleanup = 1; set RunIt = 1; set LF = (); set reshape = 0; set sval = (); set svalsurf = (); set hash = 1; set jac = 0; set NoJac = 0; set CacheOutFile = (); set CacheOutOnly = 0; set CacheOutUpdate = 0; set CacheIn = 0; set MeasIn = 0; set outdir = (); set CortexOnly = 1; set DoXHemi = 0; set DoXHemiOnly = 0; # do not include the non-xhemi set DualHemi = 0; set subjlistfile = (); set fsgdf = (); set outstem = () set format = mgh set DoETIV = 0; # scale each subject by ETIV as found in aseg.stats set DoPrune = 1; set SessFile = (); set SessDirFile = (); set FSFAnalysis = (); set FSFContrast = (); set FSFMap = ces set DoFSFCVar = 0; set DoFSFOffset = 0; set srchemi = (); set trghemi = (); set SrcSurfReg = sphere.reg set TrgSurfReg = sphere.reg set nolog = 0; set cmdargs = ($argv); if($#argv == 0) goto usage_exit; set n = `echo $argv | egrep -e --help | wc -l` if($n != 0) then set PrintHelp = 1; goto usage_exit; exit 1; endif set n = `echo $argv | egrep -e --version | wc -l` if($n != 0) then echo $VERSION exit 0; endif source $FREESURFER_HOME/sources.csh # Parse the command-line arguments goto parse_args; parse_args_return: # Handle FSFAST if needed goto handle_fsfast; handle_fsfast_return: # Check the command-line arguments goto check_params; check_params_return: set nsubjects = $#subjlist; if($srcsurf) set geom = surface if($srcvol) set geom = volume if(! $CacheOutOnly) then # Check for analyze and nifti output format isanalyze $outpath >& /dev/null if($status) then if(! $reshape) then set reshape = 1 echo "INFO: output detected as analyze, turning on reshaping" endif endif isnifti $outpath >& /dev/null if($status) then if(! $reshape) then set reshape = 1 echo "INFO: output detected as nifti, turning on reshaping" endif endif # Create the output directory set outdir = `dirname $outpath`; mkdir -p $outdir if($status) then echo "ERROR: creating $outdir" exit 1; endif endif # Create the tmpdir if($#tmpdir == 0) set tmpdir = $outdir/tmp.mris_preproc.$$ echo tmpdir is $tmpdir pwd mkdir -p $tmpdir if($status) then echo "ERROR: creating $tmpdir" exit 1; endif # Log file if(! $nolog) then if($#LF == 0) then if(! $CacheOutOnly) set LF = $outstem.mris_preproc.log if($CacheOutOnly) set LF = mris_preproc.$geom.$trghemi.log if(-e $LF) mv $LF $LF.bak endif else set LF = /dev/null endif echo "Log file is $LF" date | tee -a $LF echo "setenv SUBJECTS_DIR $SUBJECTS_DIR" | tee -a $LF echo "cd `pwd`" | tee -a $LF echo $0 $cmdargs | tee -a $LF echo "" | tee -a $LF uname -a | tee -a $LF echo $VERSION | tee -a $LF cat $FREESURFER_HOME/build-stamp.txt | tee -a $LF echo "tmpdir is $tmpdir" | tee -a $LF echo "Src $srchemi $SrcSurfReg" | tee -a $LF echo "Trg $trghemi $TrgSurfReg" | tee -a $LF echo "" | tee -a $LF set tvallist = (); @ nthsubj = 0; foreach subj ($subjlist) @ nthsubj = $nthsubj + 1; echo "\n\n" | tee -a $LF echo "---------------------------------------------------" | tee -a $LF echo "#@# $nthsubj/$#subjlist $subj `date` --------------" | tee -a $LF set subjpath = $SUBJECTS_DIR/$subj set ETIV = 1; if($DoETIV) then set asegstats = $subjpath/stats/aseg.stats if(! -e $asegstats) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $asegstats, needed for --etiv" exit 1; endif set ETIV = `grep EstimatedTotalIntraCranialVol $asegstats | awk '{print $9}' | sed 's/,/ /g'` echo "$subj ETIV = $ETIV" | tee -a $LF endif if($CacheOutOnly && $CacheOutUpdate) then if($trghemi == $srchemi) then set tcache = $subjpath/$surfdir/$trghemi.$CacheOutFile else set tcache = $subjpath/$surfdir/$trghemi.$srchemi.$CacheOutFile endif if(-e $tcache) continue; endif if($CacheIn) then # Input has been cached set tval = $subjpath/$surfdir/$srchemi.$meas.$format if(! -e $tval) then echo "ERROR: cannot find cached file $tval" exit 1; endif else # Input has NOT been cached, create if($srcvol) then # Source is a volume, run mri_vol2surf set srcsurfpath = $tmpdir/subjsurfvals.$format set vol = $ivplist[$nthsubj]; set reg = $irplist[$nthsubj]; set cmd = (mri_vol2surf --src $vol --srcreg $reg --hemi $srchemi) set cmd = ($cmd --out $srcsurfpath) if($#projfrac) set cmd = ($cmd --projfrac $projfrac) if($#projfracmax) set cmd = ($cmd --projfrac-max $projfracmax) if($#projfracmax) set cmd = ($cmd --projfrac-avg $projfracavg) if($V2SMaskNonCtx) set cmd = ($cmd --cortex) if($synth) set cmd = ($cmd --srcsynth -1) # Synth if desired if($reshape) set cmd = ($cmd --reshape); if(! $reshape) set cmd = ($cmd --noreshape); echo "-----------------------"| tee -a $LF echo $cmd | tee -a $LF if($RunIt) $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; else # Source is already a surface if($#meas || $#sval) then set srcsurfpath = $subjpath/$measdir/$srchemi.$meas if(! -e $srcsurfpath) then if(-e $subjpath/$measdir/$srchemi.$meas.mgz) then set srcsurfpath = $subjpath/$measdir/$srchemi.