/* GDCHART 0.10.0dev PIE SAMPLE 2 Nov 2000 */ /* Copyright Bruce Verderaime 1998, 1999, 2000 */ /* creates a file "pie.gif". Can be stdout for CGI use. */ /* vi: :set tabstop=4 */ #include #include #include "gdc.h" #include "gdcpie.h" main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { /* labels */ char *lbl[] = { "CPQ\n(DEC)", "HP", "SCO", "IBM", "SGI", "SUN\nSPARC", "other" }; /* values to chart */ float p[] = { 12.5, 20.1, 2.0, 22.0, 5.0, 18.0, 13.0 }; FILE *fp = fopen( "pie.png", "wb" ); /* set which slices to explode, and by how much */ int expl[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0 }; /* set missing slices */ unsigned char missing[] = { FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE }; /* colors */ unsigned long clr[] = { 0xFF4040L, 0x80FF80L, 0x8080FFL, 0xFF80FFL, 0xFFFF80L, 0x80FFFFL, 0x0080FFL }; /* set options */ /* a lot of options are set here for illustration */ /* none need be - see gdcpie.h for defaults */ /* GDCPIE_title = "Sample\nPIE"; */ GDCPIE_label_line = TRUE; GDCPIE_label_dist = 15; /* dist. labels to slice edge */ /* can be negative */ GDCPIE_LineColor = 0x000BBBL; GDCPIE_label_size = GDC_SMALL; GDCPIE_3d_depth = 0; GDCPIE_3d_angle = 180; /* 0 - 359 */ GDCPIE_perspective = 0; /* 0 - 99 */ GDCPIE_explode = expl; /* default: NULL - no explosion */ GDCPIE_Color = clr; GDCPIE_BGColor = 0xFFFFFFL; /* GDCPIE_EdgeColor = 0x000000L; default is GDCPIE_NOCOLOR */ /* for no edging */ GDCPIE_missing = missing; /* default: NULL - none missing */ /* add percentage to slice label */ /* below the slice label */ GDCPIE_percent_labels = GDCPIE_PCT_BELOW; GDC_image_type = GDC_PNG; /* call the lib */ GDC_out_pie( 300, /* width */ 400, /* height */ fp, /* open file pointer */ GDC_3DPIE, /* or GDC_2DPIE */ 7, /* number of slices */ lbl, /* can be NULL */ p ); /* data array */ fclose( fp ); exit( 0 ); }