/* first.cc Brian Patenaude Copyright (C) 2006-2007 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "math.h" #include "utils/options.h" #include "newimage/newimageall.h" #include "meshclass/meshclass.h" #include "shapeModel/shapeModel.h" #include "fslvtkio/fslvtkio.h" using namespace std; using namespace NEWIMAGE; using namespace Utilities; using namespace mesh; using namespace SHAPE_MODEL_NAME; using namespace fslvtkio; string title="first University of Oxford (Brian Patenaude)"; string examples="first -i -l -m "; Option verbose(string("-v,--verbose"), false, string("switch on diagnostic messages"), false, no_argument); Option help(string("-h,--help"), false, string("display this message"), false, no_argument); //Standard Inputs Option inname(string("-i,--in"), string(""), string("Filename of input image to be segmented."), true, requires_argument); Option outname(string("-k,--outputName"), string(""), string("Output name"), true, requires_argument); Option flirtmatname(string("-l,--flirtMatrix"), string(""), string("Filename of flirt matrix that transform input image to MNI space (output of first_flirt)"), true, requires_argument); Option modelname(string("-m,--inputModel"), string(""), string("Filename of input model (the structure to be segmented)."), true, requires_argument); Option modelname2(string("-p,--inputModel2"), string(""), string("Filename of second input model (the structure to be segmented)."), false, requires_argument); Option bmapname(string("-b,--bmapname"), string(""), string("Filename of conditional mapping matrix"), false, requires_argument); Option bvarsname(string("-o,--bvars"), string(""), string("Initialize using bvars from a previous segmenation. When using with --shcond specifies the \ the shape of the structure we are conditioning on."), false, requires_argument); Option nmodes(string("-n,--nmodes"), 5, string("Robust maximum. Used for global inetensity normalization."), false, requires_argument); Option intref(string("--intref,--intref"), false, string("use structure specified by modelname2 as intensity reference"), false, no_argument); Option multiImageInput(string("--multiImageInput,--multiImageInput"), false, string("use structure specified by modelname2 as intensity reference"), false, no_argument); Option binarySurfaceOutput(string("--binarySurfaceOutput,--binarySurfaceOutput"), false, string("use structure specified by modelname2 as intensity reference"), false, no_argument); Option loadbvars(string("--loadbvars"), false, string("load intial parameter estimates from a previous segmentation."), false, no_argument); Option shcond(string("--shcond"), false, string("Use conditional shape probability"), false, no_argument); int nonoptarg; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#define NPTS 6166 //#define NMODES 20 #define STDTRUNC 60 class firstException : public std::exception{ public: const char* errmesg; firstException(const char* msg) { errmesg=msg; } private: virtual const char* what() const throw() { return errmesg; } }; //global variables int T=1; template vector< vector > matrixToVector( const Matrix & sm, const int & MaxModes){ vector< vector > vecM; for (int j=0;j< MaxModes ; j++){ vector mode; for (int i=0;i< sm.Nrows() ; i++){ mode.push_back(sm.element(i,j)); } vecM.push_back(mode); } return vecM; } template vector< vector > matrixToVector( const Matrix & sm){ vector< vector > vecM; for (int j=0;j< sm.Ncols() ; j++) { vector mode; for (int i=0;i< sm.Nrows() ; i++) mode.push_back(static_cast(sm.element(i,j))); vecM.push_back(mode); } return vecM; } template vector vectorToVector( const Matrix & sm, const int & MaxModes){ vector vecM; if (sm.Nrows()==1){ for (int i=0;i< MaxModes ; i++){ vecM.push_back(static_cast(sm.element(0,i))); } }else{ for (int i=0;i< MaxModes ; i++){ vecM.push_back(static_cast(sm.element(i,0))); } } return vecM; } template vector vectorToVector( const Matrix & sm){ vector vecM; if (sm.Nrows()==1){ for (int i=0;i< sm.Ncols() ; i++){ vecM.push_back(static_cast(sm.element(0,i))); } }else{ for (int i=0;i< sm.Nrows() ; i++){ vecM.push_back(static_cast(sm.element(i,0))); } } return vecM; } template ReturnMatrix vectorOfVectorsToMatrix( const vector< vector > & vec){ Matrix out(vec.size(), vec.at(0).size()); unsigned int row=0; for (typename vector< vector >::const_iterator i=vec.begin() ; i!=vec.end();i++, row++) { unsigned int col=0; for (typename vector::const_iterator j=i->begin() ; j!=i->end();j++,col++) out.element(row,col)=*j; } out.Release(); return out; } void write_bvars(const string & imagename, const string & modelname, const vector & vars, const string & outname, const vector< vector > & fmatv ) { ofstream fout; string name=outname+".bvars"; fout.open(outname.c_str()); fout.precision(10); fout<<"this is a bvars file"<::const_iterator i=vars.begin();i!=vars.end();i++){ fout.write(reinterpret_cast(&(*i)),sizeof(*i)); // fout<<*i<<" "; #ifdef PPC64 if ((n++ % 50) == 0) fout.flush(); #endif } for (vector< vector >::const_iterator i=fmatv.begin();i!=fmatv.end();i++) for (vector::const_iterator i2=i->begin();i2!=i->end();i2++) fout.write(reinterpret_cast(&(*i2)),sizeof(*i2)); //fout<<*i2<<" "; fout< & verts, const vector< vector > & cells, const string & name_out, const bool & is_binary) { fslvtkIO *meshout = new fslvtkIO(); meshout->setPoints(verts); meshout->setPolygons(vectorOfVectorsToMatrix(cells)); meshout->setBinaryWrite(is_binary); meshout->save(name_out); } vector bTransform(const vector & vars,const Matrix & Bmat,const unsigned int & M) { //load vars 2 (predictor) into a columnvector (newmat) ColumnVector Cvars2(M); for (unsigned int i =0; i v_vars1; for (unsigned int i =0; i & bvars,const int & M) { string stemp; string modelNames; int N;//number of subjects ifstream fin; fin.open(fname.c_str()); //throw away first three lines getline(fin,stemp);//this is bvars file getline(fin,modelNames);//modelnames fin>>stemp>>N; bvars.clear(); //transform all the bvars for (int i=0; i>stemp;//read in subject id int nvars;//how many vars written for the subject fin>>nvars; for (int j=0;j>ftemp; bvars.push_back(ftemp); }else bvars.push_back(0); } } return modelNames; } int readBmap(const string & fname, const vector & b2, Matrix & matBx2, Matrix & matBcx1,unsigned int & kpred ) { int M; //number of subjects ifstream fin; fin.open(fname.c_str()); string stemp; getline(fin,stemp); fin>>stemp; fin>>M; matBx2.ReSize(M,M); matBcx1.ReSize(M,M); getline(fin,stemp); getline(fin,stemp); double ftemp; for (int