/*! \file ECModels.h \brief Contains declaration of classes that implements models for fields from eddy currents. \author Jesper Andersson \version 1.0b, Sep., 2012. */ // Declarations of classes that implements a hirearchy // of models for fields from eddy currents induced by // diffusion gradients. // // ECModels.h // // Jesper Andersson, FMRIB Image Analysis Group // // Copyright (C) 2011 University of Oxford // #ifndef ECModels_h #define ECModels_h #include #include #include #include #include #include "newmat.h" #include "newimage/newimageall.h" #include "miscmaths/miscmaths.h" #include "topup/topup_file_io.h" #include "EddyHelperClasses.h" namespace EDDY { /****************************************************************//** * * \brief Virtual base class for classes used to model the fields * that may result from eddy currents. * * The classes in this hierarchy manages eddy current (EC) parameters * and movement parameters for one scan. We can set the parameters * with one call and obtain the resulting field with another. By * deriving a set of classes from a virtual base class we are able * to use the same code to estimate the parameters for different * EC-models. * ********************************************************************/ class ScanECModel { public: ScanECModel() {} ScanECModel(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& mp, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& ep) : _mp(mp), _ep(ep) {} virtual ~ScanECModel() {} /// Indicates if a field offset is modeled or not. virtual bool HasFieldOffset() const = 0; /// Returns the field offset. virtual double GetFieldOffset() const = 0; /// Set field offset. virtual void SetFieldOffset(double ofst) = 0; // Returns linear parameters used for modelling a field offset virtual NEWMAT::RowVector GetLinearParameters() const { NEWMAT::RowVector empty; return(empty); } // Return the total number of parameters unsigned int NParam(Parameters wp=ALL) const { switch(wp) { case MOVEMENT: return(_mp.Nrows()); case EC: return(_ep.Nrows()); case ALL: return(_mp.Nrows() + _ep.Nrows()); } return(_mp.Nrows() + _ep.Nrows()); // To silence warning } /// Get all parameters for the category given by mp. NEWMAT::ColumnVector GetParams(Parameters wp=ALL) const { switch(wp) { case MOVEMENT: return(_mp); case EC: return(_ep); case ALL: return(_mp & _ep); } return(_mp & _ep); // To silence warning } /// Get parameter given by indx, where indx numbers parameters starting with the movement parameters double GetParam(unsigned int indx, Parameters wp=ALL) const { try { switch(wp) { case MOVEMENT: return(mov_index2ref(indx)); case EC: return(ec_index2ref(indx)); case ALL: return(index2ref(indx)); } } catch(...) { throw EddyException("ScanECModel::GetParam: Caught exception"); } return(0.0); // To silence warning } // Set all parameters in specified category void SetParams(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p, Parameters wp=ALL) { switch (wp) { case MOVEMENT: if (p.Nrows() != _mp.Nrows()) throw EddyException("ScanECModel::SetParams: Wrong number of parameters"); else _mp = p; break; case EC: if (p.Nrows() != _ep.Nrows()) throw EddyException("ScanECModel::SetParams: Wrong number of parameters"); else _ep = p; break; case ALL: if (p.Nrows() != (_mp.Nrows()+_ep.Nrows())) throw EddyException("ScanECModel::SetParams: Wrong number of parameters"); else _mp = p.Rows(1,_mp.Nrows()); _ep = p.Rows(_mp.Nrows()+1,p.Nrows()); break; } } // Set parameter given by indx, where indx numbers all parameters // zero-offset starting with the movement parameters void SetParam(unsigned int indx, double p, Parameters wp=ALL) { try { switch(wp) { case MOVEMENT: mov_index2ref(indx) = p; break; case EC: ec_index2ref(indx) = p; break; case ALL: index2ref(indx) = p; break; } } catch(...) { throw EddyException("ScanECModel::SetParam: Caught exception"); } } // Returns matrix denoted \mathbf{R} in