View Toolbar

These buttons can be used to control various aspects of the current view.

  • Animate the timeseries. If the currently selected image is 4D then this will flip through each volume. When it reaches the max numbered volume it will go back to the begining again.
  • Slice roll. Iterates over the slices in the current view. Only available in single view.
  • View select. Toggles between available view configurations. In orthographic view this will switch between: "traditional"; three in a row; and three in a column orientations. In single view it will toggle between: axial; sagittal; and coronal views.
  • View options. Click here to start the View Options dialog.
  • Snapshot. Click on the camera icon to take a snapshot of the current view. This is literally a screengrab of the current view so make it big for better results.

View Options Dialog

The cursor panel allows you to determine how the cursor is linked in this view and with others. Use the Locally linked volume index checkbox to synchronise the volumes in this view. Globally link volume index and location will synchronise with any other views which also have these options selected.

You can also adjust the size of displayed gap at the centre of the on-screen cursor.

The labels panel toggles display of the orientation labels and slice location: each slice will have it's fixed dimension location displayed in the top left of the slice. The location can be in either voxels or mm determined by the "Units" radio buttons .

The miscellaneous panel currently allows you to change the frame rate used in animations such as slice-roll.