i=0;i>ftemp; matBx2.element(i,j)=ftemp; } } getline(fin,stemp); getline(fin,stemp); for (int i=0;i>ftemp; matBcx1.element(i,j)=ftemp; } } getline(fin,stemp); getline(fin,stemp); //float kx2; fin>>kpred;//=kx2; //calculate scale fcator for matBCx1 float alp=M-1.0/M; float gammav=(alp)/(alp-2); //calculate binner float binner=0; for (unsigned int i=0;i v_ceigs; for (int i=0;i>ftemp; v_ceigs.push_back(ftemp); } return M; } inline void normal(const vector & pts, const vector< vector > & localTri, const vector< vector > & cells,vector & vx, vector & vy, vector & vz ) { vx.clear(); vy.clear(); vz.clear(); //calculate the normals for each triangle then references for (vector< vector >::const_iterator i=localTri.begin();i!=localTri.end();i++) { float nx=0,ny=0,nz=0; float vx1,vy1,vz1,vx2,vy2,vz2; // vector::iterator nx_iter=cell_nx.begin(); // vector::iterator ny_iter=cell_ny.begin(); // vector::iterator nz_iter=cell_nz.begin(); for (vector::const_iterator j=i->begin();j!=i->end();j++) { vx1=pts.at(cells.at(*j).at(2)*3)-pts.at(cells.at(*j).at(0)*3); vx2=pts.at(cells.at(*j).at(1)*3)-pts.at(cells.at(*j).at(0)*3); vy1=pts.at(cells.at(*j).at(2)*3+1)-pts.at(cells.at(*j).at(0)*3+1); vy2=pts.at(cells.at(*j).at(1)*3+1)-pts.at(cells.at(*j).at(0)*3+1); vz1=pts.at(cells.at(*j).at(2)*3+2)-pts.at(cells.at(*j).at(0)*3+2); vz2=pts.at(cells.at(*j).at(1)*3+2)-pts.at(cells.at(*j).at(0)*3+2); float nxt=(vy1*vz2-vz1*vy2); float nyt=(vz1*vx2-vx1*vz2); float nzt=(vx1*vy2-vy1*vx2); // nx+=*( nx_iter + *j ); // ny+=*( ny_iter + *j ); // nz+=*( nz_iter + *j ); nx+=nxt; ny+=nyt; nz+=nzt; } float d=sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz); vx.push_back(nx/d); vy.push_back(ny/d); vz.push_back(nz/d); } } inline float mode(const vector & v_intens) { unsigned int bins=128; float min=*(v_intens.begin()); float max=*(v_intens.end()-1); float binwidth=( max - min ) /bins; vector bincounts; //innitialize bincounts to zero for (unsigned int b=0;b::const_iterator i=v_intens.begin(); i!=v_intens.end();i++) { float bintest=min+binwidth; for (vector::iterator b=bincounts.begin(); b!=bincounts.end() ; b++, bintest+=binwidth) if ((*i)<(bintest)) //find bin in which to place { (*b)++; break; } } //search for max bin count unsigned int maxcount=0; unsigned int maxind=0; for (unsigned int b=0;bmaxcount) { maxcount=bincounts.at(b); maxind=b; } return (min+maxind*binwidth+binwidth/2.0);//return middle of max bin } inline void getBounds(const vector & m, int *bounds, const float & xdim, const float & ydim, const float & zdim) { float xmin=1000,xmax=-1000,ymin=1000,ymax=-1000,zmin=1000,zmax=-1000; for (vector::const_iterator i=m.begin();i!=m.end();i+=3) { if ( *i < xmin) xmin=*i; if ( *i > xmax) xmax=*i; if ( *(i+1) < ymin) ymin=*(i+1); if ( *(i+1) > ymax) ymax=*(i+1); if ( *(i+2) < zmin) zmin=*(i+2); if ( *(i+2) > zmax) zmax=*(i+2); } *bounds=static_cast(floor(xmin/xdim)-1); *(bounds+1)=static_cast(ceil(xmax/xdim)+1); *(bounds+2)=static_cast(floor(ymin/ydim)-1); *(bounds+3)=static_cast(ceil(ymax/ydim)+1); *(bounds+4)=static_cast(floor(zmin/zdim)-1); *(bounds+5)=static_cast(ceil(zmax/zdim)+1); } inline void intensity_hist(const volume &image, const volume & mask, const vector & mesh,int label , vector & vgraylevels, const int* bounds) { //returns a sorted min distance for each vertex vgraylevels.clear(); float dist=10000; for (int n=bounds[4];n<=bounds[5];n++) for (int m=bounds[2];m<=bounds[3];m++) for (int l=bounds[0]; l<=bounds[1];l++){ if (mask.value(l,m,n)==label){ dist=image.value(l,m,n); if (vgraylevels.empty()) vgraylevels.push_back(dist); else if (dist>=vgraylevels.back()) vgraylevels.push_back(dist); else for (vector::iterator Iter = vgraylevels.begin( ) ; Iter !