/* popp.cc Mark Jenkinson, FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 2011 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ // Pulse Oximeter Peak Picker (also includes REPP - Respiratory Peak Picker) // adapted from matlab code originally written by MJ and modified by Jon Brooks and Yazhuo Kong #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #define POSIX_SOURCE 1 #include #include "newimage/newimageall.h" #include "miscmaths/miscmaths.h" #include "utils/options.h" using namespace MISCMATHS; using namespace NEWIMAGE; using namespace Utilities; // The two strings below specify the title and example usage that is // printed out as the help or usage message string title="popp (Version 1.0)\nCopyright(c) 2011, University of Oxford (Mark Jenkinson)"; string examples="popp [options] -i -o "; // Each (global) object below specificies as option and can be accessed // anywhere in this file (since they are global). The order of the // arguments needed is: name(s) of option, default value, help message, // whether it is compulsory, whether it requires arguments // Note that they must also be included in the main() function or they // will not be active. Option verbose(string("-v,--verbose"), false, string("switch on diagnostic messages"), false, no_argument); Option help(string("-h,--help"), false, string("display this message"), false, no_argument); Option debug(string("--debug"), false, string("output debugging information"), false, no_argument); Option noclean1(string("--noclean1"), false, string("turn off cleanup phase 1"), false, no_argument); Option noclean2(string("--noclean2"), false, string("turn off cleanup phase 2"), false, no_argument); Option invertcardiac(string("--invertcardiac"), false, string("invert cardiac trace"), false, no_argument); Option invertresp(string("--invertresp"), false, string("invert respiratory trace"), false, no_argument); Option rvt(string("--rvt"), false, string("generate RVT data"), false, no_argument); Option heartrate(string("--heartrate"), false, string("generate heartrate data"), false, no_argument); Option pulseox_trigger(string("--pulseox_trigger"), false, string("specify that cardiac data is a trigger"), false, no_argument); Option cardiac(string("--cardiac"), 0, string("specify column number of cardiac input"), false, requires_argument); Option resp(string("--resp"), 0, string("specify column number of respiratory input"), false, requires_argument); Option trigger(string("--trigger"), 0, string("specify column number of trigger input"), false, requires_argument); Option startingsample(string("--startingsample"), 0, string("set sample number of the starting time (t=0)"), false, requires_argument); Option initthreshc(string("--initthreshc"), 90, string("initial threshold percentile for cardiac (default 90)"), false, requires_argument); Option neighbourthreshc(string("--nthreshc"), 60, string("neighbourhood exclusion threshold percentile for cardiac (default 60)"), false, requires_argument); Option initthreshr(string("--initthreshr"), 80, string("initial threshold percentile for respiratory (default 80)"), false, requires_argument); Option neighbourthreshr(string("--nthreshr"), 80, string("neighbourhood exclusion threshold percentile for respiratory (default 80)"), false, requires_argument); Option smoothcard(string("--smoothcard"), 0.1, string("specify smoothing amount for cardiac (in seconds)"), false, requires_argument); Option smoothresp(string("--smoothresp"), 0.1, string("specify smoothing amount for respiratory (in seconds)"), false, requires_argument); Option highfreqcutoff(string("--highfreqcutoff"), 5.0, string("high frequency cut off for respiratory filter in Hz (default is 5Hz)"), false, requires_argument); Option lowfreqcutoff(string("--lowfreqcutoff"), 0.1, string("low frequency cut off for respiratory filter in Hz (default is 0.1Hz)"), false, requires_argument); Option samplingrate(string("-s,--samplingrate"), 100.0, string("sampling rate in Hz (default is 100Hz)"), false, requires_argument); Option plotsampling(string("--plotsampling"), 40.0, string("Sampling rate in Hz (webpage plot)"), false, requires_argument); Option tr(string("--tr"), 1.0, string("TR value in seconds"), false, requires_argument); Option > respadd(string("--respadd"), vector(), string("comma separated list of times (in sec) to add to respiratory peak list (uses nearest local max)"), false, requires_argument); Option > respdel(string("--respdel"), vector(), string("comma separated list of times (in sec) to delete from respiratory peak list (uses nearest existing peak)"), false, requires_argument); Option > cardadd(string("--cardadd"), vector(), string("comma separated list of times (in sec) to add to cardiac peak list (uses nearest local max)"), false, requires_argument); Option > carddel(string("--carddel"), vector(), string("comma separated list of times (in sec) to delete from cardiac peak list (uses nearest existing peak)"), false, requires_argument); Option loadcardphase(string("--loadcardphase"), string(""), string("input cardiac phase for reprocessing (text format)"), false, requires_argument); Option loadrespphase(string("--loadrespphase"), string(""), string("input respiratory phase for reprocessing (text format)"), false, requires_argument); Option inname(string("-i,--in"), string(""), string("input physiological data filename (text format)"), true, requires_argument); Option volname(string("--vol"), string(""), string("input volumetric image (EPI) filename"), false, requires_argument); Option outname(string("-o,--out"), string(""), string("output basename for physiological data and timing/triggers (no extensions)"), true, requires_argument); int nonoptarg; // GLOBAL variables ColumnVector times; Matrix dataplot; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local functions (some of which should go into libraries!) ColumnVector interp1(const ColumnVector& x, const ColumnVector& y, const ColumnVector& xi) // Look-up function for data table defined by x, y // Returns the values yi at xi using linear interpolation // Assumes that x is sorted in ascending order // Also assumes that xi is sorted in ascending order { ColumnVector ans; ans=xi*0.0; int ind=2; float xmax, xmin; xmax = x.Maximum(); xmin = x.Minimum(); for (int idx=1; idx<=xi.Nrows(); idx++) { if(xi(idx) >= xmax) { ind=x.Nrows(); } else if(xi(idx) <= xmin) { ind=2; } else { while(xi(idx) >= x(ind)) { ind++; } } float xa = x(ind-1), xb = x(ind), ya = y(ind-1), yb = y(ind); ans(idx) = ya + (xi(idx) - xa)/(xb - xa) * (yb - ya); } return ans; } int mode(const vector& vv, int init_bin_size) { // TODO - Introduce a min/max limitation ? or maybe a bin size? // mode function - for discrete data with not much spread // (e.g. interval times in a long physio trace) // Uses an iterative approach of merging cells until max bin contains >10% of samples int maxvv=*max_element(vv.begin(),vv.end()); ColumnVector hist(maxvv); for (int n=0; n<(int) vv.size(); n++) { hist(vv[n])++; } float totsamp=vv.size(), val=0.0; int binsize=init_bin_size; int modev=0, maxh=0, niter=1; while ((binsize0) { flags(minloc)=0; } if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Deleted point " << times(MISCMATHS::round(peakind(minloc))) << " as closest to " << del_times[n-1] << endl; } } ColumnVector new_ind(MISCMATHS::round(flags.Sum())); int mm=1; for (int n=1; n<=peakind.Nrows(); n++) { if (flags(n)>0.5) { new_ind(mm++) = peakind(n); } } return new_ind; } int add1ind(ColumnVector& allind, double nind) { // only add indices (at end) that are not already present and different ColumnVector tt(1); if (nind>0.0) { tt=nind; if (allind.Nrows()==0) { allind = tt; } else if (fabs(allind(allind.Nrows())-nind)>0.5) { allind &= tt; } } return 0; } int localmaxidx(int startidx, const ColumnVector& vals, int dir=1) { int lmax; for (lmax=startidx; ((lmax>1) && (lmax& add_times, const ColumnVector& vals) { // peakind is an ordered list of indices for the peaks // choose nearest local max to add (irrespective of whether it is already an indicated point or not) if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Adding points" << endl; } ColumnVector new_ind(add_times.size()); for (int n=1; n<=new_ind.Nrows(); n++) { int idx=nearest_time_index(add_times[n-1]); if (idx>0) { // find closest local max (forward and back) within vals int lmaxplus=localmaxidx(idx,vals,+1); int lmaxminus=localmaxidx(idx,vals,-1); int maxidx=lmaxplus; if ((abs(lmaxplus-idx)>abs(lmaxminus-idx)) || (lmaxplus<0)) maxidx=lmaxminus; if (maxidx>0) { new_ind(n)=maxidx; } else { new_ind(n)=-1.0; } } } SortAscending(new_ind); // insert values back into peakind (add at end and then sort) // peakind must be sorted upon entry ColumnVector allind; int n=1; for (int m=1; m<=peakind.Nrows(); m++) { while ((n<=new_ind.Nrows()) && (new_ind(n)trigLevel) { if ((ind==1) || (datavals(ind-1)0) { maxv=datavalscopy.Maximum1(idx); pp(idx)=datavals(idx); for (int n=Max(1,idx-minsep); n<=Min(nn,idx+minsep); n++) { datavalscopy(n)=0; } } int stdivl=MISCMATHS::round(0.9*meaninterval); // 90 percent of meaninterval (HBI) // Cleanup peaks ColumnVector data; for (int idx=1; idx<=pp.Nrows(); idx++) { if (pp(idx)>0) { // check that it is a local maxima if (datavals(Max(1,idx-1))>datavals(idx)) { pp(idx)=0; } if (datavals(Min(nn,idx+1))>datavals(idx)) { pp(idx)=0; } if (pp(idx)>0) { data=datavals.Rows(Max(1,idx-stdivl),Min(nn,idx+stdivl)); SortAscending(data); // check that it is greater than the Nth percentile of the neighbourhood values if (datavals(idx)0) pp(idx)=1; } return pp; } int repp_cleanup(ColumnVector& pp, const ColumnVector& datavals , float thresh) { ColumnVector tp, dt, short_dt; // TODO - split this into cleanup1 and cleanup2 functions and allow cardiac to be processed too // PART 1: if (noclean1.value()) { // Delete peaks with very short interval <2s float short_int = 2; // in seconds // MJ - TODO - it would be good to replace this hard threshold with one based on the median interval over a window (say 60 seconds) about the point of interest, and check for ones closer to half the this median interval int nshort=1; while (nshort>=1) { tp=find(pp,0.5); dt=diff(tp); short_dt=find(dt*-1.0f,-1*short_int*samplingrate.value()); // checks dt-n) nshort=short_dt.Nrows(); if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Found " << nshort << " short periods" << endl; } for (int ind=1; ind<=nshort; ind++) { // ORIGINALLY: "if pp(tp(short_dt)) < pp(tp(short_dt+1))" // MJ: which would never work! if (datavals(tp(short_dt(ind))) < datavals(tp(short_dt(ind)+1))) { pp(MISCMATHS::round(tp(short_dt(ind))))=0; } else { pp(MISCMATHS::round(tp(short_dt(ind)+1)))=0; } } } } // PART 2: if (noclean2.value()) { // Delete artifacts (huge variance between peaks) and fake peaks // use dt_mean as interval and thresh1 as magnitude // MJ - TODO - again this would be better to do using a local threshold based on a median interval within a window (say 60 seconds) float dt_mean=mean(dt).AsScalar(); ColumnVector dt_std, data; for (int m=1; m 3) { // Only do <= 3 intervals separation (large stddev close together!) // do nothing ind++; } else { ColumnVector tmp(1); tmp = (float) ind; bigstd_tag1 = bigstd_tag1 & tmp; // accumulate interval nums into bigstd_diff ind++; if (ind <= bigstd_diff.Nrows()) { while ((ind<=bigstd_diff.Nrows()) && (bigstd_diff(ind) <= 3)) { ind++; } } tmp = (float) (ind-1); bigstd_tag2 &= tmp; } } // The result of the above is to get the start and end interval numbers of sections of the data that represent short patches of high variance (highest 1% of variance in intervals and intervals not separated by more than 2 intervals from each other, although these can be strung together) for (ind=1; ind<=bigstd_tag1.Nrows(); ind++) { if (bigstd_tag1(ind) != bigstd_tag2(ind)) { int tp1=MISCMATHS::round(big_std(bigstd_tag1(ind))); // interval number of start of sequence int tp2=MISCMATHS::round(big_std(bigstd_tag2(ind)+1)+1); // interval number of end of sequence (plus 1) for (int n=MISCMATHS::round(tp(tp1)+1); n<=MISCMATHS::round(tp(tp2)-1); n++) { // tp gives timepoint for start of each interval, which means that this // deletes all peaks within this noisy region (but not the end ones) if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Deleting peak at timepoint " << n << endl; } pp(n)=0; } // put in fake peaks at an average separation instead! int peak_number=MISCMATHS::round((tp(tp2)-tp(tp1))/dt_mean); float dt_new=MISCMATHS::round((tp(tp2)-tp(tp1))/peak_number); for (int n=1; nrpm.Ncols())) { cerr << "Cannot access column number " << cn << " in matrix " << inname.value() << endl; exit(1); } return true; } Matrix calc_rvt(const ColumnVector& tp, const ColumnVector& datavals) { // input