/* MELODIC - Multivariate exploratory linear optimized decomposition into independent components meloptions.h - class for command line options Christian F. Beckmann, FMRIB Analysis Group Copyright (C) 1999-2013 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ #ifndef __MELODICOPTIONS_h #define __MELODICOPTIONS_h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/options.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "melodic.h" using namespace Utilities; namespace Melodic { class MelodicOptions { public: static MelodicOptions& getInstance(); ~MelodicOptions() { delete gopt; } string version; string binpath; string logfname; bool filtermode; bool explicitnums; Option logdir; Option< std::vector > inputfname; Option outputfname; Option maskfname; Option use_mask; Option update_mask; Option perf_bet; Option threshold; Option pca_dim; Option pca_est; Option joined_whiten; Option joined_vn; Option dr_pca; Option migp; Option migpN; Option migp_shuffle; Option migp_factor; Option dr; Option dr_out; Option vn_level; Option numICs; Option approach; Option nonlinearity; Option varnorm; Option varnorm2; Option pbsc; Option pspec; Option segment; Option tsmooth; Option epsilon; Option epsilonS; Option maxNumItt; Option maxRestart; Option rank1interval; Option mmthresh; Option perf_mm; Option ICsfname; Option filtermix; Option smodename; Option filter; Option genreport; Option guireport; Option bgimage; Option tr; Option logPower; Option addsigchng; Option allPPCA; Option varplots; Option varvals; Option fn_Tdesign; Option fn_Tcon; Option fn_TconF; Option fn_Sdesign; Option fn_Scon; Option fn_SconF; Option output_all; Option output_unmix; Option output_MMstats; Option output_pca; Option output_white; Option output_origIC; Option output_mean; Option verbose; Option vers; Option copyright; Option help; Option debug; Option guessfname; Option paradigmfname; Option axials_str; Option dummy; Option repeats; Option seed; Option nlconst1; Option nlconst2; Option smooth_probmap; Option insta_fn; Option remove_meanvol; Option remove_meantc; Option remove_endslices; Option rescale_nht; Option guess_remderiv; Option temporal; Option retryfactor; Option econ; void parse_command_line(int argc, char** argv, Log& logger, const string &p_version); private: MelodicOptions(); const MelodicOptions& operator=(MelodicOptions&); MelodicOptions(MelodicOptions&); OptionParser options; static MelodicOptions* gopt; void print_usage(int argc, char *argv[]); void print_version(); void print_copyright(); void status(); }; inline MelodicOptions& MelodicOptions::getInstance(){ if(gopt == NULL) gopt = new MelodicOptions(); return *gopt; } inline MelodicOptions::MelodicOptions() : logdir(string("-o,--outdir"), string("log.txt"), string("output directory name\n"), false, requires_argument), inputfname(string("-i,--in"), std::vector(), string("input file names (either single file name or comma-separated list or text file)"), true, requires_argument), outputfname(string("-O,--out"), string("melodic"), string("output file name"), false, requires_argument,false), maskfname(string("-m,--mask"), string(""), string("file name of mask for thresholding"), false, requires_argument), use_mask(string("--nomask"), true, string("switch off masking"), false, no_argument), update_mask(string("--update_mask"), true, string("switch off mask updating"), false, no_argument), perf_bet(string("--nobet"), true, string("\tswitch off BET"), false, no_argument), threshold(string("--bgthreshold"), 0.01, string("brain / non-brain threshold (only if --nobet selected)\n"), false, requires_argument), pca_dim(string("-d,--dim"), 0, string("dimensionality reduction into #num dimensions (default: automatic estimation)"), false, requires_argument), pca_est(string("--dimest"), string("lap"), string("use specific dim. estimation technique: lap, bic, mdl, aic, mean (default: lap)"), false, requires_argument), joined_whiten(string("--sep_whiten"), false, string("switch on separate whitening"), false, no_argument, false), joined_vn(string("--sep_vn"), true, string("switch on separate variance nomalisation (as opposed to separate VN)"), false, no_argument), dr_pca(string("--mod_pca"), true, string("switch off modified PCA for concat ICA"), false, no_argument, false), migp(string("--migp"), false, string("switch on MIGP data reduction"), false, no_argument, false), migpN(string("--migpN"), 0, string("Number of internal Eigenmaps"), false, requires_argument, false), migp_shuffle(string("--migp_shuffle"), true, string("Randomise MIGP file order (default: TRUE)"), false, no_argument, false), migp_factor(string("--migp_factor"), 2, string("Internal Factor of mem-threshold relative to number of Eigenmaps (default: 2)"), false, requires_argument, false), dr(string("--dr"), false, string("Dual Regression (default: false)"), false, no_argument, false), dr_out(string("--dr_out"), false, string("Dual Regression output for MIGP/concat ICA"), false, no_argument, false), vn_level(string("--vn_level"), float(2.3), string("variance