// // Declarations/template-bodies for sparse matrix class SpMat // // SpMat.h // // Implements bare-bones sparse matrix class. // Main considerations has been efficiency when constructing // from Compressed Column format, when multiplying with vector, // transposing and multiplying with a vector and when concatenating. // Other operations which have not been prioritised such as // for example inserting elements in a random order may be // a bit slow. // // // Jesper Andersson, FMRIB Image Analysis Group // // Copyright (C) 2007 University of Oxford // #ifndef SpMat_h #define SpMat_h #include #include #include #include #include "newmat.h" #include "cg.h" #include "bicg.h" #include "miscmaths.h" namespace MISCMATHS { class SpMatException: public std::exception { private: std::string m_msg; public: SpMatException(const std::string& msg) throw(): m_msg(msg) {} virtual const char * what() const throw() { return string("SpMat::" + m_msg).c_str(); } ~SpMatException() throw() {} }; enum MatrixType {UNKNOWN, ASYM, SYM, SYM_POSDEF}; template class Preconditioner; template class Accumulator; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // // Class SpMat: // Interface includes: // Multiplication with scalar: A*=s, B=s*A, B=A*s, A and B SpMat // Multiplication with vector: b=A*x, A SpMat, b and x ColumnVector // Transpose and mul with vector: b=A.trans_mult(x), A SpMat, b and x ColumnVector // Multiplication with sparse matrix: C=A*B, A, B and C SpMat // Addition with sparse matrix: A+=B, C=A+B, A, B and C SpMat // Horisontal concatenation: A|=B, C=A|B, A, B and C SpMat // Vertical concatenation: A&=B, C=A&B, A, B and C SpMat // // Multiplications and addition with NEWMAT matrices are // accomplished through type-conversions. For example // A = B*SpMat(C), A and B SpMat, C NEWMAT // A = B.AsNewmat()*C, B SpMat, A and C NEWMAT // // Important implementation detail: // _nz or .NZ() isn't strictly speaking the # of non-zero elements, // but rather the number of elements that has an explicit // representation, where that representation may in principle // be 0. This is in contrast to e.g. Matlab which chooses // not to represent an element when its value is zero. I have // chosen this variant because of my main use of the class where // it is very convenient if e.g. my Hessian and the Gibbs form // of membrane energy has the same sparsity pattern. // For most users this is of no consequence and they will // never explicitly represent a zero. // //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ template class SpMat { public: SpMat() : _m(0), _n(0), _nz(0), _ri(0), _val(0), _pw(false) {} SpMat(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) : _m(m), _n(n), _nz(0), _ri(n), _val(n), _pw(false) {} SpMat(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, const unsigned int *irp, const unsigned int *jcp, const double *sp); SpMat(const NEWMAT::GeneralMatrix& M); SpMat(const std::string& fname); ~SpMat() {} unsigned int Nrows() const {return(_m);} unsigned int Ncols() const {return(_n);} unsigned int NZ() const {return(_nz);} NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix AsNEWMAT() const; void Save(const std::string& fname, unsigned int precision) const; void Save(const std::string& fname) const {Save(fname,8);} void Print(const std::string& fname, unsigned int precision) const; void Print(const std::string& fname) const {Print(fname,8);} void Print(unsigned int precision) const {Print(std::string(""),precision);} void Print() const {Print(8);} void WarningsOn() {_pw=true;} void WarningsOff() {_pw=false;} T Peek(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const; T operator()(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const {return(Peek(r,c));} // Read-only void Set(unsigned int r, unsigned int c, const T& v) {here(r,c) = v;} // Set a single value void SetColumn(unsigned int c, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& col, double eps=0.0); // Set a whole column (obliterating what was there before) void AddTo(unsigned int r, unsigned int c, const T& v) {here(r,c) += v;} // Add value to a single (possibly existing) value SpMat& operator+=(const SpMat& M) { if (same_sparsity(M)) return(add_same_sparsity_mat_to_me(M,1)); else return(add_diff_sparsity_mat_to_me(M,1)); } SpMat& operator-=(const SpMat& M) { if (same_sparsity(M)) return(add_same_sparsity_mat_to_me(M,-1)); else return(add_diff_sparsity_mat_to_me(M,-1)); } const NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix operator*(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x) const; // Multiplication with column