=vgraylevels.end( ) ; Iter++ ) if (dist<*Iter) { vgraylevels.insert(Iter,dist); break; } } } } void draw_segment(volume& image, const float & p1x,const float & p1y,const float & p1z, const float & p2x,const float & p2y,const float & p2z, int label) { double xdim = (double) image.xdim(); double ydim = (double) image.ydim(); double zdim = (double) image.zdim(); //in new version of bet2 double mininc = min(xdim,min(ydim,zdim)) * .25; float nx = p1x - p2x; float ny = p1y - p2y; float nz = p1z - p2z; double d = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny+nz*nz); nx/=d; ny/=d; nz/=d; for (double i=0; i<=d; i+=mininc) image(static_cast(floor((p2x+i*nx)/xdim +.5)),static_cast(floor((p2y+i*ny)/ydim +.5)),static_cast(floor((p2z+i*nz)/zdim +.5))) = label; } volume draw_mesh(const volume & image, const vector & pts, const vector< vector > & triangles, int label) { volume imout; copyconvert(image,imout); imout=0; double xdim = (double) image.xdim(); double ydim = (double) image.ydim(); double zdim = (double) image.zdim(); //in new version of bet2 double mininc = min(xdim,min(ydim,zdim)) * 0.5; for (vector< vector >::const_iterator i = triangles.begin(); i!=triangles.end(); i++) { float px1= pts.at(i->at(1)*3); float py1= pts.at(i->at(1)*3+1); float pz1= pts.at(i->at(1)*3+2); float vx=pts.at(i->at(0)*3) - px1; float vy=pts.at(i->at(0)*3+1) - py1; float vz=pts.at(i->at(0)*3+2) - pz1; float px2=pts.at(i->at(2)*3); float py2=pts.at(i->at(2)*3+1); float pz2=pts.at(i->at(2)*3+2); float d=sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz); vx/=d; vy/=d; vz/=d; for (float j=0; j<=d ; j+=mininc) draw_segment(imout, px1+j*vx,py1+j*vy,pz1+j*vz,px2,py2,pz2,label+100); } return imout; } volume make_mask_from_mesh(const volume & image, const vector & m, const vector< vector > & triangles, const int & label, const int * bounds) { volume mask; copyconvert(image,mask); mask = 0; mask = draw_mesh(mask, m, triangles, label); volume otl=mask; vector current; Pt c(bounds[0]-2, bounds[2]-2, bounds[4]-2); mask.value(static_cast(c.X),static_cast(c.Y),static_cast(c.Z)) = label; current.push_back(c); while (!current.empty()) { Pt pc = current.back(); int x, y, z; x=(int) pc.X; y=(int) pc.Y; z=(int) pc.Z; current.pop_back(); if (bounds[0]<=x-1 && mask.value(x-1, y, z)==0) { mask.value(x-1, y, z) = label; current.push_back(Pt(x-1, y, z)); } if (bounds[2]<=y-1 && mask.value(x, y-1, z)==0) { mask.value(x, y-1, z) = label; current.push_back(Pt(x, y-1, z)); } if (bounds[4]<=z-1 && mask.value(x, y, z-1)==0) { mask.value(x, y, z-1) = label; current.push_back(Pt(x, y, z-1)); } if (bounds[1]>=x+1 && mask.value(x+1, y, z)==0) { mask.value(x+1, y, z) = label; current.push_back(Pt(x+1, y, z)); } if (bounds[3]>=y+1 && mask.value(x, y+1, z)==0) { mask.value(x, y+1, z) = label; current.push_back(Pt(x, y+1, z)); } if (bounds[5]>=z+1 && mask.value(x, y, z+1)==0) { mask.value(x, y, z+1) = label; current.push_back(Pt(x, y, z+1)); } } for (int i=bounds[0];i & image, const shapeModel & model1, const vector & vars, const bool & overide_fill) { //do for a single shape double cost=0;// // cout<<"vars "< dif; vector shape = model1.getDeformedGrid(vars); // cout<<" got shape"< igrid = model1.getDeformedIGrid(vars); // cout<<"got deformed grids "< mask=make_mask_from_mesh(image ,shape, model1.cells,model1.getLabel(0), bounds); vector v_intens; intensity_hist(image,mask,shape,model1.getLabel(0),v_intens, bounds); if (v_intens.size()<1) throw firstException("WARNING: NO INTERIOR VOXELS TO ESTIMATE MODE"); float mode_val=mode(v_intens); //cout<<"modeval "< nx; vector ny; vector nz; normal(shape,model1.localTri, model1.cells,nx,ny,nz);//could possibly optimize further // cout<<"got nrmals"<::iterator nx_i=nx.begin(); vector::iterator ny_i=ny.begin(); vector::iterator nz_i=nz.begin(); vector::iterator igrid_i=igrid.begin(); float inc_x= 0.5/xdim; float inc_y= 0.5/ydim; float inc_z= 0.5/zdim; int count=0; for (vector::iterator k = shape.begin(); k!= shape.end(); k+=3,nx_i++,ny_i++, nz_i++) { inc_x = (*nx_i) * 0.5/xdim; inc_y = (*ny_i) * 0.5/ydim; inc_z = (*nz_i) * 0.5/zdim; (*k)=(*k)/xdim - (ipp-1)*0.5 * inc_x ; (*(k+1))=*(k+1)/ydim - (ipp-1)*0.5 * inc_y; (*(k+2))= *(k+2)/zdim - (ipp-1)*0.5 * inc_z; for (int j=0;j ::const_iterator ieigs_i = model1.ieigs.begin(); for (vector< vector >::const_iterator col=model1.i_precision.begin(); col != model1.i_precision.end(); col++,ieigs_i++) { float multemp=0; vector::iterator dif_i=dif.begin(); // cout<<"ceigs "<<1/(*ieigs_i) - 0.5*(1/model1.Errs.at(1))<<" "<<*ieigs_i<<" "<::const_iterator row=(*col).begin();row!=(*col).end(); row++, dif_i++) multemp+=(*dif_i)*(*row); probIcond+=multemp*multemp*(1/(*ieigs_i) - 0.5*(1/model1.Errs.at(1))); } //cout<<"probicond "<::iterator row=dif.begin();row!=dif.end();row++) // sdif+=(*row)*(*row); for (unsigned int row=0;row(model1.smean.size()); float k1=static_cast(dif.size()); //This is the Mahalnobis distance of the shape for (vector::const_iterator i=vars.begin();i!=vars.end();i++) binner+=(*i)*(*i); //this is the intensity portion of the cost function cost+= -k1/2.0*log((alp+k2)/(alp+binner*(gammav)))+(alp+k1+k2)/2*log(1+(M-1)*probIcond/(alp+binner*(gammav))); //cout<<"cost "<(model1.getCondMat2()) * bx1temp; //mBx1inv*bx1temp; float Bcinner=0; for (int i=0; i & image, vector & grad, const vector & vars, const shapeModel & model1, const vector & select, const float & searchRes){ vector gradtmp; float sumsq=0; float costinit=0; costinit=costfuncApp(image, model1, vars,false); float opGrad=0; //take gradient with respect to each mode for (int i=0; i(vars.size()); i++){ //select vector is a bool vector that selecting the mdoes over which to take gradient if ( select.at(i)){ // cout<<"select "<STDTRUNC){ //ignores gradient if goes beyond truncation grad.at(i)=grad.at(i)*1e-11; } //calculate cost difference in opposite direction //make sure gradient not positive in both directions gradtmp.at(i)=gradtmp.at(i)-2*searchRes; //evaluate appropriate cost opGrad=((costinit-costfuncApp(image, model1, gradtmp,true))/(-searchRes*sqrt(model1.seigs.at(i)))); //impose rules if ((opGrad>0)&&(grad.at(i)<0)){ //if in a valley grad.at(i)=0; }else{ //take central derivative grad.at(i)=(opGrad+grad.at(i))/2; } sumsq+=grad.at(i)*grad.at(i); }else{ //set gradient to zero when not using that mode grad.at(i)=0; } } //handles cases of zero gradient if (sumsq==0){ return true; } //nromalize such that size is one for (unsigned int i=0; i & image, const shapeModel & model1,vector &vars, \ const vector & relStd, const vector & select, float & searchRes, const float & searchRmax){ //define variable vector svec, res, resPrev; double gamma; int n=vars.size(); double dpResPrev=0; vector gradtmp2=res; vector svectmp=vars; vector gradtmp=vars; bool gradzero=false; //to find cost at truncation vector varMax=vars; resPrev=vars; res=vars; //the statement within test also calculate values if (negGradient(image,res,vars,model1,select,searchRes)){ if (verbose.value()) cout<<"return, no gradient"< tmpVar2; for (int i=0;i vmax; vector costVMAX;///used to see if upper bound hit and that is the max for (int i=0;i varstmp=vars; int j=0; for (int i=0;imaxStd)|(abs(gradtmp.at(s)-varstmp.at(s)-j*searchRes*svec.at(s))>relStd.at(s))){ //compare against absoulte allowable maximum std and against relative varaition form start point //save the value that will render the appropriate max value if (!vmax.at(s)){//if not already at its max if (svec.at(s)==0){//if gradient equals zero, just leave tmpVar2.at(s)=0; }else{ if ((abs(varstmp.at(s)+ j*searchRes*svec.at(s))>maxStd)){ //which max did it hit, handle differently if ((varstmp.at(s)+ j*searchRes*svec.at(s))>maxStd){ tmpVar2.at(s)=(maxStd-varstmp.at(s))/svec.at(s); }else{ tmpVar2.at(s)=(-maxStd-varstmp.at(s))/svec.at(s); } }else{ if (gradtmp.at(s)-varstmp.at(s)-j*searchRes*svec.at(s)3)//causes break in linear search if nothing found in 5 j=searchDist;//swicth to "break" j++; } //assign values of position and displacment float delta=0; //this enables single select for (unsigned int s=0; s(0)); if (verbose.value()) cout<<"done reading model"<getPointsAsMatrix().Nrows(); if (verbose.value()) cout<<"setting up shape/appearance model"< Smean; Matrix* Pts = new Matrix; *Pts=fmodel->getPointsAsMatrix(); if (verbose.value()) cout<<"The shape has "<element(i,0)); Smean.push_back(Pts->element(i,1)); Smean.push_back(Pts->element(i,2)); } Pts->ReleaseAndDelete(); //read polygon data vector< vector > polygons = matrixToVector(fmodel->getPolygons().t()); //process shape modes and conditional intensity mean modes Matrix SmodesM; Matrix ImodesM; SmodesM=unwrapMatrix(fmodel->getField("mode0")); ImodesM=unwrapMatrix(fmodel->getField("Imode0")); unsigned int M = static_cast(fmodel->getField("numSubjects").element(0,0)); if (verbose.value()) cout<<"The model was constructed from "<>mode; SmodesM=SmodesM | unwrapMatrix(fmodel->getField("mode"+mode)); ImodesM=ImodesM | unwrapMatrix(fmodel->getField("Imode"+mode)); } if (verbose.value()) cout< > Smodes = matrixToVector(SmodesM); vector< vector > Imodes = matrixToVector(ImodesM); ImodesM.Release(); SmodesM.Release(); //process rest of information, including intensity variance vector< vector > Iprec = matrixToVector(fmodel->getField("iCondPrec0").t()); vector Errs = vectorToVector(fmodel->getField("ErrPriors0")); vector se = vectorToVector(fmodel->getField("eigenValues"), AllModes); vector ie = vectorToVector(fmodel->getField("iCondEigs0")); vector Imean = vectorToVector(unwrapMatrix(fmodel->getField("Imean"))); vector labels = vectorToVector(fmodel->getField("labels")); //have read in all data and store in local structures, now delete the reader. delete fmodel; cout<<"create shapeModel "< > & fmatv ) { fmatv.clear(); //store in vector of vectors for (int i=0; i<4 ; i++){ vector vf; for (int j=0; j<4 ; j++){ vf.push_back(fmatM.element(i,j)); } fmatv.push_back(vf); } } Mesh convertToMesh( const vector & pts, const vector< vector > & polys ) { Mesh mesh; mesh._points.clear(); mesh._triangles.clear(); int i=0; for (vector::const_iterator p= pts.begin(); p!=pts.end(); p+=3,i++) { Mpoint * pt = new Mpoint(*p, *(p+1), *(p+2), i); mesh._points.push_back(pt); } for (vector< vector >::const_iterator p=polys.begin(); p!=polys.end(); p++) { Triangle * tr = new Triangle( mesh._points.at( p->at(0) ), mesh._points.at( p->at(1) ), mesh._points.at( p->at(2) )); mesh._triangles.push_back(tr); } return mesh; } void meshReg(Mesh* m, const string & flirtmatname){ //refsize is actually target image int numPoints=m->nvertices(); Matrix MeshPts(4,numPoints); Matrix NewMeshPts(4,numPoints); Matrix flirtmat(4,4); //read in flirt matrix, uses ascii ifstream fmat; fmat.open(flirtmatname.c_str()); float tmpfloat=0; for (int i=0; i<4;i++){ for (int j=0; j<4;j++){ fmat>>tmpfloat; flirtmat.element(i,j)=tmpfloat; // cout<::iterator i = m->_points.begin(); i!=m->_points.end(); i++ ){ // cout<<"count "<get_coord().X; MeshPts.element(1,count)=(*i)->get_coord().Y; MeshPts.element(2,count)=(*i)->get_coord().Z; MeshPts.element(3,count)=1; count++; } // cout<<"mesh points loaded into matrix..."<::iterator i = m->_points.begin(); i!=m->_points.end(); i++ ){ Pt newPt(NewMeshPts.element(0,count),NewMeshPts.element(1,count),NewMeshPts.element(2,count)); (*i)->_update_coord = newPt; count++; } m->update(); } int do_work(const string & inname, const string & modelname, const string & modelname2, const string & flirtmatname, const string & outname, const string & bmapname,const string & bvarsname, \ const int & nmodes, const bool & intref, const bool & multiImageInput, const bool & shcond, const bool & loadbvars, const bool & is_binary, const float & res_in) { //--------------------SET CONSTANTS AND VARIABLES----------------// const unsigned int MaxModes=nmodes; float searchRes=res_in; unsigned int refModes=10; shapeModel* model1;//main model shapeModel* modelRef = NULL;//used as a reference for intensity //shape model data, used for multiple images vector smean1, smeanRef; vector< vector > smodes1, smodesRef; vector< vector > fmatv, fmatv_org; //transformation matrix Matrix fmatM(4,4); //transformation matrix , NEWMAT form Matrix fmatM_Prev(4,4); //transformation matrix from previous image , NEWMAT form vector image_list; vector xfm_list; vector out_list; //------------------------------READ/set up models ---------------// model1=loadAndCreateShapeModel(modelname, MaxModes ); if (intref) { modelRef=loadAndCreateShapeModel(modelname2, refModes ); if ( multiImageInput ) { smeanRef=modelRef->smean; smodesRef=modelRef->smodes; } } //-------------------READ IN IMAGE, XFM, AND OUTPUT