/* GDCHART 0.10.0dev GDC.H 2 Nov 2000 */ /* Copyright Bruce Verderaime 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 */ /* General header common to chart (xy[z]) and pie */ #ifndef _GDC_H #define _GDC_H #ifndef _USE_MATH_DEFINES #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #endif #ifndef _XOPEN_SOURCE #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #endif #include #include /* uncle */ #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 #endif #include #include #ifdef GDC_INCL #include "gd.h" #include "gdfonts.h" #include "gdfontt.h" #include "gdfontmb.h" #include "gdfontg.h" #include "gdfontl.h" #include "gifencode.h" #include "array_alloc.h" #endif /* --- backward compatibility --- */ /* may be removed at a later date */ #define GDC_generate_gif GDC_generate_img #define pie_gif GDC_out_pie /* ------------------------------ */ #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #endif #define GDC_NOVALUE -FLT_MAX #define GDC_NULL GDC_NOVALUE #define ABS( x ) ( (x)<0.0? -(x): (x) ) #define MAX( x, y ) ( (x)>(y)?(x):(y) ) #define MIN( x, y ) ( (x)<(y)?(x):(y) ) #define TO_RAD(o) ( (o)/360.0*(2.0*M_PI) ) #define GDC_NOCOLOR 0x1000000L #define GDC_DFLTCOLOR 0x2000000L #define PVRED 0x00FF0000 #define PVGRN 0x0000FF00 #define PVBLU 0x000000FF #define l2gdcal( c ) ((c)&PVRED)>>16 , ((c)&PVGRN)>>8 , ((c)&0x000000FF) #define l2gdshd( c ) (((c)&PVRED)>>16)/2 , (((c)&PVGRN)>>8)/2 , (((c)&0x000000FF))/2 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__llvm__) static int _gdccfoo1 __attribute__((unused)); static unsigned long _gdccfoo2 __attribute__((unused)); #else static int _gdccfoo1; static unsigned long _gdccfoo2; #endif #define _gdcntrst(bg) ( ((bg)&0x800000?0x000000:0xFF0000)| \ ((bg)&0x008000?0x000000:0x00FF00)| \ ((bg)&0x000080?0x000000:0x0000FF) ) #define _clrallocate( im, rawclr, bgc ) \ ( (_gdccfoo2=rawclr==GDC_DFLTCOLOR? _gdcntrst(bgc): rawclr), \ (_gdccfoo1=gdImageColorExact(im,l2gdcal(_gdccfoo2))) != -1? \ _gdccfoo1: \ gdImageColorsTotal(im) == gdMaxColors? \ gdImageColorClosest(im,l2gdcal(_gdccfoo2)): \ gdImageColorAllocate(im,l2gdcal(_gdccfoo2)) ) #define _clrshdallocate( im, rawclr, bgc ) \ ( (_gdccfoo2=rawclr==GDC_DFLTCOLOR? _gdcntrst(bgc): rawclr), \ (_gdccfoo1=gdImageColorExact(im,l2gdshd(_gdccfoo2))) != -1? \ _gdccfoo1: \ gdImageColorsTotal(im) == gdMaxColors? \ gdImageColorClosest(im,l2gdshd(_gdccfoo2)): \ gdImageColorAllocate(im,l2gdshd(_gdccfoo2)) ) typedef enum { GDC_GIF = 0, #ifdef HAVE_JPEG GDC_JPEG = 1, #endif GDC_PNG = 2, GDC_WBMP = 3 /* as of gd1.8.3 WBMP is black and white only. */ } GDC_image_type_t; /* ordered by size */ enum GDC_font_size { GDC_pad = 0, GDC_TINY = 1, GDC_SMALL = 2, GDC_MEDBOLD = 3, GDC_LARGE = 4, GDC_GIANT = 5, GDC_numfonts= 6 }; /* GDC[PIE]_fontc depends on this */ typedef enum { GDC_DESTROY_IMAGE = 0, /* default */ GDC_EXPOSE_IMAGE = 1, /* user must call GDC_destroy_image() */ GDC_REUSE_IMAGE = 2 /* i.e., paint on top of */ } GDC_HOLD_IMAGE_T; /* EXPOSE & REUSE */ #ifdef GDC_INCL struct GDC_FONT_T { gdFontPtr f; char h; char w; }; typedef enum { GDC_JUSTIFY_RIGHT, GDC_JUSTIFY_CENTER, GDC_JUSTIFY_LEFT } GDC_justify_t; struct fnt_sz_t { int w; int h; } GDCfnt_sz( char* str, enum GDC_font_size gdfontsz, char* ttfont, double ttfptsz, double angle, char **status ); int GDCImageStringNL( gdImagePtr, struct GDC_FONT_T*, char*, double, double, int, int, char*, int, GDC_justify_t, char** ); void load_font_conversions(); short cnt_nl( char*, int* ); #endif #ifdef GDC_LIB #define EXTERND extern #define DEFAULTO(val) extern struct GDC_FONT_T GDC_fontc[]; #else #define EXTERND #define DEFAULTO(val) = val #endif /**** COMMON OPTIONS ********************************/ #ifndef _GDC_COMMON_OPTIONS #define _GDC_COMMON_OPTIONS EXTERND GDC_image_type_t GDC_image_type DEFAULTO( GDC_GIF ); EXTERND int GDC_jpeg_quality DEFAULTO( -1 ); /* 0-95 */ EXTERND char GDC_generate_img DEFAULTO( TRUE ); EXTERND GDC_HOLD_IMAGE_T GDC_hold_img DEFAULTO( GDC_DESTROY_IMAGE ); EXTERND void *GDC_image DEFAULTO( (void*)NULL ); /* in/out */ #endif /****************************************************/ long get_uniq_color( gdImagePtr ); void GDC_destroy_image( void* ); void out_err( int IMGWIDTH, int IMGHEIGHT, FILE*, unsigned long BGColor, unsigned long LineColor, char *str ); #endif /*!_GDC_H*/