paper. NEWMAT::Matrix ForwardMovementMatrix(const NEWIMAGE::volume& scan) const { return(TOPUP::MovePar2Matrix(_mp,scan)); } // Returns matrix denoted \nathbf{R}^{-1} in paper. NEWMAT::Matrix InverseMovementMatrix(const NEWIMAGE::volume& scan) const { return(ForwardMovementMatrix(scan).i()); } // Return the number of parameters that are updated as part of the estimation. // For some models this may be different from total number of parameters virtual unsigned int NDerivs(Parameters wp=ALL) const { return(NParam(wp)); } // The following get/set routines indexes parameters from // 0 - NDerivs()-1 i.e. it ignores any parameters that are // not estimated for the particular model. virtual double GetDerivParam(unsigned int dindx, Parameters wp=ALL) const { try { return(GetParam(dindx,wp)); } catch(...) { throw EddyException("ScanECModel::GetDerivParam: Caught exception"); } } virtual void SetDerivParam(unsigned int dindx, double p, Parameters wp=ALL) { try { SetParam(dindx,p,wp); } catch(...) { throw EddyException("ScanECModel::SetDerivParam: Caught exception"); } } // Returns a pointer to a clone of itself virtual boost::shared_ptr Clone() const = 0; // Returns sutiable scales for evaluating numerical derivatives virtual double GetDerivScale(unsigned int dindx, Parameters wp=ALL) const = 0; // Return eddy current-induced field in Hz. Denoted e(\mathbf{b}) in paper. virtual NEWIMAGE::volume ECField(const NEWIMAGE::volume& scan) const = 0; protected: NEWMAT::ColumnVector _mp; // dx dy dz rx ry rz, N.B. different from MJ NEWMAT::ColumnVector _ep; // Different for different models double index2ref(unsigned int indx) const { if (indx < static_cast(_mp.Nrows())) return(_mp(indx+1)); else if (indx < static_cast(_mp.Nrows()+_ep.Nrows())) return(_ep(indx-_mp.Nrows()+1)); else throw EddyException("ScanECModel::index2ref const: Index out of range"); } double& index2ref(unsigned int indx) { if (indx < static_cast(_mp.Nrows())) return(_mp(indx+1)); else if (indx < static_cast(_mp.Nrows()+_ep.Nrows())) return(_ep(indx-_mp.Nrows()+1)); else throw EddyException("ScanECModel::index2ref: Index out of range"); } double mov_index2ref(unsigned int indx) const { if (indx < static_cast(_mp.Nrows())) return(_mp(indx+1)); else throw EddyException("ScanECModel::mov_index2ref const: Index out of range"); } double& mov_index2ref(unsigned int indx) { if (indx < static_cast(_mp.Nrows())) return(_mp(indx+1)); else throw EddyException("ScanECModel::mov_index2ref: Index out of range"); } double ec_index2ref(unsigned int indx) const { if (indx < static_cast(_ep.Nrows())) return(_ep(indx+1)); else throw EddyException("ScanECModel::ec_index2ref const: Index out of range"); } double& ec_index2ref(unsigned int indx) { if (indx < static_cast(_ep.Nrows())) return(_ep(indx+1)); else throw EddyException("ScanECModel::ec_index2ref: Index out of range"); } }; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // // Class PolynomialScanECModel (Polynomial Scan Eddy Current Model) // // A virtual base class for polynomial models (linear, quadratic etc). // //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ class PolynomialScanECModel : public ScanECModel { public: PolynomialScanECModel(bool field=false) : ScanECModel() { _mp.ReSize(6); _mp=0.0; _nepd = 0; } PolynomialScanECModel(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& mp, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& ep, bool field=false) : ScanECModel(mp,ep), _nepd(0) {} virtual ~PolynomialScanECModel() {} virtual bool HasFieldOffset() const = 0; virtual double GetFieldOffset() const { if (HasFieldOffset()) return(_ep(_nepd)); else return(0.0); } virtual void SetFieldOffset(double ofst) { if (HasFieldOffset()) _ep(_nepd) = ofst; } virtual NEWMAT::RowVector GetLinearParameters() const { return(_ep.Rows(1,3).t()); } // Return the number of parameters that are updated as part of the estimation. // For some