vector const NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix trans_mult(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x) const; // Multiplication of transpose with column vector const NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix TransMult(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x) const { return(trans_mult(x)); // Duplication for compatibility with IML++ } const SpMat TransMult(const SpMat& B) const; // Multiplication of transpose(*this) with sparse matrix B SpMat& operator*=(double s); // Multiplication of self with scalar SpMat operator-(const SpMat& M) const {return(SpMat(M) *= -1.0);} // Unary minus SpMat& operator|=(const SpMat& rh); // Hor concat to right SpMat& operator&=(const SpMat& bh); // Vert concat below const SpMat TransMultSelf() const {return(TransMult(*this));} // Returns transpose(*this)*(*this) const SpMat t() const; // Returns transpose(*this). Avoid, if at all possible. friend class Accumulator; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // // Class ColumnIterator // // This implements a const forward iterator for a given column // //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // template class ColumnIterator { public: ColumnIterator(const SpMat& mat, unsigned int col, bool end=false) { if (end) { _ri_it = mat._ri[col-1].end(); _val_it = mat._val[col-1].end(); } else { _ri_it = mat._ri[col-1].begin(); _val_it = mat._val[col-1].begin(); } } ~ColumnIterator() {} T operator*() const { return(*_val_it); } unsigned int Row() const { return((*_ri_it)+1); } bool operator==(const ColumnIterator& rhs) const { return(_val_it == rhs._val_it); } bool operator!=(const ColumnIterator& rhs) const { return(!(*this == rhs)); } // Prefix increment. Use whenever possible ColumnIterator& operator++() { ++_ri_it; ++_val_it; return(*this); } // Postfix increment. Avoid. ColumnIterator& operator++(int dummy) { ColumnIterator clone(*this); ++_ri_it; ++_val_it; return(clone); } private: typename std::vector::const_iterator _val_it; std::vector::const_iterator _ri_it; }; ColumnIterator begin(unsigned int col) const { if (col>_n) throw SpMatException("ColumnIterator: col out of range"); return(ColumnIterator(*this,col)); } ColumnIterator end(unsigned int col) const { if (col>_n) throw SpMatException("ColumnIterator: col out of range"); return(ColumnIterator(*this,col,true)); } template friend const SpMat operator*(const SpMat& lh, const SpMat& rh); // Multiplication of two sparse matrices NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SolveForx(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& b, // Solve for x in b=(*this)*x MatrixType type = UNKNOWN, double tol = 1e-4, unsigned int miter = 200, boost::shared_ptr > C = boost::shared_ptr >()) const; NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SolveForx(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& b, MatrixType type, double tol, unsigned int miter, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x_init) const; NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SolveForx(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& b, MatrixType type, double tol, unsigned int miter, boost::shared_ptr > C, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x_init) const; protected: const std::vector& get_ri(unsigned int i) const; const std::vector& get_val(unsigned int i) const; T& here(unsigned int r, unsigned int c); private: unsigned int _m; unsigned int _n; unsigned long _nz; std::vector > _ri; std::vector > _val; bool _pw; // Print Warnings bool found(const std::vector& ri, unsigned int key, int& pos) const; void insert(std::vector& vec, int indx, unsigned int val); void insert(std::vector& vec, int indx, const T& val); bool same_sparsity(const SpMat& M) const; SpMat& add_same_sparsity_mat_to_me(const SpMat& M, double s); SpMat& add_diff_sparsity_mat_to_me(const SpMat& M, double s); }; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // // Class Preconditioner: // // I haven't used conditioner for close to 20 years now, so writing // this class was a special treat for me. A preconditioner is used // to render the coefficient-matrix corresponding to some set of // linear equations better conditioned. A concrete example would be // when some set of columns/rows have a different scale than the // others, resulting in poor convergence of for example a conjugate // gradient search. The simplest form of preconditioner might then // be inv(diag(A)), where A is the original matrix. It simply scales // the columns of A with the inverse of the diagonal elements. This // simple conditioning