$meas.mgz endif endif if(! -e $srcsurfpath) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $srcsurfpath" |& tee -a $LF exit 1; endif ls -l $srcsurfpath |& tee -a $LF else set srcsurfpath = $isplist[$nthsubj]; endif endif # Now srcsurfpath file exists, convert it to the target subject set subjtmp = `echo $subj | sed 's/\//./g'`; # Hack to handle xhemi subdirs set tval = $tmpdir/$subjtmp.$nthsubj.$format set cmd = (mri_surf2surf $mapmethod) set cmd = ($cmd --srcsubject $subj --srchemi $srchemi --srcsurfreg $SrcSurfReg) set cmd = ($cmd --trgsubject $target --trghemi $trghemi --trgsurfreg $TrgSurfReg) if($DualHemi) set cmd = ($cmd --dual-hemi) if($DoETIV) set cmd = ($cmd --div $ETIV) set cmd = ($cmd --tval $tval) if($#sval == 0) then set cmd = ($cmd --sval $srcsurfpath) else set cmd = ($cmd --sval-$sval $svalsurf) endif if($jac) set cmd = ($cmd --jac) if($#srcfmt && $#sval == 0) set cmd = ($cmd --sfmt $srcfmt) if($synth && ! $srcvol) set cmd = ($cmd --synth) # Synth if desired, vol done above if($#fwhmsrc) set cmd = ($cmd --fwhm-src $fwhmsrc) # Smth in the targ space below if($#niterssrc) set cmd = ($cmd --nsmooth-in $niterssrc) # Smth in the targ space below if($reshape) set cmd = ($cmd --reshape); if(! $reshape) set cmd = ($cmd --noreshape); if(! $hash) set cmd = ($cmd --nohash); if($CortexOnly) set cmd = ($cmd --cortex) if(! $CortexOnly) set cmd = ($cmd --no-cortex) echo "-----------------------"| tee -a $LF echo $cmd | tee -a $LF if($RunIt) $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; endif # if($CacheIn) then # Copy/smooth resampled data to CacheOutFile if($#CacheOutFile) then if($trghemi == $srchemi) then set tcache = $subjpath/$surfdir/$trghemi.$CacheOutFile.$format else set tcache = $subjpath/$surfdir/$trghemi.$srchemi.$CacheOutFile.$format endif # Smooth in the target space # Need to add pruning here, ie, mask out any zero-valued voxels # before smoothing in addtion to the cortex mask if($#fwhmtarg || $#niterstarg) then set cmd = (mri_surf2surf --hemi $trghemi --s $target ) set cmd = ($cmd --sval $tval) set cmd = ($cmd --tval $tcache) if($#fwhmtarg) set cmd = ($cmd --fwhm-trg $fwhmtarg) if($#niterstarg) set cmd = ($cmd --nsmooth-out $niterstarg) if($reshape) set cmd = ($cmd --reshape); if(! $reshape) set cmd = ($cmd --noreshape); if($CortexOnly) set cmd = ($cmd --cortex) if(! $CortexOnly) set cmd = ($cmd --no-cortex) echo "-----------------------"| tee -a $LF echo $cmd | tee -a $LF if($RunIt) $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; echo "\n\n" | tee -a $LF else # Does this work? if($trghemi == $srchemi) then set cmd = (cp $tval $subjpath/$surfdir/$trghemi.$CacheOutFile.$format) else set cmd = (cp $tval $subjpath/$surfdir/$trghemi.$srchemi.$CacheOutFile.$format) endif echo "-----------------------"| tee -a $LF echo $cmd | tee -a $LF if($RunIt) $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; echo "\n\n" | tee -a $LF endif endif # Prepare to concatenate them set tvallist = ($tvallist $tval) end echo "\n\n" | tee -a $LF if(! $CacheOutOnly) then # Now concatenate all the inputs together set cmd = (mri_concat $tvallist --o $outpath) if($paireddiff) set cmd = ($cmd --paired-diff --prune); if($paireddiffnorm) set cmd = ($cmd --paired-diff-norm --prune); if($paireddiffnorm1) set cmd = ($cmd --paired-diff-norm1 --prune); if($paireddiffnorm2) set cmd = ($cmd --paired-diff-norm2 --prune); if($catmean) set cmd = ($cmd --mean --prune); if($catstd) set cmd = ($cmd --std --prune); if($DoPrune == 0) set cmd = ($cmd --no-prune); # must be last echo "-----------------------"| tee -a $LF echo $cmd | tee -a $LF if($RunIt) $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; echo "\n\n" | tee -a $LF # Smooth in the target space if($#fwhmtarg || $#niterstarg) then set cmd = (mri_surf2surf --hemi $trghemi --s $target ) set cmd = ($cmd --sval $outpath) set cmd = ($cmd --tval $outpath) if($#fwhmtarg) set cmd = ($cmd --fwhm-trg $fwhmtarg) if($#niterstarg) set cmd = ($cmd --nsmooth-out $niterstarg) if($reshape) set cmd = ($cmd --reshape); if(! $reshape) set cmd = ($cmd --noreshape); if($CortexOnly) set cmd = ($cmd --cortex) if(! $CortexOnly) set cmd = ($cmd --no-cortex) echo "-----------------------"| tee -a $LF echo $cmd | tee -a $LF if($RunIt) $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; echo "\n\n" | tee -a $LF endif endif if($cleanup) then echo "Cleaning up" | tee -a $LF set cmd = (rm -r $tmpdir) echo "-----------------------"| tee -a $LF echo $cmd | tee -a $LF $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; endif date | tee -a $LF echo "mris_preproc done"| tee -a $LF exit 0 #----------------------------------------------------------# ############--------------################## parse_args: set cmdline = ($argv); while( $#argv != 0 ) set flag = $argv[1]; shift; switch($flag) case "--subject": case "--s": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set subjlist = ($subjlist $argv[1]); shift; breaksw case "--f": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set subjlistfile = $argv[1]; shift; if(! -e $subjlistfile) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $subjlistfile"; exit 1; endif set subjlist = ($subjlist `cat $subjlistfile`); breaksw case "--fsgd": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set fsgdf = $argv[1]; shift; if(! -e $fsgdf) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $fsgdf"; exit 1; endif set sl = `cat $fsgdf | awk '{if($1 == "Input") print $2}'`; set subjlist = ($subjlist $sl); breaksw case "--qdec-long": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set fsgdf = $argv[1]; shift; if(! -e $fsgdf) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $fsgdf"; exit 1; endif # replace \r with \n (windows and mac) then skip empty lines, header and comments set sl = `tr '\r' '\n' < $fsgdf | awk '{if ($1 != "" && $1 != "fsid" && substr($1,0,1) != "#") printf("%s.long.