models this may be different from total number of parameters virtual unsigned int NDerivs(Parameters wp=ALL) const { switch(wp) { case MOVEMENT: return(_mp.Nrows()); case EC: return(_nepd); case ALL: return(_mp.Nrows()+_nepd); } return(_mp.Nrows()+_nepd); // To silence warning } // The following get/set routines indexes parameters from // 0 - NDerivs()-1 i.e. it ignores any parameters that are // not estimated for the particular model. virtual double GetDerivParam(unsigned int dindx, Parameters wp=ALL) const { try { switch(wp) { case MOVEMENT: return(mov_dindex2ref(dindx)); case EC: return(ec_dindex2ref(dindx)); case ALL: return(dindex2ref(dindx)); } } catch(...) { throw EddyException("PolynomialScanECModel::GetDerivParam: Caught exception"); } return(0.0); // To silence warning } virtual void SetDerivParam(unsigned int dindx, double p, Parameters wp=ALL) { try { switch(wp) { case MOVEMENT: mov_dindex2ref(dindx) = p; break; case EC: ec_dindex2ref(dindx) = p; break; case ALL: dindex2ref(dindx) = p; } } catch(...) { throw EddyException("PolynomialScanECModel::SetDerivParam: Caught exception"); } } // Returns suitable scales for evaluating numerical derivatives virtual double GetDerivScale(unsigned int dindx, Parameters wp=ALL) const { try { switch(wp) { case MOVEMENT: return(get_mov_deriv_scale(dindx)); case EC: return(get_ec_deriv_scale(dindx-_mp.Nrows())); case ALL: if (dindx < static_cast(_mp.Nrows())) return(get_mov_deriv_scale(dindx)); else return(get_ec_deriv_scale(dindx-_mp.Nrows())); } } catch(...) { throw EddyException("PolynomialScanECModel::GetDerivScale: Caught Exception"); } return(0.0); // To silence warning } virtual boost::shared_ptr Clone() const = 0; // Return eddy current-induced field in Hz. Denoted e(\mathbf{b}) in paper. virtual NEWIMAGE::volume ECField(const NEWIMAGE::volume& scan) const = 0; protected: unsigned int _nepd; // Number of Eddy Parameter Derivatives (might depend on if field was set) private: double dindex2ref(unsigned int indx) const { if (indx < static_cast(_mp.Nrows())) return(_mp(indx+1)); else if (indx < static_cast(_mp.Nrows())+_nepd) return(_ep(indx-_mp.Nrows()+1)); else throw EddyException("PolynomialScanECModel::dindex2ref const: Index out of range"); } double& dindex2ref(unsigned int indx) { if (indx < static_cast(_mp.Nrows())) return(_mp(indx+1)); else if (indx < static_cast(_mp.Nrows())+_nepd) return(_ep(indx-_mp.Nrows()+1)); else throw EddyException("PolynomialScanECModel::dindex2ref: Index out of range"); } double mov_dindex2ref(unsigned int indx) const { if (indx < static_cast(_mp.Nrows())) return(_mp(indx+1)); else throw EddyException("PolynomialScanECModel::mov_dindex2ref const: Index out of range"); } double& mov_dindex2ref(unsigned int indx) { if (indx < static_cast(_mp.Nrows())) return(_mp(indx+1)); else throw EddyException("PolynomialScanECModel::mov_dindex2ref: Index out of range"); } double ec_dindex2ref(unsigned int indx) const { if (indx < _nepd) return(_ep(indx+1)); else throw EddyException("PolynomialScanECModel::ec_dindex2ref const: Index out of range"); } double& ec_dindex2ref(unsigned int indx) { if (indx < _nepd) return(_ep(indx+1)); else throw EddyException("PolynomialScanECModel::ec_dindex2ref: Index out of range"); } virtual double get_mov_deriv_scale(unsigned int dindx) const = 0; virtual double get_ec_deriv_scale(unsigned int dindx) const = 0; }; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // // Class LinearScanECModel (Linear Scan Eddy Current Model) // // This class models the eddy curents as a linear combination of // linear gradients in the x-, y- and z-directions. The assumption // behind this is that the eddy currents resides mainly in the // gradient coils and also that the gradient coils are close to // linear. // The _ep field contains: // dfdx (shear), dfdy (zoom), dfdz (z-dependent trans) all in Hz/mm and df (trans in Hz) // Note that the translations (e.g. dfdx (EC gradient in x-direction) to shear) // only makes sense if the phase-encode is in the y-direction. // The df field is there to model any difference between the centre // of the FOV and the iso-centre of the scanner. // // If no susceptibility off-resonance field is specified df is strictly // speaking redundant since it is identical to a subject movement // (y-translation). It is however useful to retain as a parameter // for the sake of modelling EC parameters as a function of // diffusion gradients. In the updates it will not have a derivative // and will hence not be updated. It will instead be set by the // higher level modelling of the parameters. // // If a susceptibility off-resonance field is specified df will enter // into the transform compared to subject y-translation and it should // be possible to directly separate the two. In this case it will // have a derivative and will be updated as part of the first level // estimation. // // {{{ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ class LinearScanECModel : public PolynomialScanECModel { public: LinearScanECModel(bool field=false) : PolynomialScanECModel() { _mp.ReSize(6); _mp=0.0; _ep.ReSize(4); _ep=0.0; _nepd = (field) ? 4 : 3; } LinearScanECModel(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& mp, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& ep, bool field=false) : PolynomialScanECModel(mp,ep) { if (_mp.Nrows() != 6) throw EddyException("LinearScanECModel: mp must have 6 elements"); _nepd = (field) ? 4 : 3; if (_ep.Nrows() != int(_nepd)) throw EddyException("LinearScanECModel: Wrong number of elements for ep"); } virtual ~LinearScanECModel() {} bool HasFieldOffset() const { return(_nepd==4); } virtual boost::shared_ptr Clone() const { return(boost::shared_ptr( new LinearScanECModel(*this))); } // Return eddy current-induced field in Hz. Denoted e(\mathbf{b}) in paper. virtual NEWIMAGE::volume ECField(const NEWIMAGE::volume& scan) const; private: double get_mov_deriv_scale(unsigned int dindx) const { if (dindx < 3) return(1e-3); else if (dindx < 6) return(1e-5); else throw EddyException("LinearScanECModel::get_mov_deriv_scale: Index out of range"); } double get_ec_deriv_scale(unsigned int dindx) const { if (dindx < 3) return(1e-3); else if (dindx < _nepd) return(1e-2); else throw EddyException("LinearScanECModel::get_ec_deriv_scale: Index out of range"); } }; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // // Class QuadraticScanECModel (Quadratic Scan Eddy Current Model) // // This class models the eddy curents as a second order polynomial // expansion of combination of gradients in the x-, y- and z-directions. // // The _ep field contains: // dfdx (shear), dfdy (zoom), dfdz (z-dependent trans) all in Hz/mm // followed by dfdx^2, dfdy^2, dfdz^2, dfdx*dfdy, dfdx*dfdz and dfdy*dfdz // and finally df (trans in Hz). // The quadratic components are (arbitrarily) scaled to have ~the same value (in Hz) // at the edge of the FOV as has the linear terms. This is done to ensure an // update matrix with reasonable condition number. // Note that the translations (e.g. dfdx (EC gradient in x-direction) to shear) // only makes sense if the phase-encode is in the y-direction. // The df field is there to model any difference between the centre // of the FOV and the iso-centre of the scanner. // // If no susceptibility off-resonance field is specified df is strictly // speaking redundant since it is identical to a subject movement // (y-translation). It is however useful to retain as a parameter // for the sake of modelling EC parameters as a function of // diffusion gradients. In the updates it will not have a derivative // and will hence not be updated. It will instead be set by the // higher level modelling of the parameters. // // If a susceptibility off-resonance field is specified df will enter // into the transform compared to subject y-translation and it should // be possible to directly separate the two. In this case it will // have a derivative and will be updated as part of the first level // estimation. // // {{{ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ class QuadraticScanECModel : public PolynomialScanECModel { public: QuadraticScanECModel(bool field=false) : PolynomialScanECModel() { _mp.ReSize(6); _mp=0.0; _ep.ReSize(10); _ep=0.0; _nepd = (field) ? 