% % Copyright 2012 The MathWorks, Inc. % % This file contains a list of functions that MATLAB Coder will % automatically treat as extrinsic. % Each entry is on a separate line and is a function name. % Names can be fully qualified: embedded.fi.scope. % Or plain: disp % Note adding a name here makes it auto-extrinsic for all types. % Names in this list have lower precedence than everything else. % Comment lines begin with % and are allowed anywhere. disp alim alpha alphamap ancestor autumn axes axescheck axis bone box brighten bwcontr camdolly cameramenu cameratoolbar camlight camlookat camorbit campan campos camproj camroll camrotate camtarget camup camva camzoom caxis cla clf clg close cmpermute cmunique colorcube colormap colornone cool copper copyobj daspect datachildren datacursormode dateTickPicker datetickstr diffuse drawnow figure fill3 findall findobj flag gca gcbf gcbo gcf gco getappdata gray grid gtext hgclose hggroup hgload hgsave hgtransform hidden hold hot hsv imapprox isappdata ishandle ishghandle ishold jet light lightangle lighting line lines lineseries linkaxes loglog makehgtform material mesh newplot noanimate nodither objbounds openfig opengl pan pink plot plot3 plotyy polar prism rbbox rectangle refresh refreshdata rmappdata rotate3d semilogx semilogy setappdata shading shg specular spring subplot summer surf surface surfl surfnorm tex texlabel text title view viewmtx white whitebg winter xlabel xlim ylabel ylim zlabel zlim zoom pause NumericTypeScope dsp.TimeScope dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer vision.VideoPlayer dsp.LogicAnalyzer %end