Support, Bug-reporting, etc.

For up-to-date information regarding FSL see the central version of the FSL home page. Commonly-asked questions are answered in the FSL FAQ. For further support relating to FSL or related theory, join the FSL email list.

To report specific FSLView bugs then please either email the FSL email list, or email, summarising the nature of the bug in the email subject header. Please also state the version of FSLView that is exhibiting the bug.

Build and Installation FAQ

Compilation problems

Error while building moc_briconwidget.cxx

This is probably due to a badly installed Qwt plugin. The instructions on how to install the plugin can be found in the supplementary document: Preparing a build environment.

Following my instructions, the plugin should've installed into the plugins/designer directory in your Qt installation directory. If you choose to install it elsewhere then Qt tools: designer; moc; uic, etc., won't be able to find it. To tell Qt tools where to find the plugin use the designer tool's preferences which has a place where you can add custom directories to the "Plugin Paths."

A quick test of the plugin is to run Qt's designer application. If the plugin is okay you'll see a Qwt pane in the tools on the left-hand side which will be filled with the Qwt widgets.

Run-time issues

GLIBCXX_3.4.4 problems on, e.g., CentOS

So far I've only had reports of this issue for CentOS users trying to use our RedHat build. It is entirely conceivable that the problem may occur for other build and run-time mixtures.

The current RedHat binaries can be used on the CentOS-4 platform as long as you have the correct compatability libraries installed. If, at run-time, you get an error message:

.../usr/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.4' not found (required by...

then try installing the compat libstdc++: yum install compat-libstdc++-33.

So far I've only had reports of this issue for CentOS users trying to use our RedHat build. It is entirely conceivable that the problem may occur for other build and run-time mixtures.

Missing libGL version info

The warning looks like:

.../fslview: /usr/X11R6/lib/ no version information available (required by .../

I've seen this kind of error on a couple of platforms but so far haven't correlated it to any actual problem running fslview. Please ignore it for now.