tp is a list of the index values (not in seconds) Matrix rvt(tp.Nrows()-1,2); rvt = 0.0f; if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Pre rvt loop" << endl; } for (int n=1; n<=tp.Nrows()-1; n++) { float tav=(times(MISCMATHS::round(tp(n)))+times(MISCMATHS::round(tp(n+1))))/2.0; rvt(n,1)=tav; float tdiff=tp(n+1)-tp(n); float rmax=MISCMATHS::Max(datavals(MISCMATHS::round(tp(n))),datavals(MISCMATHS::round(tp(n+1)))); ColumnVector subv; float rmin; if (tdiff>0.0) { subv=datavals.Rows(MISCMATHS::round(tp(n))+1,MISCMATHS::round(tp(n+1))-1); rmin=subv.Minimum(); } else { rmin=0.0; } rvt(n,2)=(rmax-rmin)/tdiff; } if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Post rvt loop" << endl; } return rvt; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int set_dataplot(const ColumnVector& datavals, const ColumnVector& tp, int colno) { // write out text file for javascript/browser editor // calculate timepoints for 40Hz sampling int npts=dataplot.Nrows(); float datavalsmax, datavalsmin; datavalsmax=datavals.Maximum(); datavalsmin=datavals.Minimum(); for (int nn=1; nn<=npts; nn++) { float tval=(nn-1)/plotsampling.value(); // interpolate respiratory trace (datavals) at these times int datavalsidx=MISCMATHS::round(tval*samplingrate.value()); if (datavalsidx<=0) datavalsidx=1; if (datavalsidx>datavals.Nrows()) datavalsidx=datavals.Nrows(); dataplot(nn,colno)=(datavals(datavalsidx)-datavalsmin)/(datavalsmax-datavalsmin); } // create a peak trace and fill the appropriate timepoints with appropriate values for (int nn=1; nn<=tp.Nrows(); nn++) { int tidx=MISCMATHS::round(tp(nn)/samplingrate.value()*plotsampling.value()); if (tidx>0) dataplot(tidx,colno+1)=1; } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int process_scanner_triggers(const ColumnVector& datavals) { // TRIGGERS // detect slice/volume triggers and mark initial detection in Etrig // threshold is 90% of the 6th largest value (assume up to 5 outliers!) float trigLevel = 0.9*percentile(datavals,100.0*(1.0-5.0/datavals.Nrows())) + 0.1*percentile(datavals,50.0); ColumnVector Etrig, trigpts; Etrig = detect_triggers(datavals,trigLevel); trigpts=find(Etrig,0.5); int ntrigs=trigpts.Nrows(); float sec_per_trig=0.0; // if ntrigs = number of time points then sec_per_trig=TR // else if ntrigs = number of time points * number of slices, sec_per_trig=TR/nslices // estimate how many slices per trigger based on TR / average time between trigger points float nslice_est = tr.value() / ((trigpts(ntrigs)-trigpts(1))/(samplingrate.value()*(ntrigs-1))); if ((nslice_est>0.9) && (nslice_est<1.1)) { sec_per_trig = tr.value(); } else if ((nslice_est>1.0) && (fabs(nslice_est-(MISCMATHS::round(nslice_est)))<0.2)) { sec_per_trig = tr.value()/MISCMATHS::round(nslice_est); } else { cerr << "ERROR:: Problem with trigger timing" << endl << "Estimated time per trigger does not match with integer number of slices" << endl << "Time per trigger / TR = " << 1/nslice_est << endl; } ColumnVector timepts(ntrigs); for (int n=1; n<=ntrigs; n++) { timepts(n) = (n-1)*sec_per_trig; } // set the GLOBAL variable "times" (to be the acquisition time of each timept) times.ReSize(datavals.Nrows()); dataplot.ReSize(datavals.Nrows(),5); for (int n=1; n<=datavals.Nrows(); n++) { if ( (n>=trigpts(1)) && (n<=trigpts(ntrigs)) ) { times(n) = interp1(trigpts,timepts,n); } else { // need to extrapolate at either end - use sampling rate for this if (n0) { // moving average filter moving_average(datavals,MISCMATHS::round(smoothcard.value() * samplingrate.value()/2)*2 + 1); } if (debug.value()) { write_ascii_matrix(datavals,"debug_smooth_card"); } // initialise sensible HBI (heart beat interval) // find percentile for threshold float thresh = percentile(datavals,initthreshc.value()); // empirical val (not too sensitive to this) if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Cardiac threshold = " << thresh << endl; } // Do the peak calculation int hbi, minsep; vector diffs; diffs = calc_diffs(datavals,thresh); if (debug.value()) { ColumnVector tmp(diffs.size()); for (int n=1; n<=tmp.Nrows(); n++) {tmp(n)=diffs[n-1];} write_ascii_matrix(tmp,"diffs4mode"); } hbi=mode(diffs,MISCMATHS::round(0.1*samplingrate.value())); // 0.1 seconds as a rough bin size guess