works fine when A is diagonal domninant, which // i typically the case with e.g. Hessians in spatial normalisation. // If not, a more sophisticated version like incomplete Cholesky // decomposition might be needed. // As of yet only diagonal preconditioners have been implemented. // //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ template class Preconditioner { public: Preconditioner(const SpMat& M) : _m(M.Nrows()) { if (M.Nrows() != M.Ncols()) throw SpMatException("Preconditioner: Matrix to condition must be square"); } virtual ~Preconditioner() {} unsigned int Nrows() const {return(_m);} virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix solve(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x) const = 0; virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix trans_solve(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x) const = 0; private: unsigned int _m; }; template class DiagPrecond: public Preconditioner { public: DiagPrecond(const SpMat& M) : Preconditioner(M), _diag(M.Nrows()) { for (unsigned int i=0; i::Nrows(); i++) { _diag[i] = M(i+1,i+1); if (_diag[i] == 0.0) throw SpMatException("DiagPrecond: Cannot condition singular matrix"); } } ~DiagPrecond() {} NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix solve(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x) const { if (x.Nrows() != int(Preconditioner::Nrows())) throw SpMatException("DiagPrecond::solve: Vector x has incompatible size"); NEWMAT::ColumnVector b(Preconditioner::Nrows()); double *bptr = static_cast(b.Store()); double *xptr = static_cast(x.Store()); for (unsigned int i=0; i::Nrows(); i++) bptr[i] = xptr[i]/static_cast(_diag[i]); b.Release(); return(b); } NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix trans_solve(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x) const {return(solve(x));} private: std::vector _diag; }; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // // Class Accumulator: // // The concept of an accumulator was "borrowed" from Gilbert et al. // 92. It is intended as a helper class for SpMat and is used to // hold the content of one column of a matrix. This column can then // be accessed both by indexing a certain element, and also by indexing // only non-zero elements. // //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ template class Accumulator { public: Accumulator(unsigned int sz) : _no(0), _sz(sz), _sorted(true), _occ(new bool [sz]), _val(new T [sz]), _occi(new unsigned int [sz]) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<_sz; i++) {_occ[i]=false; _val[i]=static_cast(0.0);} } ~Accumulator() {delete [] _occ; delete [] _val; delete [] _occi;} void Reset() {for (unsigned int i=0; i<_no; i++) {_occ[_occi[i]]=false; _val[_occi[i]]=static_cast(0.0);} _no=0;} T& operator()(unsigned int i); unsigned int NO() const {return(_no);} unsigned int ri(unsigned int i) { // Index of i'th non-zero value. if (!_sorted) {sort(_occi,&(_occi[_no])); _sorted=true;} return(_occi[i]); } const T& val(unsigned int i) { // i'th non-zero value. Call ri(i) to find what index that corresponds to if (!_sorted) {sort(_occi,&(_occi[_no])); _sorted=true;} return(_val[_occi[i]]); } const T& val_at(unsigned int i) const {return(_val[i]);} // Value for index i (or i+1) const bool& occ_at(unsigned int i) const {return(_occ[i]);} // Is value for index i non-zero const Accumulator& ExtractCol(const SpMat& M, unsigned int c); private: unsigned int _no; // Number of occupied positions unsigned int _sz; // Max size of accumulated vector bool _sorted; // True if _occi is ordered bool *_occ; // True if position is "occupied" T *_val; // "Value" in position unsigned int *_occi; // Unordered list of occupied indicies }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructs sparse matrix from Compressed Column Storage representation // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template SpMat::SpMat(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, const unsigned int *irp, const unsigned int *jcp, const double *sp) : _m(m), _n(n), _nz(0), _ri(n), _val(n), _pw(false) { _nz = jcp[n]; unsigned long nz = 0; for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) { if (int len = jcp[c+1]-jcp[c]) { std::vector& ri = _ri[c]; std::vector& val = _val[c]; const unsigned int *iptr = &(irp[jcp[c]]); const double *vptr = &(sp[jcp[c]]); ri.resize(len); val.resize(len); for (int i=0; i(vptr[i]); nz++; } } } if (nz != _nz) throw SpMatException("SpMat: Compressed column input not self consistent"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructs sparse matrix from NEWMAT Matrix or Vector // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template SpMat::SpMat(const NEWMAT::GeneralMatrix& M) : _m(M.Nrows()), _n(M.Ncols()), _nz(0), _ri(M.Ncols()), _val(M.Ncols()), _pw(false) { double *m = static_cast(M.Store()); for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) { // First find # of non-zeros elements in column unsigned int cnz = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_m; i++) { if (m[i*_n+c]) cnz++; } if (cnz) { std::vector& ri = _ri[c]; std::vector& val = _val[c]; ri.resize(cnz); val.resize(cnz); for (unsigned int rii=0, i=0; i<_m; i++) { if (double v = m[i*_n+c]) { ri[rii] = i; val[rii] = v; rii++; } } _nz += cnz; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructs matrix from row col val format produced by // Save/Print below. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template SpMat::SpMat(const std::string& fname) : _m(0), _n(0), _nz(0), _ri(0), _val(0), _pw(false) { // First read data into (nz+1)x3 NEWMAT matrix NEWMAT::Matrix rcv; try { rcv = read_ascii_matrix(fname); } catch(...) { throw SpMatException("SpMat::SpMat(string& fname): cannot read file given by fname"); } // Then interpret it if (rcv(rcv.Nrows(),3)) throw SpMatException("SpMat::SpMat(string& fname): Last row must have zero value and indicate matrix size"); _m = static_cast(rcv(rcv.Nrows(),1)+0.5); _n = static_cast(rcv(rcv.Nrows(),2)+0.5); // cout << "rcv = " << endl << rcv << endl << "_n = " << _n << endl; _ri.resize(_n); _val.resize(_n); // First pass to see how many elements in each colum std::vector col_count(_n,0); unsigned int col = static_cast(rcv(1,2)+0.5); for (unsigned int indx=1; indx(rcv.Nrows()); indx++) { if (static_cast(rcv(indx,2)+0.5) != col) { if (static_cast(rcv(indx,2)+0.5) < col) throw SpMatException("SpMat::SpMat(string& fname): Column index must be monotonously increasing"); else col = static_cast(rcv(indx,2)+0.5); if (col > _n) throw SpMatException("SpMat::SpMat(string& fname): File internally inconsistent"); } // cout << "col = " << col << endl; col_count[col-1]++; } // Second pass to allocate and fill vectors unsigned int indx=1; for (col=0; col<_n; col++) { std::vector& ri = _ri[col]; std::vector& val = _val[col]; ri.resize(col_count[col]); val.resize(col_count[col]); for (unsigned int i=0; i= static_cast(rcv(indx,1)+0.5)) throw SpMatException("SpMat::SpMat(string& fname): Row index must be monotonously increasing"); if (static_cast(rcv(indx,1)+0.5) < 1 || static_cast(rcv(indx,1)+0.5) > _m) { throw SpMatException("SpMat::SpMat(string& fname): Row index outside 1 -- -m range"); } ri[i] = static_cast(rcv(indx,1)+0.5) - 1; val[i] = rcv(indx,3); _nz++; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns matrix in NEWMAT matrix format. Useful for debugging // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SpMat::AsNEWMAT() const { NEWMAT::Matrix M(_m,_n); M = 0.0; for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) { if (_ri[c].size()) { const std::vector& ri = _ri[c]; const std::vector& val = _val[c]; for (unsigned int i=0; i(val[i]); } } } M.Release(); return(M); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Saves matrix in a row col val format that is useful for // exporting it to Matlab (use Matlab function spconvert). // Is really the same as Print below, but only writes to // file as opposed to Print that optionally prints to the // screen. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void SpMat::Save(const std::string& fname, unsigned int precision) const { if (!fname.length()) throw SpMatException("SpMat::Save: Must specify filename"); else Print(fname,precision); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Prints matrix in a row col val format that is useful for // exporting it to Matlab (use Matlab function spconvert). // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void SpMat::Print(const std::string& fname, unsigned int precision) const { ostream *sptr=0; if (!fname.length()) { sptr = &cout; } else { try { sptr = new ofstream(fname.c_str()); } catch(...) { std::string errmsg("BFMatrix::print: Failed to write to file " + fname); throw SpMatException(errmsg); } } (*sptr) << setprecision(precision); for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<_ri[c].size(); i++) { if (_val[c][i]) (*sptr) << _ri[c][i]+1 << " " << c+1 << " " << _val[c][i] << endl; } } (*sptr) << _m << " " << _n << " " << 0 << endl; if (fname.length()) delete sptr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Solves for x in expression b=(*this)*x. Uses the IML++ templates // to obtain an iterative solution. It is presently a little stupid // when a matrix of UNKNOWN type is passed. It will then assume worst // case (asymmetric) rather than testing for symmetry and positive // definiteness. That really should be changed, but at the moment // I don't have the time. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SpMat::SolveForx(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& b, MatrixType type, double tol, unsigned int miter, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x_init) const { return this->SolveForx(b,type,tol,miter,boost::shared_ptr >(),x_init); } template NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SpMat::SolveForx(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& b, MatrixType type, double tol, unsigned int miter, boost::shared_ptr > C) const { NEWMAT::ColumnVector x_init; return this->SolveForx(b,type,tol,miter,C,x_init); } template NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SpMat::SolveForx(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& b, MatrixType type, double tol, unsigned int miter, boost::shared_ptr > C, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x_init) const { if (_m != _n) throw SpMatException("SolveForx: Matrix must be square"); if (int(_m) != b.Nrows()) throw SpMatException("SolveForx: Mismatch between matrix and vector"); NEWMAT::ColumnVector x(_n); if (x.Nrows() == x_init.Nrows()) { x = x_init; } else { if (x_init.Nrows()>0) { throw SpMatException("SolveForx: initialisation vector has incorrect size"); } else { x = 0.0; } } int status = 0; int liter = int(miter); double ltol = tol; // Use diagonal conditioner if no user-specified one boost::shared_ptr > M = boost::shared_ptr >(); if (!C) M = boost::shared_ptr >(new DiagPrecond(*this)); else M = C; switch (type) { case SYM_POSDEF: status = CG(*this,x,b,*M,liter,tol); break; case SYM: case ASYM: case UNKNOWN: status = BiCG(*this,x,b,*M,liter,tol); break; default: throw SpMatException("SolveForx: No idea how you got here. But you shouldn't be here, punk."); } if (status && _pw) { cout << "SpMat::SolveForx: Warning requested tolerence not obtained." << endl; cout << "Requested tolerance was " << ltol << ", and achieved tolerance was " << tol << endl; cout << "This may or may not be a problem in your application, but you should look into it" << endl; } x.Release(); return(x); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns a sparse matrix that is the transpose of *this // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template const SpMat SpMat::t() const { SpMat t_mat(_n,_m); Accumulator t_col(_n); for (unsigned int new_col=0; new_col<_m; new_col++) { // For all columns of transposed matrix t_col.Reset(); for (unsigned int old_col=0; old_col<_n; old_col++) { // Search old colums for row-index corresponding to new_col int pos = 0; if (found(_ri[old_col],new_col,pos)) { t_col(old_col) = _val[old_col][pos]; } } t_mat._ri[new_col].resize(t_col.NO()); t_mat._val[new_col].resize(t_col.NO()); std::vector& t_mat_ri = t_mat._ri[new_col]; std::vector& t_mat_val = t_mat._val[new_col]; for (unsigned int i=0; i void SpMat::SetColumn(unsigned int c, // Column # const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& col, // The values in that column double eps) // Any value <= eps is treated as a zero { if (c < 1 || c > _n) throw SpMatException("SetColumn: column index out of range"); if (static_cast(col.Nrows()) != _m) throw SpMatException("SetColumn: column size mismatch"); Accumulator acc(_m); double *colp = col.Store(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_m; i++) { if (colp[i] > eps) acc(i) = static_cast(colp[i]); } std::vector& ri = _ri[c-1]; std::vector& val = _val[c-1]; unsigned int old_sz = ri.size(); if (old_sz) { ri = std::vector(acc.NO()); val = std::vector(acc.NO()); } else { ri.resize(acc.NO()); val.resize(acc.NO()); } for (unsigned int i=0; i T SpMat::Peek(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const { if (r<1 || r>_m || c<1 || c>_n) throw SpMatException("Peek: index out of range"); int i=0; if (found(_ri[c-1],r-1,i)) return(_val[c-1][i]); return(static_cast(0.0)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Multiply with vector x returning vector b (b = A*x) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template const NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SpMat::operator*(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x) const { if (_n != static_cast(x.Nrows())) throw SpMatException("operator*: # of rows in vector must match # of columns in matrix"); NEWMAT::ColumnVector b(_m); b = 0.0; const double *xp = static_cast(x.Store()); double *bp = static_cast(b.Store()); for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) { if (_ri[c].size()) { double wgt = xp[c]; const std::vector& ri = _ri[c]; const std::vector& val = _val[c]; for (unsigned int i=0; i(wgt*val[i]); } } } b.Release(); return(b); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Multiply transpose with sparse matrix B returning matrix C (C = A'*B) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template const SpMat SpMat::TransMult(const SpMat& B) const { if (_m != B._m) throw SpMatException("TransMult(SpMat& ): Left hand matrix must have same # of rows as right hand"); SpMat C(_n,B._n); Accumulator outacc(_n); Accumulator Bcol(B._m); for (unsigned int Bc=0; Bc& ri = _ri[Ac]; const std::vector& val = _val[Ac]; T tmp = static_cast(0); for (unsigned int i=0; i& Cri = C._ri[Bc]; std::vector& Cval = C._val[Bc]; for (unsigned int i=0; i const NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SpMat::trans_mult(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x) const { if (_m != static_cast(x.Nrows())) throw SpMatException("trans_mult: # of rows in vector must match # of columns in transpose of matrix"); NEWMAT::ColumnVector b(_n); const double *xp = static_cast(x.Store()); double *bp = static_cast(b.Store()); for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) { double res = 0.0; if (_ri[c].size()) { const std::vector& ri = _ri[c]; const std::vector& val = _val[c]; for (unsigned int i=0; i SpMat& SpMat::operator*=(double s) { for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) { if (_val[c].size()) { std::vector& val = _val[c]; for (unsigned int i=0; i SpMat& SpMat::operator|=(const SpMat& rh) { if (_m != rh._m) throw SpMatException("operator|=: Matrices must have same # of rows"); _ri.resize(_n+rh._n); _val.resize(_n+rh._n); for (unsigned int c=0; c SpMat& SpMat::operator&=(const SpMat& bh) { if (_n != bh._n) throw SpMatException("operator&=: Matrices must have same # of columns"); for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) { if ((bh._ri[c]).size()) { std::vector& ri = _ri[c]; const std::vector& bhri = bh._ri[c]; std::vector& val = _val[c]; const std::vector& bhval = bh._val[c]; unsigned int os = ri.size(); unsigned int len = bhri.size(); ri.resize(os+len); val.resize(os+len); for (unsigned int i=0; i const SpMat operator*(const SpMat& lh, const SpMat& rh) { if (lh._n != rh._m) throw SpMatException("operator*: Left hand matrix must have same # of columns as right hand has rows"); SpMat out(lh._m,rh._n); Accumulator acc(lh._m); for (unsigned int cr=0; cr& rri = rh._ri[cr]; const std::vector& rval = rh._val[cr]; for (unsigned int i=0; i& lri = lh._ri[rri[i]]; const std::vector& lval = lh._val[rri[i]]; for (unsigned int j=0; j& ori = out._ri[cr]; std::vector& oval = out._val[cr]; for (unsigned int i=0; i const SpMat operator*(double s, const SpMat& rh) { return(SpMat(rh) *= s); } template const SpMat operator*(const SpMat& lh, double s) { return(SpMat(lh) *= s); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Global function for adding two sparse matrices // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template const SpMat operator+(const SpMat& lh, const SpMat& rh) { return(SpMat(lh) += rh); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Global function for subtracting sparse from sparse matrix // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template const SpMat operator-(const SpMat& lh, const SpMat& rh) { return(SpMat(lh) -= rh); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Global functions for horisontally concatenating sparse-sparse, // full-sparse, sparse-full // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template const SpMat operator|(const SpMat& lh, const SpMat& rh) { return(SpMat(lh) |= rh); } template const SpMat operator|(const NEWMAT::GeneralMatrix& lh, const SpMat& rh) { return(SpMat(lh) |= rh); } template const SpMat operator|(const SpMat& lh, const NEWMAT::GeneralMatrix& rh) { return(SpMat(lh) |= SpMat(rh)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Global function for vertically concatenating sparse-sparse, // full-sparse and sparse-full // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template const SpMat operator&(const SpMat& th, const SpMat& bh) { return(SpMat(th) &= bh); } template const SpMat operator&(const NEWMAT::GeneralMatrix& th, const SpMat& bh) { return(SpMat(th) &= bh); } template const SpMat operator&(const SpMat& th, const NEWMAT::GeneralMatrix& bh) { return(SpMat(th) &= SpMat(bh)); } /*################################################################### ## ## Here starts