NAMES, and STORE SHAPE INFO------------------// if ( multiImageInput) { //---------------store shape info----------------// smean1=model1->smean; smodes1=model1->smodes; //--------------read in names -----------------// ifstream fin; fin.open(inname.c_str()); string stemp; while (fin>>stemp) { image_list.push_back(stemp); fin>>stemp; xfm_list.push_back(stemp); fin>>stemp; out_list.push_back(stemp); if (verbose.value()) cout<<"Input list "<::iterator xfm_iter=xfm_list.begin(); vector::iterator out_iter=out_list.begin(); for (vector::iterator im_iter=image_list.begin(); im_iter!=image_list.end();im_iter++, xfm_iter++, out_iter++) { //--------------IF MULTI IMAGE RESET SHAPE INFO---------------// if (multiImageInput) { searchRes=res_in; model1->smean=smean1; model1->smodes=smodes1; model1->setFoundMode(false); model1->setMode(0); } //------------------READ IN IMAGE AND NORMALIZE----------------------// //load base volume if (verbose.value()) cout<<"reading image "<<*im_iter< image; read_volume(image,*im_iter); //normalize image intensities if (verbose.value()) cout<<"normalize intensity..."<c_str()); for (int i=0; i<4 ; i++) { for (int j=0; j<4 ; j++) { float ftemp; ifmat>>ftemp; if (verbose.value()) cout<smean=smeanRef; modelRef->smodes=smodesRef; modelRef->setFoundMode(false); modelRef->setMode(0); } modelRef->registerModel(fmatv); cout<<"done registering model"< varsRef; for (unsigned int i=0; i < refModes;i++) varsRef.push_back(0); vector selectRef; vector relStdRef; for (unsigned int i=0;i shape = modelRef->getDeformedGrid(varsRef); int bounds[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0}; getBounds(shape,bounds,image.xdim(),image.ydim(),image.zdim()); volume mask=make_mask_from_mesh(image , shape, modelRef->cells,modelRef->getLabel(0), bounds); vector v_intens; intensity_hist(image,mask,shape,modelRef->getLabel(0),v_intens, bounds); if (v_intens.size()<1) throw firstException("WARNING: NO INTERIOR VOXELS TO ESTIMATE MODE"); float mode_val=mode(v_intens); if (verbose.value()) cout<<"found reference mode "<setFoundMode(true); model1->setMode(mode_val); } //------------------------SET UP NECESSARY VECTORS ----------------------// vector vars; for (unsigned int i=0; i select; vector relStd; for (unsigned int i=0;ismodes.size()); } //-------------------------SET UP CONDITIONAL IF NEEDED ----------------------// if (shcond) { cout<<"shcond"<setCondMats(matrixToVector(mBx2map), matrixToVector(mBx1inv), kpred); vector v_cmean; v_cmean=bTransform(vars,mBx2,M); for (unsigned int i=0;iregisterModel(fmatv); if (verbose.value()) cout<<"Model has been registered to native space now fitting model to image."< shape = model1->getDeformedGrid(vars); int bounds[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0}; getBounds(shape,bounds,image.xdim(),image.ydim(),image.zdim()); volume mask=make_mask_from_mesh(image, shape, model1->cells,model1->getLabel(0), bounds); string name_out=*out_iter; if (multiImageInput) name_out+=outname; save_volume(mask, name_out); vector bvars_old=model1->getOrigSpaceBvars(vars); write_bvars(*im_iter, modelname, bvars_old, name_out+".bvars",fmatv_org); write_vtk(shape, model1->cells, name_out + ".vtk", is_binary); if (verbose.value()) cout<<"FIRST has completed subject "<<*im_iter<