if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Mean Heart Beat Interval = " << hbi/samplingrate.value() << endl; } minsep = MISCMATHS::round(hbi/2); peakmask = calc_peaks(datavals,minsep,hbi,neighbourthreshc.value()); // binary vector same length as datavals if (debug.value()) { ColumnVector diffvec; diffvec = diff(find(peakmask,0.5)); write_ascii_matrix(diffvec,"card_peak_diffs"); } } peakind=find(peakmask,0.5); // delete and add requested points if (carddel.set()) { peakind=delete_times(peakind,carddel.value()); } if (cardadd.set()) { peakind=add_times(peakind,cardadd.value(),datavals); } timepts = get_times(peakind); set_dataplot(datavals,peakind,2); write_ascii_matrix(timepts,outname.value()+"_card.txt"); } else { // Load external (e.g. manually fixed) data timepts = read_ascii_matrix(loadcardphase.value()); } // HEARTRATE if (heartrate.value()) { Matrix hr(timepts.Nrows()-1,2); for (int n=1; n0) { if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Smoothing with " << MISCMATHS::round(smoothresp.value() * samplingrate.value()/2)*2 + 1 << endl; } // moving average filter moving_average(datavals,MISCMATHS::round(smoothresp.value() * samplingrate.value()/2)*2 + 1); } if (debug.value()) { write_ascii_matrix(datavals,"debug_smooth_resp"); } ColumnVector datavalsnorm; // other output is histogram normalised respiratory data (uses sort) { ColumnVector idx, datavalscopy; datavalscopy = datavals; sort2(datavals,idx); datavals = datavalscopy; sort2(idx,datavalsnorm); datavalsnorm /= datavals.Nrows(); } if (debug.value()) { write_ascii_matrix(datavalsnorm,"datavals_post_norm"); } // Convert to phase (use gradient sign to distinguish inhale from exhale) ColumnVector grad(datavalsnorm.Nrows()); for (int n=2; n0) factor=1; if (grad(n)<0) factor=-1; respmat(n,2) = M_PI * factor * datavalsnorm(n); } write_ascii_matrix(respmat,outname.value()+"_resp.txt"); if (rvt.set()) { // used to pass non-normalised data to repp(), but I think it makes little // difference, so might as well pass the normalised one // initialise sensible BBI (breath-to-breath interval) float thresh = percentile(datavals,initthreshr.value()); // empirical val (not too sensitive to this) if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Threshold = " << thresh << endl; } if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Min / Max = " << datavals.Minimum() << " & " << datavals.Maximum() << endl; } // Do the peak calculation int bbi, minsep; vector diffs; if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Calculating differences" << endl; } if (debug.value()) { write_ascii_matrix(datavals,"datavals_pre_diffs"); } diffs = calc_diffs(datavals,thresh); if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Calculating mode: number of diffs = " << diffs.size() << endl; } bbi=mode(diffs,MISCMATHS::round(0.2*samplingrate.value())); // 0.2 seconds as a rough bin size if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Mean Breath to Breath Interval = " << bbi/samplingrate.value() << endl; } minsep = MISCMATHS::round(bbi/2); peakmask = calc_peaks(datavals,minsep,bbi,neighbourthreshr.value()); if (debug.value()) { ColumnVector diffvec; diffvec = diff(find(peakmask,0.5)); write_ascii_matrix(diffvec,"resp_peak_diffs"); } repp_cleanup(peakmask,datavals,thresh); peakind=find(peakmask,0.5); // delete and add requested points if (respdel.set()) { peakind=delete_times(peakind,respdel.value()); } if (respadd.set()) { peakind=add_times(peakind,respadd.value(),datavals); } timepts=get_times(peakind); set_dataplot(datavals,peakind,4); } } else { // Load external (e.g. manually fixed) data timepts = read_ascii_matrix(loadrespphase.value()); } if (rvt.set()) { // feed calc_rvt the peak times and raw respiratory trace Matrix rvtmat; if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Pre RVT calculation" << endl; } rvtmat = calc_rvt(peakind,datavals); write_ascii_matrix(rvtmat,outname.value()+"_rvt.txt"); } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main function that does the work int do_work(int argc, char* argv[]) { Matrix rpm; rpm = read_ascii_matrix(inname.value()); if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Input matrix is " << rpm.Nrows() << " by " << rpm.Ncols() << endl; } if (verbose.value() && respdel.set()) { cout << "Respiratory delete times are: " << respdel.value()[0] << " to " << respdel.value()[respdel.value().size()-1] << endl; } int nn=rpm.Nrows(); // make sure minimum in each column is set to 0 (and hence all values are positive) for (int cn=1; cn<=rpm.Ncols(); cn++) { rpm.Column(cn)=rpm.Column(cn)-rpm.Column(cn).Minimum(); } if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Checking options" << endl; } // Sanity checking and pre-processing (inverting) if (trigger.set()) { check_valid_column(trigger.value(),rpm); } if (resp.set()) { check_valid_column(resp.value(),rpm); if (invertresp.value()) { rpm.Column(resp.value()) = -rpm.Column(resp.value()); } } if (cardiac.set()) { check_valid_column(cardiac.value(),rpm); if (invertcardiac.value()) { rpm.Column(cardiac.value()) = -rpm.Column(cardiac.value()); } } if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Main Processing" << endl; } // Do the main processing ColumnVector datavals; if (trigger.set()) { if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Processing triggers in column " << trigger.value() << endl; } datavals = rpm.Column(trigger.value()); process_scanner_triggers(datavals); } else { set_default_sample_times(nn); } // set webpage plotting (but in a global, so modified in other places too) dataplot.ReSize(MISCMATHS::round(times.Nrows()*plotsampling.value()/samplingrate.value()),5); dataplot=0.0; for (int nn=1; nn<=dataplot.Nrows(); nn++) { int tidx=nn*samplingrate.value()/plotsampling.value(); dataplot(nn,1)=times(Max(Min(tidx,times.Nrows()),1)); } if (resp.set()) { if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Processing resp in column " << resp.value() << endl; } datavals = rpm.Column(resp.value()); process_respiratory(datavals); } if (cardiac.set()) { if (verbose.value()) { cout << "Processing cardiac in column " << cardiac.value() << endl; } datavals = rpm.Column(cardiac.value()); process_cardiac(datavals); } // save webpage plotting data //write_ascii_matrix(dataplot,outname.value()+"_web.txt"); ofstream output_file((outname.value()+"_pnm.js").c_str()); output_file.setf(ios::floatfield); // use fixed or scientific notation as appropriate output_file << "function pnm_data() {" << endl; output_file << "return \"\" +" << endl; for (int nn=1; nn<=dataplot.Nrows(); nn++) { if (nn>1) { output_file << " + " << endl; } output_file << "\"" << dataplot(nn,1) << "," << dataplot(nn,2) << "," << dataplot(nn,3) << "," << dataplot(nn,4) << "," << dataplot(nn,5) << "\\n\""; } output_file << ";" << endl << "}" << endl; output_file.close(); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { Tracer trcr("main"); OptionParser options(title, examples); try { // must include all wanted options here (the order determines how // the help message is printed) options.add(inname); options.add(outname); options.add(samplingrate); options.add(tr); options.add(resp); options.add(cardiac); options.add(trigger); options.add(rvt); options.add(heartrate); options.add(pulseox_trigger); options.add(smoothcard); options.add(smoothresp); options.add(highfreqcutoff); options.add(lowfreqcutoff); options.add(initthreshc); options.add(neighbourthreshc); options.add(initthreshr); options.add(neighbourthreshr); options.add(invertresp); options.add(invertcardiac); options.add(noclean1); options.add(noclean2); options.add(loadcardphase); options.add(loadrespphase); options.add(volname); options.add(startingsample); options.add(respadd); options.add(respdel); options.add(cardadd); options.add(carddel); options.add(verbose); options.add(debug); options.add(help); nonoptarg = options.parse_command_line(argc, argv); // line below stops the program if the help was requested or // a compulsory option was not set if ( (help.value()) || (!options.check_compulsory_arguments(true)) ) { options.usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Call the local functions return do_work(argc,argv); } catch(X_OptionError& e) { options.usage(); cerr << endl << e.what() << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } catch(std::exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } catch(Exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } catch (...) { cerr << "Fatal error" << endl; } }