%s\n", $1, $2)}'`; set subjlist = ($subjlist $sl); breaksw case "--qdec": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set fsgdf = $argv[1]; shift; if(! -e $fsgdf) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $fsgdf"; exit 1; endif # replace \r with \n (windows and mac) then skip empty lines, header and comments set sl = `tr '\r' '\n' < $fsgdf | awk '{if ($1 != "" && $1 != "fsid" && substr($1,0,1) != "#") print $1}'`; set subjlist = ($subjlist $sl); breaksw case "--meas": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set meas = $argv[1]; shift; set srcsurf = 1; set srcfmt = curv; set MeasIn = 1; breaksw case "--label": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set meas = $argv[1]; shift; set measdir = label; set mapmethod = "--mapmethod nnf" set jac = 0; set srcsurf = 1; set srcfmt = () set MeasIn = 1; breaksw case "--cache-in": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set meas = $argv[1]; shift; set srcsurf = 1; set CacheIn = 1; # dont set format breaksw case "--area": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set svalsurf = $argv[1]; shift; set sval = area; set srcsurf = 1; set jac = 1; breaksw case "--tal-xyz": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set svalsurf = $argv[1]; shift; set sval = tal-xyz set srcsurf = 1; breaksw case "--jac": set jac = 1; breaksw case "--no-jac": set jac = 0; set NoJac = 1; breaksw case "--surfreg": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set SrcSurfReg = $argv[1]; shift; set TrgSurfReg = $SrcSurfReg; breaksw case "--srcsurfreg": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set SrcSurfReg = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--trgsurfreg": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set TrgSurfReg = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--srcfmt": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set srcfmt = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--surfdir": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set surfdir = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--measdir": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set measdir = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--isp": # Input surface path case "--is": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set isp = $argv[1];shift; if(! -e $isp) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $isp" exit 1; endif set isplist = ($isplist $isp); set srcsurf = 1; breaksw case "--iv": # Input volume path case "--ivp": if($#argv < 2) goto arg2err; set ivp = $argv[1];shift; if(! -e $ivp) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $ivp" exit 1; endif set irp = $argv[1];shift; if(! -e "$irp") then echo "ERROR: cannot find $irp" exit 1; endif set ivplist = ($ivplist $ivp); set irplist = ($irplist $irp); set subj = `reg2subject --r $irp`; set subjlist = ($subjlist $subj); set srcvol = 1; breaksw case "--hemi": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set srchemi = $argv[1]; shift; set trghemi = $srchemi; breaksw case "--no-mask-non-cortex": set V2SMaskNonCtx = 0; breaksw case "--srchemi": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set srchemi = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--trghemi": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set trghemi = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--dual-hemi": set DualHemi = 1; breaksw case "--etiv": set DoETIV = 1; breaksw case "--no-prune": set DoPrune = 0; breaksw case "--target": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set target = $argv[1]; shift; # This logic will not reset SrcSurfReg with target fsavergeX set fsatest = `echo $target | cut -c 1-9` if($fsatest != fsaverage) set SrcSurfReg = $target.sphere.reg breaksw case "--fwhm-src": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set fwhmsrc = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--niters-src": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set niterssrc = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--fwhm-targ": case "--fwhm": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set fwhmtarg = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--niters-targ": case "--niters": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set niterstarg = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--cortex-only" case "--smooth-cortex-only" set CortexOnly = 1; breaksw; case "--no-cortex-only" case "--no-smooth-cortex-only" set CortexOnly = 0; breaksw; case "--projfrac": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set projfrac = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--projfrac-max": if ( $#argv < 3) goto arg3err; set projfracmax = ($argv[1] $argv[2] $argv[3]); shift; shift; shift; breaksw case "--projfrac-avg": if ( $#argv < 3) goto arg3err; set projfracavg = ($argv[1] $argv[2] $argv[3]); shift; shift; shift; breaksw case "--o": case "--out": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set outpath = $argv[1]; shift; # Make sure format is recognized set outstem = `fname2stem $outpath` if($status) then echo "ERROR: format for $outpath not recognized" exit 1 endif breaksw case "--SUBJECTS_DIR": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; setenv SUBJECTS_DIR $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--sf": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set SessFile = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--df": case "--sd": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set SessDirFile = $argv[1]; shift; if(! -f $SessDirFile) then echo "ERROR: cannot find SessDirFile $SessDirFile" exit 1; endif breaksw case "--analysis": case "--a": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set FSFAnalysis = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--contrast": case "--c": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set FSFContrast = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--map": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set FSFMap = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--offset": set DoFSFOffset=1; set FSFMap = h-offset breaksw case "--cvar": set DoFSFCVar=1; set FSFMap = cesvar breaksw case "--cache-out": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set CacheOutFile = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--cache-out-update": if( $#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set tmpdir = $argv[1]; shift; set tmpdir = $tmpdir/tmp.mris_preproc.$$ echo tmpdir $tmpdir set CacheOutOnly = 1; set CacheOutUpdate = 1; breaksw case "--cache-out-only": if( $#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set tmpdir = $argv[1]; shift; echo tmpdir $tmpdir set CacheOutOnly = 1; breaksw case "--mgz": set format = mgz breaksw case "--mgh": set format = mgh breaksw case "--log": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set LF = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--tmpdir": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set tmpdir = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "--mean": set catmean = 1; breaksw case "--std": set catstd = 1; breaksw case "--paired-diff": set paireddiff = 1; breaksw case "--xhemi": set DoXHemi = 1; breaksw case "--xhemi-only": set DoXHemi = 1; set DoXHemiOnly = 1; breaksw case "--paired-diff-norm": set paireddiffnorm = 1; breaksw case "--paired-diff-norm1": set paireddiffnorm1 = 1; breaksw case "--paired-diff-norm2": set paireddiffnorm2 = 1; breaksw case "--synth": set synth = 1; breaksw case "--reshape": set reshape = 1; breaksw case "--no-hash": set hash = 0; breaksw case "--dontrun": set RunIt = 0; breaksw case "--nolog": set nolog = 1; breaksw case "--cleanup": set cleanup = 1; breaksw case "--nocleanup": set cleanup = 0; breaksw case "--nocleanup": set cleanup = 0; breaksw case "--debug": set verbose = 1; set echo = 1; # turns on terminal echoing set debug = 1; breaksw default: echo "ERROR: flag $flag not recognized" exit 1; breaksw endsw end goto parse_args_return; ############--------------################## ############--------------################## handle_fsfast: if($#SessFile) then # FS-Fast Session File if($#FSFAnalysis == 0) then echo "ERROR: need to specify --analysis with --sf" exit 1; endif if($DoFSFOffset && $#FSFContrast != 0) then echo "ERROR: cannot specify both --offset and --contrast" exit 1; endif if(! $DoFSFOffset && $#FSFContrast == 0) then echo "ERROR: need to specify --contrast or --offset with --sf" exit 1; endif # Get the info file for the fsd set infofile = $FSFAnalysis/analysis.info if(! -e $infofile) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $infofile" |& tee -a $LF exit 1; endif set fsd = `cat $infofile | awk '{if($1 == "fsd") print $2}'`; # Get the paths to the sessions set cmd = (getsesspath -sf $SessFile); if($#SessDirFile) set cmd = ($cmd -df $SessDirFile); set SessList = (`$cmd`) if($status || $#SessList == 0) then echo $cmd echo "$SessList" exit 1; endif # Go thru each session, get the input volume and register.dat @ nthsess = 1; set fsfsubjects = (); set ivplist = (); set irplist = (); foreach sess ($SessList) set anadir = $sess/$fsd/$FSFAnalysis set map = `stem2fname $anadir/$FSFContrast/$FSFMap` if($status) then echo "$map" exit 1; endif # should check that map has only one frame set reg = $sess/$fsd/register.dat