nomalisation threshold level (Z> value is ignored)"), false, requires_argument, false), numICs(string("-n,--numICs"), -1, string("numer of IC's to extract (for deflation approach)"), false, requires_argument), approach(string("-a,--approach"), string("symm"), string("approach for decomposition, 2D: defl, symm (default), 3D: tica, concat (default)"), false, requires_argument), nonlinearity(string("--nl"), string("pow3"), string("\tnonlinearity: gauss, tanh, pow3, pow4"), false, requires_argument), varnorm(string("--vn,--varnorm"), true, string("switch off variance normalisation"), false, no_argument), varnorm2(string("--vn2"), true, string("switch off 2nd level variance normalisation"), false, no_argument, false), pbsc(string("--pbsc"), false, string(" switch on conversion to percent BOLD signal change"), false, no_argument, false), pspec(string("--pspec"), false, string(" switch on conversion to powerspectra"), false, no_argument, false), segment(string("--covarweight"), string(""), string("voxel-wise weights for the covariance matrix (e.g. segmentation information)"), false, requires_argument), tsmooth(string("--spca"), false, string("smooth the eigenvectors prior to IC decomposition"), false, no_argument, false), epsilon(string("--eps"), 0.00005, string("minimum error change"), false, requires_argument), epsilonS(string("--epsS"), 0.03, string("minimum error change for rank-1 approximation in TICA"), false, requires_argument), maxNumItt(string("--maxit"), 500, string("\tmaximum number of iterations before restart"), false, requires_argument), maxRestart(string("--maxrestart"), -1, string("maximum number of restarts\n"), false, requires_argument), rank1interval(string("--rank1interval"), 10, string("number of iterations between rank-1 approximation (TICA)\n"), false, requires_argument,false), mmthresh(string("--mmthresh"), string("0.5"), string("threshold for Mixture Model based inference"), false, requires_argument), perf_mm(string("--no_mm"), true, string("\tswitch off mixture modelling on IC maps\n "), false, no_argument), ICsfname(string("--ICs"), string(""), string("\tinput filename of the IC components file for mixture modelling"), false, requires_argument), filtermix(string("--mix"), string(""), string("\tinput filename of mixing matrix for mixture modelling / filtering"), false, requires_argument), smodename(string("--smode"), string(""), string("\tinput filename of matrix of session modes for report generation"), false, requires_argument), filter(string("-f,--filter"), string(""), string("list of component numbers to remove\n "), false, requires_argument), genreport(string("--report"), false, string("generate Melodic web report"), false, no_argument), guireport(string("--guireport"), string(""), string("modify report for GUI use"), false, requires_argument, false), bgimage(string("--bgimage"), string(""), string("specify background image for report (default: mean image)\n "), false, requires_argument), tr(string("--tr"), 0.0, string("\tTR in seconds"), false, requires_argument), logPower(string("--logPower"), false, string("calculate log of power for frequency spectrum\n"), false, no_argument), addsigchng(string("--sigchng"), false, string("add signal change estimates to report pages\n"), false, no_argument, false), allPPCA(string("--allPPCA"), false, string("add all PPCA plots\n"), false, no_argument, false), varplots(string("--varplots"), false, string("add std error envelopes to time course plots\n"), false, no_argument, false), varvals(string("--varvals"), false, string("add rank1 values after plots\n"), false, no_argument, false), fn_Tdesign(string("--Tdes"), string(""), string(" design matrix across time-domain"), false, requires_argument), fn_Tcon(string("--Tcon"), string(""), string(" t-contrast matrix across time-domain"), false, requires_argument), fn_TconF(string("--Tconf"), string(""), string(" F-contrast matrix across time-domain"), false, requires_argument, false), fn_Sdesign(string("--Sdes"), string(""), string(" design matrix across subject-domain"), false, requires_argument), fn_Scon(string("--Scon"), string(""), string(" t-contrast matrix across subject-domain"), false, requires_argument), fn_SconF(string("--Sconf"), string(""), string(" F-contrast matrix across subject-domain"), false, requires_argument,false), output_all(string("--Oall"), false, string(" output everything"), false, no_argument), output_unmix(string("--Ounmix"), false, string("output unmixing matrix"), false, no_argument), output_MMstats(string("--Ostats"), false, string("output thresholded maps and probability maps"), false, no_argument), output_pca(string("--Opca"), false, string("\toutput PCA results"), false, no_argument), output_white(string("--Owhite"), false, string("output whitening/dewhitening matrices"), false, no_argument), output_origIC(string("--Oorig"), false, string("\toutput the original ICs"), false, no_argument), output_mean(string("--Omean"), false, string("\toutput mean