All the templates in this directory are slightly modified versions of those in the IML++ library ( kindly made available by Prof Roldan Pozo. A complete description of the routines can be found at the web-address above. The reason for the small modifications is tiny differences between the API assumed by IML++, and that of NEWMAT. I had a choice between creating a wrapper for NEWMAT, or make changes in the IML++ templates, and I choose the latter. The changes are: 1. IML++ assumes zero-offset random access to matrices and vectors. So e.g. the first element of vector x is x(0). This is in contrast with NEWMAT which has a one-offset access. And to avoid confusion I also opted for one-offset access when writing the sparse matrix class SpMat. So, I have added 1 to all vector/matrix indicies. 2. IML++ assumes the existence of a dot(x,y) global function for calculating the dot-product of vectors x and y. And NEWMAT provides a DotProduct(x,y) global function. So, references to dot has been changed to DotProduct. 3. IML++ assumes the existence of a global norm(x) function for calculating the L2-norm of a vector x. And NEWMAT provides an x.FrobeniusNorm() function. Jesper Andersson FMRIB Image Analysis Group