if(! -e $reg) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $reg" exit 1; endif set subject = `reg2subject --r $reg`; set fsfsubjects = ($fsfsubjects $subject); set ivplist = ($ivplist $map); set irplist = ($irplist $reg); @ nthsess = $nthsess + 1; end # Check subjlist against fsfast subjects if($#subjlist == 0) set subjlist = ($fsfsubjects) if($#subjlist != $#fsfsubjects) then echo "ERROR: number of subjects does not equal the number" echo " of input fsfast sessions" exit 1; endif @ nthsess = 1; foreach subj ($subjlist) set fsfsubj = $fsfsubjects[$nthsess] if($subj != $fsfsubj) then echo "ERROR: $nthsess mismatch: $subj vs $fsfsubj" exit 1; endif @ nthsess = $nthsess + 1; end set srcvol = 1; endif goto handle_fsfast_return; ############--------------################## check_params: if($#subjlistfile && $#ivplist) then echo "ERROR: do not use both --f and --iv " exit 1; endif if($#subjlistfile && $#fsgdf) then echo "ERROR: do not use both --f and --fsgd " exit 1; endif if($#ivplist && $#fsgdf) then echo "ERROR: do not use both --iv and --fsgd " exit 1; endif if($#subjlist == 0) then echo "ERROR: no subjects specified" exit 1; endif if($#srchemi == 0) then echo "ERROR: no source hemi specified" exit 1; endif if($#trghemi == 0) then echo "ERROR: no hemi specified" exit 1; endif if($#outpath == 0 && ! $CacheOutOnly) then echo "ERROR: no output specified" exit 1; endif if($#target == 0) then echo "ERROR: no target subject specified" exit 1; endif if($#measdir == 0) set measdir = $surfdir if(! -e $SUBJECTS_DIR) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $SUBJECTS_DIR" exit 1; endif if(! -e $SUBJECTS_DIR/$target) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $target in $SUBJECTS_DIR" exit 1; endif if($srcsurf == 0 && $srcvol == 0 && $#sval == 0) then echo "ERROR: no input specified" exit 1; endif if($srcsurf && $srcvol) then echo "ERROR: cannot use both surface and volume sources" exit 1; endif if($srcsurf && ($#projfrac != 0 || $#projfracmax != 0 || $#projfracavg != 0)) then echo "ERROR: can only use projfrac with volume-based sources" exit 1; endif if($catmean && $catstd) then echo "ERROR: cannot specify both --mean and --std" exit 1; endif if($#meas && $#isplist) then echo "ERROR: cannot specify both --meas and --is" exit 1; endif if($MeasIn && $CacheIn) then echo "ERROR: cannot specify both --meas and --cache-in" exit 1; endif if($#ivplist != 0) then if($#ivplist != $#subjlist) then echo "ERROR: number of input volumes ($#ivplist) does not equal number of subjects ($#subjlist)" exit 1; endif endif if($#isplist != 0) then if($#isplist != $#subjlist) then echo "ERROR: number of input surfaces ($#isplist) does not equal number of subjects" exit 1; endif endif if($paireddiff && ! $DoXHemi) then set rem = `echo "$#subjlist%2" | bc`; if($rem != 0) then echo "ERROR: need an even number of subjects with --paired-diff" exit 1; endif endif if(! -e $SUBJECTS_DIR) then echo "ERROR: cannot find SUBJECTS_DIR $SUBJECTS_DIR" exit 1; endif # Add xhemi if($DoXHemi) then set tmplist = (); foreach subj ($subjlist) if($DoXHemiOnly) then set tmplist = ($tmplist $subj/xhemi) else if($srchemi == lh) set tmplist = ($tmplist $subj $subj/xhemi) if($srchemi == rh) set tmplist = ($tmplist $subj/xhemi $subj) endif end set subjlist = ($tmplist); endif echo "nsubjects = $#subjlist"; @ nthsubj = 1; foreach subj ($subjlist) set subjpath = $SUBJECTS_DIR/$subj if(! -e $subjpath) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $subjpath" exit 1; endif if($#meas) then if(! $CacheIn) set measpath = $subjpath/$measdir/$srchemi.$meas if($CacheIn) set measpath = $subjpath/$measdir/$srchemi.$meas.$format if(! -e $measpath) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $measpath" exit 1; endif endif if($#ivplist != 0) then set regfile = $irplist[$nthsubj]; set regsubj = `reg2subject --r $regfile`; if($regsubj != $subj) then echo "ERROR: subject mismatch for input $nthsubj ($regsubj vs $subj)" exit 1; endif endif @ nthsubj = $nthsubj + 1; end if($#fwhmsrc && $#niterssrc) then echo "ERROR: cannot specify both --fwhm-src and --niters-src" exit 1; endif if($#fwhmtarg && $#niterstarg) then echo "ERROR: cannot specify both --fwhm-targ and --niters-targ" exit 1; endif if($#projfrac && $#projfracmax) then echo "ERROR: cannot specify --projfrac and --projfrac-max" exit 1; endif if($#projfrac && $#projfracavg) then echo "ERROR: cannot specify --projfrac and --projfrac-avg" exit 1; endif if($#projfracmax && $#projfracavg) then echo "ERROR: cannot specify --projfrac-max and --projfrac-avg" exit 1; endif if(($meas == area || $meas == area.mid || \ $meas == area.pial || $meas == volume) && $NoJac == 0) then echo "INFO: turning on jacobican correction" set jac = 1; endif goto check_params_return; ############--------------################## ############--------------################## arg1err: echo "ERROR: flag $flag requires one argument" exit 1 ############--------------################## ############--------------################## arg2err: echo "ERROR: flag $flag requires two arguments" exit 1 ############--------------################## ############--------------################## arg3err: echo "ERROR: flag $flag requires three arguments" exit 1 ############--------------################## ############--------------################## usage_exit: echo "" echo "USAGE: mris_prepoc" echo "" echo " --out outfile" echo " --target TargetSubject (requires ?h.TargetSubject.sphere.reg)" echo " --hemi hemi " echo "" echo " --meas surfmeas" echo " --label annotname : look in label/hemi.annotname.