10 : 9; } QuadraticScanECModel(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& mp, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& ep, bool field=false) : PolynomialScanECModel(mp,ep) { if (_mp.Nrows() != 6) throw EddyException("QuadraticScanECModel: mp must have 6 elements"); _nepd = (field) ? 10 : 9; if (_ep.Nrows() != int(_nepd)) throw EddyException("QuadraticScanECModel: Wrong number of elements for ep"); } virtual ~QuadraticScanECModel() {} bool HasFieldOffset() const { return(_nepd==10); } boost::shared_ptr Clone() const { return(boost::shared_ptr( new QuadraticScanECModel(*this))); } // Return eddy current-induced field in Hz. Denoted e(\mathbf{b}) in paper. NEWIMAGE::volume ECField(const NEWIMAGE::volume& scan) const; private: double get_mov_deriv_scale(unsigned int dindx) const { if (dindx < 3) return(1e-3); else if (dindx < 6) return(1e-5); else throw EddyException("QuadraticScanECModel::get_mov_deriv_scale: Index out of range"); } double get_ec_deriv_scale(unsigned int dindx) const { if (dindx < 3) return(1e-3); else if (dindx < 9) return(1e-5); else if (dindx < _nepd) return(1e-2); else throw EddyException("QuadraticScanECModel::get_ec_deriv_scale: Index out of range"); } }; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // // Class CubicScanECModel (Cubic Scan Eddy Current Model) // // This class models the eddy curents as a third order polynomial // expansion of combination of gradients in the x-, y- and z-directions. // // The _ep field contains: // dfdx (shear), dfdy (zoom), dfdz (z-dependent trans) all in Hz/mm // followed by dfdx^2, dfdy^2, dfdz^2, dfdx*dfdy, dfdx*dfdz and dfdy*dfdz, // followed by dfdx^3, dfdy^3, dfdz^3, dfdx^2*dfdy, dfdx^2*dfdz, // dfdy^2*dfdx, dfdy^2*dfdz, dfdz^2*dfdx, dfdz^2*dfdy, dfdx*dfdy*dfdz // and finally df (trans in Hz). // The quadratic and cubic components are (arbitrarily) scaled to have ~the // same value (in Hz) at the edge of the FOV as has the linear terms. // This is done to ensure an update matrix with reasonable condition number. // Note that the translations (e.g. dfdx (EC gradient in x-direction) to shear) // only makes sense if the phase-encode is in the y-direction. // The df field is there to model any difference between the centre // of the FOV and the iso-centre of the scanner. // // If no susceptibility off-resonance field is specified df is strictly // speaking redundant since it is identical to a subject movement // (y-translation). It is however useful to retain as a parameter // for the sake of modelling EC parameters as a function of // diffusion gradients. In the updates it will not have a derivative // and will hence not be updated. It will instead be set by the // higher level modelling of the parameters. // // If a susceptibility off-resonance field is specified df will enter // into the transform compared to subject y-translation and it should // be possible to directly separate the two. In this case it will // have a derivative and will be updated as part of the first level // estimation. // // {{{ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ class CubicScanECModel : public PolynomialScanECModel { public: CubicScanECModel(bool field=false) : PolynomialScanECModel() { _mp.ReSize(6); _mp=0.0; _ep.ReSize(20); _ep=0.0; _nepd = (field) ? 20 : 19; } CubicScanECModel(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& mp, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& ep, bool field=false) : PolynomialScanECModel(mp,ep) { if (_mp.Nrows() != 6) throw EddyException("CubicScanECModel: mp must have 6 elements"); _nepd = (field) ? 