protected functions ## ###################################################################*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The following two functions give read access to _ri and _val // vectors (corresponding to one column). // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template const std::vector& SpMat::get_ri(unsigned int i) const { if (i >= _n) throw SpMatException("SpMat::get_ri: Index out of range"); return(_ri[i]); } template const std::vector& SpMat::get_val(unsigned int i) const { if (i >= _n) throw SpMatException("SpMat::get_val: Index out of range"); return(_val[i]); } /*################################################################### ## ## Here starts hidden functions ## ###################################################################*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Binary search. Returns true if key already exists. pos contains // current position of key, or position to insert it in if key does // not already exist. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template bool SpMat::found(const std::vector& ri, unsigned int key, int& pos) const { if (!ri.size() || keyri.back()) {pos=ri.size(); return(false);} else { int mp=0; int ll=-1; pos=int(ri.size()); while ((pos-ll) > 1) { mp = (pos+ll) >> 1; // Possibly faster than /2. Bit geeky though. if (key > ri[mp]) ll = mp; else pos = mp; } } if (ri[pos] == key) return(true); return(false); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Return read/write reference to position i,j (one offset) // N.B. should _not_ be used for read-only referencing since // it will insert a value (0.0) at position i,j // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template T& SpMat::here(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) { if (r<1 || r>_m || c<1 || c>_n) throw SpMatException("here: index out of range"); int i = 0; if (!found(_ri[c-1],r-1,i)) { insert(_ri[c-1],i,r-1); insert(_val[c-1],i,static_cast(0.0)); _nz++; } return(_val[c-1][i]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Open gap in vec at indx and fill with val. // Should have been templated, but I couldn't figure out how // to, and still hide it inside SpMat // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void SpMat::insert(std::vector& vec, int indx, unsigned int val) { vec.resize(vec.size()+1); for (int j=vec.size()-1; j>indx; j--) { vec[j] = vec[j-1]; } vec[indx] = val; } template void SpMat::insert(std::vector& vec, int indx, const T& val) { vec.resize(vec.size()+1); for (int j=vec.size()-1; j>indx; j--) { vec[j] = vec[j-1]; } vec[indx] = val; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns true if M has the same sparsity pattern as *this // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template bool SpMat::same_sparsity(const SpMat& M) const { if (_m != M._m || _n != M._n) return(false); for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) { if (_ri[c].size() != M._ri[c].size()) return(false); } for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) { const std::vector& ri = _ri[c]; const std::vector& Mri = M._ri[c]; for (unsigned int i=0; i SpMat& SpMat::add_same_sparsity_mat_to_me(const SpMat& M, double s) { for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) { if (_val[c].size()) { std::vector& val = _val[c]; const std::vector& Mval = M._val[c]; for (unsigned int i=0; i SpMat& SpMat::add_diff_sparsity_mat_to_me(const SpMat& M, double s) { if (_m != M._m || _n != M._n) throw SpMatException("add_diff_sparsity_mat_to_me: Size mismatch between matrices"); Accumulator acc(_m); _nz = 0; for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) { acc.Reset(); if (M._ri[c].size()) { const std::vector& Mri = M._ri[c]; const std::vector& Mval = M._val[c]; for (unsigned int i=0; i& ri = _ri[c]; std::vector& val = _val[c]; for (unsigned int i=0; i SpMat& SpMat::add_diff_sparsity_mat_to_me(const SpMat& M, double s) { if (_m != M._m || _n != M._n) throw SpMatException("add_diff_sparsity_mat_to_me: Size mismatch between matrices"); for (unsigned int c=0; c<_n; c++) { if (M._ri[c].size()) { const std::vector& Mri = M._ri[c]; const std::vector& Mval = M._val[c]; for (unsigned int i=0; i T& Accumulator::operator()(unsigned int i) { if (!_occ[i]) { if (_sorted && _no && i < _occi[_no-1]) _sorted = false; _occ[i] = true; _occi[_no++] = i; } return(_val[i]); } template const Accumulator& Accumulator::ExtractCol(const SpMat& M, unsigned int c) { if (_sz != M._m) throw ; if (c>(M._n-1)) throw ; if (_no) Reset(); const std::vector& ri = M._ri[c]; const std::vector& val = M._val[c]; for (unsigned int i=0; i