(annot,mgz) and use mapmethod nnf" echo " --measdir subdir : look in subdir instead of surf" echo "" echo " --s subj1 <--s subj2 ... --s subjN>" echo " --fsgd fsgdfile" echo " --f subjectlistfile" echo " --qdec qdectable" echo " --qdec-long longitudinal qdectable" echo "" echo " --is surfmeasfile <--is surfmeasfile> " echo " --srcfmt fmt : source format" echo " --surfdir dirname : alternative directory (instead of surf)" echo " --tal-xyz surfname : output xyz in mni305 for each subject" echo "" echo " --iv volmeasfile reg <--iv volmeasfile reg>" echo " --projfrac frac : projection fraction for vol2surf" echo " --projfrac-max min max delta : find max along projection for vol2surf" echo " --projfrac-avg min max delta : compute average along projection for vol2surf" echo " --no-mask-non-cortex : do not mask out non-cortex in vol2surf" echo "" echo " --sf sessfile : fsfast session file" echo " --df sessdirfile : fsfast session directory file" echo " --analysis analysis : fsfast analysis" echo " --contrast constrast : fsfast contrast" echo " --cvar : use fsfast contrast variance (cesvar)" echo " --offset : use fsfast mean offset (h-offset)" echo " --map mapname : use fsfast contrast/map" echo "" echo " --etiv : divide each subject's value by the Estimated Total Intra Cranial Volume as found in aseg.stats" echo " --fwhm fwhm : smooth by fwhm mm on the target surface" echo " --fwhm-src fwhmsrc : smooth by fwhm mm on the source surface" echo "" echo " --niters niters : smooth by niters on the target surface" echo " --niters-src niterssrc : smooth by niters on the source surface" echo "" echo " --no-cortex-only : include meidal wall" echo " --cortex-only : exclude medial wall (default)" echo "" echo " --mgz : use mgz format internally (mainly good for caching)" echo "" echo " --no-jac : turn off jacobian correction (automatically turned on for" echo " area, area.mid, area.pial, and volume)" echo "" echo " --paired-diff" echo " --paired-diff-norm" echo " --paired-diff-norm1" echo " --paired-diff-norm2" echo "" echo " --cache-out cachefile" echo " --cache-in cachefile" echo " --cache-out-only tmpdir" echo " --cache-out-update tmpdir : implies --cache-out-only" echo "" echo " --no-prune : do not prune, ie, if any subject has a 0 in a vertex, that vertex " echo " is set to 0 (pruned) for all subjects; this flag turns pruning off" echo " --mean : compute the mean of all inputs" echo " --std : compute the standard deviation of all inputs" echo " --reshape : reshape spatial dimensions" echo " --surfreg SurfReg : default is sphere.reg" echo "" echo " --SUBJECTS_DIR SUBJECTS_DIR" echo " --synth" echo " --tmpdir dir : use tmpdir. Implies --nocleanup." echo " --nocleanup : do not delete tmpdir" echo " --cleanup : delete tmpdir (default)" echo " --log logfile : specify log file" echo " --nolog : do not create a log file" echo " --help : short descriptive help" echo " --version : script version info" echo " --debug " echo "" if(! $PrintHelp) exit 1; echo Version: $VERSION cat $0 | awk 'BEGIN{prt=0}{if(prt) print $0; if($1 == "BEGINHELP") prt = 1 }' exit 1; #---- Everything below here is printed out as part of help -----# BEGINHELP SUMMARY Script to prepare surface-based data for high-level analysis by resampling surface or volume source data to a common sujbect (usually an average subject) and then concatenating them into one file which can then be used by a number of programs (eg, mri_glmfit). COMMAND-LINE ARGUMENTS --out outfile Save output here. --target TargetSubject Subject to use as the common-space. All the input data will be resampled to the surface of this subject. TargetSubject is created with make_average_subject. Each input subject must have a surf/?h.TargetSubject.sphere.reg file. This can be created with surfreg --s inputsubject --t TargetSubject. --hemi hemi Use hemi for source and target surfaces. hemi can be lh or rh. --meas surfmeasure Use subject/surf/hemi.surfmeasure as input. For use with --s, --fsgd, or --f. Implies --srcfmt curv. --tal-xyz surfname Extract vertex mni305 xyz from subject/surf/hemi.surfname to use as input. For use with --s, --fsgd, or --f. surfname does not include hemi. Eg, white, pial. Creates 3 frames for each input subject. --s subjN Specify an input subject on the command-line. All subjects must be specified in this way on the command-line (ie, each with its own --s). For use with --meas. --fsgd fsgdfile Specify