20 : 19; if (_ep.Nrows() != int(_nepd)) throw EddyException("CubicScanECModel: Wrong number of elements for ep"); } virtual ~CubicScanECModel() {} bool HasFieldOffset() const { return(_nepd==20); } boost::shared_ptr Clone() const { return(boost::shared_ptr( new CubicScanECModel(*this))); } // Return eddy current-induced field in Hz. Denoted e(\mathbf{b}) in paper. NEWIMAGE::volume ECField(const NEWIMAGE::volume& scan) const; private: double get_mov_deriv_scale(unsigned int dindx) const { if (dindx < 3) return(1e-3); else if (dindx < 6) return(1e-5); else throw EddyException("CubicScanECModel::get_mov_deriv_scale: Index out of range"); } double get_ec_deriv_scale(unsigned int dindx) const { if (dindx < 3) return(1e-3); else if (dindx < 9) return(1e-5); else if (dindx < 19) return(1e-7); else if (dindx < _nepd) return(1e-2); else throw EddyException("CubicScanECModel::get_ec_deriv_scale: Index out of range"); } }; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // // Class MovementScanECModel (Movement Scan Eddy Current Model) // // This class doesn't model the eddy curents at all, and simply // uses the rigid body model. This is done to create a polymorphism // so we can use the same basic code for the b0 scans as for the // diffusion weighted ones. // //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ class MovementScanECModel : public ScanECModel { public: MovementScanECModel() : ScanECModel() { _mp.ReSize(6); _mp=0.0; } MovementScanECModel(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& mp) { if (_mp.Nrows() != 6) throw EddyException("MovementScanECModel: mp must have 6 elements"); _mp = mp; } virtual ~MovementScanECModel() {} virtual bool HasFieldOffset() const { return(false); } virtual double GetFieldOffset() const { return(0.0); } virtual void SetFieldOffset(double ofst) { } // Return the number of parameters that are updated as part of the estimation. // For some models this may be different from total number of parameters unsigned int NDerivs(Parameters wp=ALL) const { if (wp == EC) throw EddyException("MovementScanECModel::NDerivs: Model has no EC parameters"); else return(_mp.Nrows()); } // The following get/set routines indexes parameters from // 0 - NDerivs()-1 i.e. it ignores any parameters that are // not estimated for the particular model. double GetDerivParam(unsigned int dindx, Parameters wp=ALL) const { if (wp == EC) throw EddyException("MovementScanECModel::GetDerivParam: Model has no EC parameters"); if (dindx > 5) throw EddyException("MovementScanECModel::GetDerivParam: index out of range"); return(_mp(dindx+1)); } void SetDerivParam(unsigned int dindx, double p, Parameters wp=ALL) { if (wp == EC) throw EddyException("MovementScanECModel::SetDerivParam: Model has no EC parameters"); if (dindx > 5) throw EddyException("MovementScanECModel::SetDerivParam: index out of range"); _mp(dindx+1) = p; // To silence warning } // Returns suitable scales for evaluating numerical derivatives double GetDerivScale(unsigned int dindx, Parameters wp=ALL) const { if (wp == EC) throw EddyException("MovementScanECModel::GetDerivScale: Model has no EC parameters"); if (dindx > 5) throw EddyException("MovementScanECModel::GetDerivScale: index out of range"); return(get_mov_deriv_scale(dindx)); } boost::shared_ptr Clone() const { return(boost::shared_ptr( new MovementScanECModel(*this))); } // Return eddy current-induced field in Hz. Denoted e(\mathbf{b}) in paper. NEWIMAGE::volume ECField(const NEWIMAGE::volume& scan) const; private: double get_mov_deriv_scale(unsigned int dindx) const { if (dindx < 3) return(1e-3); else if (dindx < 6) return(1e-5); else throw EddyException("MovementScanECModel::get_mov_deriv_scale: Index out of range"); } }; } // End namespace EDDY #endif // End #ifndef ECModels_h