#!/bin/sh # viena_quant # # Part of VIENA - Ventricle Siena, based on siena. # VU medical center Amsterdam, The Netherlands # 2010-04-16 # # This code is released to the public domain. # # The VIENA modification of SIENA was implemented at the Department of Radiology of the VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands # Authors: Hugo Vrenken, Ingrid Sluimer, Veronica Popescu, Ronald van Schijndel and Adriaan Versteeg. # Questions or comments can be sent to: H.Vrenken@vumc.nl # # Neither the VU University Medical Center, the University of Oxford, nor any of # their employees imply any warranty of usefulness of this software # for any purpose, and do not assume any liability for damages, # incidental or otherwise, caused by any use of this document or software. # # # # This viena version is based on siena version 2.6 from FSL 4.1.3 # This viena_quant script quantifies ventricular siena, # from the edgepoints-volume written (indirectly) by vienasiena and # and input ventricular mask. # # Input: # - siena FROM scan # - siena TO scan # - ventricular mask # Output: # - report.viena # # This version of the script was adapted from the July 2007 script # Ventricular_quantification.script by Hugo Vrenken. function usage() { echo "Usage: viena_quant " exit 1 } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Options, arguments, variables and hardcoded parameters #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ "$2" = "" ] && usage [ `${FSLDIR}/bin/imtest $1` = 0 ] && usage [ `${FSLDIR}/bin/imtest $2` = 0 ] && usage [ `${FSLDIR}/bin/imtest $3` = 0 ] && usage base=$1 follow=$2 ventriclemask=$3 LOG="report.viena" HTML="reportviena.html" # We assume calibration has been done with standard 1.002. # You can check this in the "change analysis" part of the vienasiena script (lines 271+272). # If not 1.002, change here accordingly. m=1.002 # Do not set threshold for coregistered masks, use nearest neighbour interpolation instead thresh=50 # The standard brain TEMPLATEBRAIN="${FSLDIR}/data/standard/avg152T1_brain" # First outputs echo "Results of ventricular post-hoc sub-analysis" > "$LOG" echo "" >> "$LOG" echo "Baseline scan: $base" >> "$LOG" echo "Follow-up scan: $follow" >> "$LOG" echo "Ventricle mask: $ventriclemask" >> "$LOG" echo "" >> "$LOG" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Files assumed to have been created (and not deleted again) before #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # be sure to prevent their removal by changing viena_cal scbasehalf="${base}_halfwayto_sc${base}_brain" scbaseedge="${base}_to_sc${base}_edgepoints" scbaseflow="${base}_to_sc${base}_flow" scfollowhalf="${follow}_halfwayto_sc${follow}_brain" scfollowedge="${follow}_to_sc${follow}_edgepoints" scfollowflow="${follow}_to_sc${follow}_flow" base2followhalf="${base}_halfwayto_${follow}_brain" base2followedge="${base}_to_${follow}_edgepoints" base2followflow="${base}_to_${follow}_flow" follow2basehalf="${follow}_halfwayto_${base}_brain" follow2baseedge="${follow}_to_${base}_edgepoints" follow2baseflow="${follow}_to_${base}_flow" for VOL in $scbasehalf $scbaseedge $scbaseflow \ $scfollowhalf $scfollowedge $scfollowflow \ $base2followhalf $base2followedge $base2followflow \ $follow2basehalf $follow2baseedge $follow2baseflow do if [ `${FSLDIR}/bin/imtest $VOL` = 0 ] ; then echo "Error, file does not exist: $VOL" >> $LOG exit 1 fi done #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # First determine correction factor. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Correction factor calculations for baseline input image. ${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${TEMPLATEBRAIN} -ref ${scbasehalf} -omat avg_to_halfwaysc${base}.mat ${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${ventriclemask} -ref ${scbasehalf} -applyxfm -init avg_to_halfwaysc${base}.mat -out ${scbasehalf}_ventricle_region ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${scbasehalf}_ventricle_region -thr ${thresh} -bin ${scbasehalf}_ventricle_region_bin ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${scbaseedge} -mas ${scbasehalf}_ventricle_region_bin ${scbaseedge}_ventricles ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${scbaseflow} -mas ${scbasehalf}_ventricle_region_bin ${scbaseflow}_ventricles edgepointsbase=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fslstats ${scbaseedge}_ventricles -V | cut -d' ' -f1` infobaseflow=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fslstats ${scbaseflow}_ventricles -V -M` nonzeroflowbase=`echo ${infobaseflow} | cut -d' ' -f1` tempmeanflowbase=`echo ${infobaseflow} | cut -d' ' -f3` meanflowbase=`echo "10 k ${tempmeanflowbase} ${nonzeroflowbase} * ${edgepointsbase} / p" | sed 's/-/_/g' | dc -` # Determine only one of three pixdims because we have isotropic pixels. pixdimbase=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fslval ${scbasehalf} pixdim1` # Calculate PVVC temppvvcbase=`echo "10 k 30 ${pixdimbase} * ${meanflowbase} * p" | sed 's/-/_/g' | dc -` # We assume standard FSL settings have been used, i.e. 0.2% change for calibration, change above if not true. vm=`echo "10 k ${m} 6 ^ 1.0 - 100.0 * p" | dc -` calibbase=`echo "10 k ${vm} ${temppvvcbase} / p" | sed 's/-/_/g' | dc -` echo "edgepointsbase ${edgepointsbase}" >> "$LOG" echo "infobaseflow ${infobaseflow}" >> "$LOG" echo "nonzeroflowbase ${nonzeroflowbase}" >> "$LOG" echo "tempmeanflowbase ${tempmeanflowbase}" >> "$LOG" echo "meanflowbase ${meanflowbase}" >> "$LOG" echo "pixdimbase ${pixdimbase}" >> "$LOG" echo "temppvvcbase ${temppvvcbase}" >> "$LOG" echo "calibbase ${calibbase}" >> "$LOG" echo "" >> "$LOG" # Correction factor calculations for follow-up input image. ${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${TEMPLATEBRAIN} -ref ${scfollowhalf} -omat avg_to_halfwaysc${follow}.mat ${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${ventriclemask} -ref ${scfollowhalf} -applyxfm -init avg_to_halfwaysc${follow}.mat -out ${scfollowhalf}_ventricle_region ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${scfollowhalf}_ventricle_region -thr ${thresh} -bin ${scfollowhalf}_ventricle_region_bin ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${scfollowedge} -mas ${scfollowhalf}_ventricle_region_bin ${scfollowedge}_ventricles ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${scfollowflow} -mas ${scfollowhalf}_ventricle_region_bin ${scfollowflow}_ventricles edgepointsfollow=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fslstats ${scfollowedge}_ventricles -V|cut -f 1 -d " "` infofollowflow=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fslstats ${scfollowflow}_ventricles -V -M` nonzeroflowfollow=`echo ${infofollowflow} | cut -d' ' -f1` tempmeanflowfollow=`echo ${infofollowflow} | cut -d' ' -f3` meanflowfollow=`echo "10 k ${tempmeanflowfollow} ${nonzeroflowfollow} * ${edgepointsfollow} / p" | sed 's/-/_/g' | dc -` # Determine only one of three pixdims because we have isotropic pixels. pixdimfollow=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fslval ${scfollowhalf} pixdim1` # Calculate PVVC temppvvcfollow=`echo "10 k 30 ${pixdimfollow} * ${meanflowfollow} * p" | sed 's/-/_/g' | dc -` # We assume standard FSL settings have been used, i.e. 0.2% change for calibration, change above if not true. vm=`echo "10 k ${m} 6 ^ 1.0 - 100.0 * p" | dc -` calibfollow=`echo "10 k ${vm} ${temppvvcfollow} / p" | sed 's/-/_/g' | dc -` echo "edgepointsfollow ${edgepointsfollow}" >> "$LOG" echo "infofollowflow ${infofollowflow}" >> "$LOG" echo "nonzeroflowfollow ${nonzeroflowfollow}" >> "$LOG" echo "tempmeanflowfollow ${tempmeanflowfollow}" >> "$LOG" echo "meanflowfollow ${meanflowfollow}" >> "$LOG" echo "pixdimfollow ${pixdimfollow}" >> "$LOG" echo "temppvvcfollow ${temppvvcfollow}" >> "$LOG" echo "calibfollow ${calibfollow}" >> "$LOG" echo "" >> "$LOG" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Now apply this to the real thing #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Register mask to baseline halfway ${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${TEMPLATEBRAIN} -ref ${base2followhalf} -omat avg_to_halfway_${base}_${follow}.mat ${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${ventriclemask} -ref ${base2followhalf} -applyxfm -init avg_to_halfway_${base}_${follow}.mat -out ${base}_halfwayto_${follow}_ventricle_region # Register mask to follow-up halfway ${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${TEMPLATEBRAIN} -ref ${follow2basehalf} -omat avg_to_halfway_${follow}_${base}.mat ${FSLDIR}/bin/flirt -in ${ventriclemask} -ref ${follow2basehalf} -applyxfm -init avg_to_halfway_${follow}_${base}.mat -out ${follow}_halfwayto_${base}_ventricle_region # Threshold and binarise registered masks ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${base}_halfwayto_${follow}_ventricle_region -thr ${thresh} -bin ${base}_halfwayto_${follow}_ventricle_region_bin ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${follow}_halfwayto_${base}_ventricle_region -thr ${thresh} -bin ${follow}_halfwayto_${base}_ventricle_region_bin ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${base2followedge} -mas ${base}_halfwayto_${follow}_ventricle_region_bin ${base}_to_${follow}_edgepoints_ventricles ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${base2followflow} -mas ${base}_halfwayto_${follow}_ventricle_region_bin ${base}_to_${follow}_flow_ventricles ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${follow2baseedge} -mas ${follow}_halfwayto_${base}_ventricle_region_bin ${follow}_to_${base}_edgepoints_ventricles ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${follow2baseflow} -mas ${follow}_halfwayto_${base}_ventricle_region_bin ${follow}_to_${base}_flow_ventricles edgepointsbase=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fslstats ${base}_to_${follow}_edgepoints_ventricles -V|cut -f 1 -d " "` infobaseflow=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fslstats ${base}_to_${follow}_flow_ventricles -V -M` nonzeroflowbase=`echo ${infobaseflow}|cut -f 1 -d " "` tempmeanflowbase=`echo ${infobaseflow}|cut -f 3 -d " "` meanflowbase=`echo "10 k ${tempmeanflowbase} ${nonzeroflowbase} * ${edgepointsbase} / p" | sed 's/-/_/g' | dc -` pixdimbase=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fslval ${base}_halfwayto_${follow} pixdim1` edgepointsfollow=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fslstats ${follow}_to_${base}_edgepoints_ventricles -V|cut -f 1 -d " "` infofollowflow=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fslstats ${follow}_to_${base}_flow_ventricles -V -M` nonzeroflowfollow=`echo ${infofollowflow} | cut -f 1 -d " "` tempmeanflowfollow=`echo ${infofollowflow} | cut -f 3 -d " "` meanflowfollow=`echo "10 k ${tempmeanflowfollow} ${nonzeroflowfollow} * ${edgepointsfollow} / p" | sed 's/-/_/g' | dc -` pixdimfollow=`${FSLDIR}/bin/fslval ${follow}_halfwayto_${base} pixdim1` # Calculate PVVC base -> follow pvvcbasetofollow=`echo "10 k 30 ${calibbase} * ${pixdimbase} * ${meanflowbase} * _1.0 * p" | sed 's/-/_/g' | dc -` # Calculate PVVC follow -> base pvvcfollowtobase=`echo "10 k 30 ${calibfollow} * ${pixdimfollow} * ${meanflowfollow} * _1.0 * p" | sed 's/-/_/g' | dc -` denom=`echo "10 k ${pvvcfollowtobase} 100 / 1.0 + p" | sed 's/-/_/g' | dc -` tmpbackwards=`echo "10 k ${pvvcfollowtobase} ${denom} / _1.0 * p" |sed 's/-/_/g' | dc -` meanpvvc=`echo "10 k ${pvvcbasetofollow} ${tmpbackwards} + 2 / p" | sed 's/-/_/g' | dc -` echo "" >> "$LOG" echo "" >> "$LOG" echo "Real analysis:" >> "$LOG" echo "" >> "$LOG" echo "edgepointsbase ${edgepointsbase}" >> "$LOG" echo "infobaseflow ${infobaseflow}" >> "$LOG" echo "nonzeroflowbase ${nonzeroflowbase}" >> "$LOG" echo "tempmeanflowbase ${tempmeanflowbase}" >> "$LOG" echo "meanflowbase ${meanflowbase}" >> "$LOG" echo "pixdimbase ${pixdimbase}" >> "$LOG" echo "edgepointsfollow ${edgepointsfollow}" >> "$LOG" echo "infofollowflow ${infofollowflow}" >> "$LOG" echo "nonzeroflowfollow ${nonzeroflowfollow}" >> "$LOG" echo "tempmeanflowfollow ${tempmeanflowfollow}" >> "$LOG" echo "meanflowfollow ${meanflowfollow}" >> "$LOG" echo "pixdimfollow ${pixdimfollow}" >> "$LOG" echo "pvvcbasetofollow ${pvvcbasetofollow}" >> "$LOG" echo "pvvcfollowtobase ${pvvcfollowtobase}" >> "$LOG" echo "tmpbackwards ${tmpbackwards}" >> "$LOG" echo "meanpvvc ${meanpvvc}" >> "$LOG" # added to resemble siena report more closely echo >> "$LOG" echo "finalPVVC ${meanpvvc} %" >> "$LOG" echo "" echo "meanpvvc ${meanpvvc}" echo "" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HTML report #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create images for the HTML report ${FSLDIR}/bin/viena_createpng cp ${FSLDIR}/etc/luts/ramp.gif .ramp.gif cp ${FSLDIR}/etc/luts/ramp2.gif .ramp2.gif # Write the HTML report cat > "$HTML" << EOF FSL/VUmc-viena

VIENA Report

Results for the post-hoc ventricular quantification of siena.

Ventricular masking

The ventricle mask in halfway space, overlaid on input A:

The ventricle mask in halfway space, overlaid on input B:

Final brain edge movement image within ventricular mask

atrophy 0 growth

Estimated PVVC: $meanpvvc

EOF #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Some output to stdout (resembling siena part) and exit echo echo 'Finished Ventricular part of VIENA.' echo 'The viena report can be viewed by pointing your web browser at:' echo file:`pwd`/"$HTML" echo 'Estimated percentage ventricular volume change (PVVC) = ' echo "$meanpvvc" echo exit 0 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------