the list of input subjects from the fsgd file. The fsgd file can then be used with mri_glmfit (unless --paired-diff is specified). The subject list is obtained from the "Input" lines. See surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/docs/fsgdf.txt for more info. For use with --meas. --f subjlistfile List all subjects separated by white space in subjlistfile. This is just an alternative to using an fsgd file. For use with --meas. --qdec qdectable Specify list of subjects via qdec table file. It is assumed that the first column is the "fsid" (subject id). Rows starting with "#" are skipped. --qdec-long qdectable Specify list of subjects via longitudinal qdec table file. It is assumed that the first column is the "fsid" (subject_tp id) and the second is "fsid-base" that specifies the base name (fixed per subject). Internally longitudinal subject ids are created as .long.. Rows starting with "#" are skipped. --is surfmeasfile Specify full path to input surface measure file. This is an alternative to using --meas. This still requires that a subject list be supplied. --surfdir dirname Specify a directory other than the default /surf. Path must be at the same level as surf. Ex. --surfdir dtrans --srcfmt fmt Specify source format when using --is. This is mainly needed when the input format is not one recognized by mri_convert (eg, "curv" format that thickness files are in). --meas implies --srcfmt curv. Can also use "paint" or "w". --iv volmeasfile Specify full path to a volume file and its registration matrix file. The registration matrix file is of the type accepted/created by tkregister2. The volume is sampled to the surface, and the result is used as the input surface measure. This is an alternative to using --meas. This still requires that a subject list be supplied. The non-cortical area (eg in the medial wall) is set to 0 unless --no-mask-non-cortex is specified. --projfrac projfrac When sampling a volume onto the surface, sample a fraction of the thickness along the surface normal. projfrac is 0-1. Default is 0. --projfrac-max min max delta When sampling a volume onto the surface, return the maximum along the surface normal sampled at fractions of the thickness between min and max at increments of delta. Eg, 0 1 .1 means to sample every 10% of the thickness between the white and pial surfaces. Just passes the arguments to mri_vol2surf with the --projfrac-max flag. --fwhm fwhm Smooth the data on the target surface by fwhm mm. As a workflow strategy, it might make more sense to run it without any smoothing, and then use mri_surf2surf to smooth the output. That way you can smooth to whatever levels you want without having to re-run mris_preproc. --fwhm-src fwhm Smooth the data on the source surface by fwhm mm. It is better to do it on the target surface. --niters niters --niters-src niterssrc Smooth target or source by niters or nitersrc nearest neighbor iterations. This is an alternative to specifying the smoothing level with FWHM. --smooth-cortex-only Only applies with -qcache. Only smooth data if it is part of the ?h.cortex.label. This prevents values in the medial wall (which are meaningless) from being smoothed into cortical areas. At some point in the future, this will be the default and you will have to turn it off with -no-smooth-cortex-only. This documentation will reflect this change. --no-smooth-cortex-only Allow medial wall values to smooth into cortex (default). --paired-diff After concatenating all the inputs together, create a new output file by computing paired differences, ie, Input1-Input2, Input3-Input4, etc. There must be an even number of inputs. The inputs are "pruned" before taking the difference, meaning that values for all inputs are set to 0 if any individual is 0. --paired-diff-norm Same as --paired-diff, but normalizes by average of time points, ie, (Input1-Input2)/((Input1+Input2)/2). --paired-diff-norm1 Same as --paired-diff, but normalizes by time point 1, ie, (Input1-Input2)/Input1. --paired-diff-norm2 Same as --paired-diff, but normalizes by time point 2, ie, (Input1-Input2)/Input2. --cache-out cachefile --cache-in cachefile --cache-out-only tmpdir --cache-out-update tmpdir Unless you are planning to do some type of semi-real-time processing, you can ignore caching. With --cache-out cachefile, mris_preproc will save the data for each subject, after resampling to the target and smoothing, in the subjects surf directory as hemi.cachefile.mgh. In a subsequent call to mris_preproc, you can specify --cache-in cachefile, and the precomputed data will be used. If you are going to smooth your data at some point, do it when caching out. If you want to cache without actually creating an output, then --cache-out-only. You must supply a tmpdir, which will be deleted at the end of the script. None of the paired diff options will affect caching. --cache-out-update is the same as --cache-out-only except the output file will not be recreated if it already exists (does not