volume\n"), false, no_argument), verbose(string("-v,--verbose"), false, string("switch on diagnostic messages"), false, no_argument), vers(string("-V,--version"), false, string("prints version information"), false, no_argument), copyright(string("--copyright"), false, string("prints copyright information"), false, no_argument), help(string("-h,--help"), false, string("prints this help message"), false, no_argument), debug(string("--debug"), false, string(" switch on debug messages"), false, no_argument), guessfname(string("--init_ica"), string(""), string("file name of FEAT paradigm file (design.mat) for ICA initialisation"), false, requires_argument, false), paradigmfname(string("--init_pca"), string(""), string("file name of FEAT paradigm file (design.mat) for PCA initialisation"), false, requires_argument, false), axials_str(string("--report_maps"), string(" -s 2 -A 950 "), string("control string for spatial map images (see slicer)"), false, requires_argument), dummy(string("--dummy"), 0, string("number of dummy volumes"), false, requires_argument,false), repeats(string("--repeats"), 1, string("number of repeats (multistart)"), false, requires_argument, false), seed(string("--seed"), -1, string("integer seed for random number generator within melodic"), false, requires_argument, false), nlconst1(string("--nl1,--nlconst1"), 1.0, string("nonlinear constant 1"), false, requires_argument, false), nlconst2(string("--nl2,--nlconst2"), 1.0, string("nonlinear constant 2"), false, requires_argument, false), smooth_probmap(string("--smooth_pm"), 0.0, string("width of smoothing kernel for probability maps"), false, requires_argument, false), insta_fn(string("--insta_fn"), string(""), string(" mask file name for instacorr calculation"), false, requires_argument, false), remove_meanvol(string("--keep_meanvol"), true, string("do not subtract mean volume"), false, no_argument, false), remove_meantc(string("--remove_meantc"), false, string("remove mean time course"), false, no_argument, false), remove_endslices(string("--remEndslices"), false, string("delete end slices (motion correction artefacts)"), false, no_argument,false), rescale_nht(string("--rescale_nht"), true, string("switch off map rescaling after mixture-modelling"), false, no_argument,false), guess_remderiv(string("--remove_deriv"), false, string("removes every second entry in paradigm file (EV derivatives)"), false, no_argument, false), temporal(string("--temporal"), false, string("perform temporal ICA"), false, no_argument, false), retryfactor(string("--retryfactor"), float(0.95), string("multiplicative factor for determining new dim if estimated dim fails to converge"), false, requires_argument, false), econ(string("--econ"), 20000, string("set ctrl parameter for helperfns econ mode"), false, requires_argument, false), options(title, usageexmpl) { try { options.add(logdir); options.add(inputfname); options.add(outputfname); options.add(guessfname); options.add(maskfname); options.add(use_mask); options.add(update_mask); options.add(perf_bet); options.add(threshold); options.add(pca_dim); options.add(pca_est); options.add(joined_whiten); options.add(joined_vn); options.add(dr_pca); options.add(migp); options.add(migpN); options.add(migp_shuffle); options.add(migp_factor); options.add(dr); options.add(dr_out); options.add(vn_level); options.add(numICs); options.add(approach); options.add(nonlinearity); options.add(varnorm); options.add(varnorm2); options.add(pbsc); options.add(pspec); options.add(segment); options.add(tsmooth); options.add(epsilon); options.add(epsilonS); options.add(maxNumItt); options.add(maxRestart); options.add(rank1interval); options.add(mmthresh); options.add(perf_mm); options.add(ICsfname); options.add(filtermix); options.add(smodename); options.add(filter); options.add(genreport); options.add(guireport); options.add(bgimage); options.add(tr); options.add(logPower); options.add(addsigchng); options.add(allPPCA); options.add(varplots); options.add(varvals); options.add(fn_Tdesign); options.add(fn_Tcon); options.add(fn_TconF); options.add(fn_Sdesign); options.add(fn_Scon); options.add(fn_SconF); options.add(output_all); options.add(output_unmix); options.add(output_MMstats); options.add(output_pca); options.add(output_white); options.add(output_origIC); options.add(output_mean); options.add(verbose); options.add(vers); options.add(copyright); options.add(help); options.add(debug); options.add(guessfname); options.add(paradigmfname); options.add(axials_str); options.add(dummy); options.add(repeats); options.add(seed); options.add(nlconst1); options.add(nlconst2); options.add(smooth_probmap); options.add(insta_fn); options.add(remove_meanvol); options.add(remove_meantc); options.add(remove_endslices); options.add(rescale_nht); options.add(guess_remderiv); options.add(temporal); options.add(retryfactor); options.add(econ); } catch(X_OptionError& e) { options.usage(); cerr << endl << e.what() << endl; } catch(std::exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } } } #endif