check dates). mris_preproc --target fsaverage --hemi lh --s subj1 --s subj2 \ --meas thickness --fwhm 5 --cache-out thickness.avg7.sm5 \ --cache-out-only tmp.mris_preproc mris_preproc --target fsaverage --hemi lh --s subj1 --s subj2 \ --cache-in thickness.avg7.sm5 --out s12.thickness.avg7.sm5.mgh \ --mean After concatenating all the inputs together (and possibly computing paired diffs), compute the mean of all inputs. This may be helpful as part of a lower-level analysis. Eg, if there are multiple measures for each subjects, these can be averaged together for each subject separately, then combined in a second call to mris_preproc. --std Similar to --mean, except standard deviation is computed. --synth Synthesize the input data with white gaussian noise. For volume source, the volume is synthesized prior to resampling to the surface. The synthesis is done prior to any smoothing. This is mainly good for testing and running simulations. --surfreg SurfReg Use hemi.SurfReg as the surface registration to the common space. Default is sphere.reg. --reshape Reshape spatial dimensions. Normally, the output volume-encoded surface file will have spatial dimension of nvertices-by-1-by-1 (ie, number of columns equals number of vertices, nrows=nslices=1). This will not work for ANALYZE and NIFTI formats because they cannot represent a dimension with more than 32k elements. This flag instructs mris_preproc to change the number of cols, rows, and slices so that no one dimension is greater than 32k. When ANALYZE and NIFTI formats are automatically detected, reshaping is turned on. --tmpdir tmpdir Use tmpdir. By default, creates a tmpdir in the output directory. Implies --nocleanup --nocleanup Do not delete temporary directory and files. --cleanup DO delete temporary directory and files. Done by default. FreeSurfer Functional Analysis Stream (FS-FAST) OPTIONS: When running mris_preproc in conjunction with FS-FAST, you only need to run the first level anlaysis (selxavg-sess) and the first level contrast (stxgrinder-sess). It is not necessary to sample onto the surface (this will be done by this script). As with the other FS-FAST commands, you specify the sessions with --sf and --df (note the two dashes). Specify the analysis with --analysis (or just --a) and the contrast with --contrast (or just --c). By default, the volume resampled onto the surface will be analysis/contrast/ces (ie, the contrast effect size). This can be changed in several ways. First, with --cvar, in which case it will use cesvar instead. Second, with --offset, then a contrast is not used; rather it samples analysis/h-offset onto the surface. Third, with --map mapname, in which case it uses analysis/contrast/mapname. EXAMPLES 1. Resample abcXX-anat/surf/lh.thickness onto fsaverage: mris_preproc --s abc01-anat --s abc02-anat --s abc03-anat --s abc04-anat \ --target fsaverage --hemi lh --meas thickness --out abc-lh-thickness.mgh 2. Same as #1 but using an fsgd file (which would have the abcXXs as Inputs): mris_preproc --fsgd abc.fsgd --target fsaverage --hemi lh --meas thickness \ --out abc-lh-thickness.mgh 3. Same as #1 but smooths by 5mm fwhm: mris_preproc --s abc01-anat --s abc02-anat --s abc03-anat --s abc04-anat \ --target fsaverage --hemi lh --meas thickness \ --fwhm 5 --out abc-lh-thickness.sm5.mgh 4. Same as #1 but using full paths. Note there is no --meas, but --fsgd still needed to provide list of subjects, which must be in the same order as the --isp. Also note that --srcfmt curv is used: mris_preproc --target fsaverage --hemi lh --out abc-lh-thickness.mgh \ --fsgd abc.fsgd --srcfmt curv \ --isp abc01-anat/surf/lh.thickness \ --isp abc02-anat/surf/lh.thickness \ --isp abc03-anat/surf/lh.thickness \ --isp abc04-anat/surf/lh.thickness 5. Same as #2 but computes paired differneces, ie, there will be two frames in the output instead of four. The first frame will be abc01-abc02, and the second frame will be abc03-abc04: mris_preproc --fsgd abc.fsgd --target fsaverage --hemi lh --meas thickness \ --out abc-lh-thickness-pdiff.mgh --paired-diff 6. Sample volume data (no --meas): mris_preproc --fsgd abc.fsgd --target fsaverage --hemi lh \ --out abc-lh-vol.mgh \ --ivp abc01-func/bold/main/nvr/ces.bhdr abc01-func/bold/register.dat \ --ivp abc02-func/bold/main/nvr/ces.bhdr abc02-func/bold/register.dat \ --ivp abc03-func/bold/main/nvr/ces.bhdr abc03-func/bold/register.dat \ --ivp abc04-func/bold/main/nvr/ces.bhdr abc04-func/bold/register.dat 7. Prepare functional analysis from FS-FAST for surface-based group analysis mris_preproc --sf sessid --analysis edp --contrast probe --hemi lh \ --out edp-probe-lh.mgh --fsgd abc.fsgd This will find the ces volume from inside the session/analysis/contrast directory, resample it to the common space, and concatenate all the subjects together into edp-probe-lh.mgh. The fsgd file is optional. This can then be analyzed with something like: mri_glmfit --y edp-probe-lh.mgh --surf fsaverage lh --osgm --glmdir glm-edp-probe-lh