/* Copyright (C) 2012 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ #include "fslvtkio.h" #include "meshclass/meshclass.h" #include "newimage/newimageall.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace NEWIMAGE; using namespace mesh; namespace fslvtkio { fslvtkIO::fslvtkIO(){ dt=POLYDATA; scalarsName="Scalars"; vectorsName="Vectors"; SWITCH_ROWS_COLS=false; SWAP_BYTES=false; BINARY=false; MAX_SET=false; MAX=0; ST_COUNT=0; #ifdef PPC64 m_n=0; #endif } fslvtkIO::fslvtkIO(const string & filename,const fslvtkIO::DataType i) { scalarsName="Scalars"; vectorsName="Vectors"; SWITCH_ROWS_COLS=false; SWAP_BYTES=false; BINARY=false; MAX_SET=false; MAX=0; #ifdef PPC64 m_n=0; #endif switch (i) { case 0: setDataType(i); readPolyData(filename); ST_COUNT=1; break; case 1: setDataType(i); readUnstructuredGrid(filename); break; default: throw fslvtkIOException("Invalid data type. Cannot create object."); } } fslvtkIO::~fslvtkIO(){ } void fslvtkIO::setMesh(const Mesh & m){ //set points //assume 3 dimensions ST_COUNT=1; Points.ReSize(m._points.size(),3); int count=0; for (vector::iterator i =const_cast(m)._points.begin(); i!=const_cast(m)._points.end(); i++ ) { Points.element(count,0)=(*i)->get_coord().X; Points.element(count,1)=(*i)->get_coord().Y; Points.element(count,2)=(*i)->get_coord().Z; count++; } //set polygons, assumes eacxh vertex has 3 connections Polygons.ReSize(m._triangles.size(),3); count=0; for ( list::const_iterator i=m._triangles.begin(); i!=m._triangles.end(); i++) { Polygons.element(count,0)=(*i)->get_vertice(0)->get_no(); Polygons.element(count,1)=(*i)->get_vertice(1)->get_no(); Polygons.element(count,2)=(*i)->get_vertice(2)->get_no(); count++; } } void fslvtkIO::setPoints(const Matrix& m) { if (m.Ncols()==3) Points=m; else if ( (m.Ncols()==1) && ( (m.Nrows()%3) == 0) ) { Points.ReSize(m.Nrows()/3,3); unsigned int count=0; for (int i =0 ; i < m.Nrows() ;i++,count++) { Points.element(count,0)=m.element(i,0); i++; Points.element(count,1)=m.element(i,0); i++; Points.element(count,2)=m.element(i,0); } }else throw fslvtkIOException("incompatible dimensions when setting points"); } void fslvtkIO::setPoints(const vector & m) { Points.ReSize(m.size()/3,3); unsigned int count=0; for (vector::const_iterator i=m.begin();i!=m.end();i++,count++) { Points.element(count,0)=*i; i++; Points.element(count,1)=*i; i++; Points.element(count,2)=*i; } } void fslvtkIO::appendPointsAndPolygons(const Matrix & pts, const Matrix & polys) { cout<<"begin append"<(Polygons.Ncols()) ; j++) // Polygons.element(i,j)+=Nprev; cout<<"end append"< vector fslvtkIO::getPointsAsVector() { vector allpoints; for (int i=0;i(Points.element(i,j))); return allpoints; } template vector fslvtkIO::getPointsAsVector(); template vector fslvtkIO::getPointsAsVector(); ColumnVector fslvtkIO::getPointsAsColumnVector() const { ColumnVector pts(Points.Nrows() * Points.Ncols() ); for (int i=0;i vector fslvtkIO::getScalars() { vector v_sc; for (int i = 0 ; i < Scalars.Nrows(); ++i) v_sc.push_back(Scalars.element(i,0)); return v_sc; } template vector fslvtkIO::getScalars(); template vector fslvtkIO::getScalars(); template vector fslvtkIO::getScalars(); template vector fslvtkIO::getScalars(); template void fslvtkIO::setScalars(const vector & sc){ Scalars.ReSize(sc.size(),1); for (unsigned int i =0; i(const vector & sc); template void fslvtkIO::setScalars(const vector & sc); template void fslvtkIO::setScalars(const vector & sc); void fslvtkIO::addPointFieldData(const Matrix & M, const string & name, const string & type, const string & vtkAttType){ addFieldData(M, name, type); pd_list.push_back(name); pd_type.push_back(vtkAttType); } void fslvtkIO::addCellFieldData(const Matrix & M, const string & name, const string & type, const string & vtkAttType){ addFieldData(M, name, type); cd_list.push_back(name); cd_type.push_back(vtkAttType); } void fslvtkIO::replaceFieldData(const Matrix& M,const string & name) { unsigned int ind; getField(name, ind); fieldDataNum.at(ind)=M; } void fslvtkIO::addFieldData(const ReturnMatrix & M, const string & name, const string & type){ fieldDataNum.push_back(M); fieldDataNumName.push_back(name); fieldDataNumType.push_back(type); } void fslvtkIO::addFieldData(const Matrix & M, const string & name, const string & type){ fieldDataNum.push_back(M); fieldDataNumName.push_back(name); fieldDataNumType.push_back(type); } template< class T > void fslvtkIO::addFieldData(const vector & vM, const string & name, const string & type){ ColumnVector M(vM.size()); for (unsigned int i=0; i(const vector & vM, const string & name, const string & type); template void fslvtkIO::addFieldData(const vector & vM, const string & name, const string & type); template void fslvtkIO::addFieldData(const vector & vM, const string & name, const string & type); template void fslvtkIO::addFieldData(const vector & vM, const string & name, const string & type); template void fslvtkIO::addFieldData(const vector & vM, const string & name, const string & type); template< class T > void fslvtkIO::addFieldData(const T & m,const string & name, const string & type){ ColumnVector M(1); M.element(0)=m; fieldDataNum.push_back(M); fieldDataNumName.push_back(name); fieldDataNumType.push_back(type); } template void fslvtkIO::addFieldData(const int & M, const string & name, const string & type); template void fslvtkIO::addFieldData(const float & M, const string & name, const string & type); void fslvtkIO::addFieldData(vector< string > str, string name){ fieldDataStr.push_back(str); fieldDataStrName.push_back(name); } template void fslvtkIO::writePointData(ofstream & fshape, const string & str_typename ) { //handle point data if ( (Scalars.Nrows()>0) || (Vectors.Nrows()>0) ) { fshape<<"POINT_DATA "<0) { fshape<<"SCALARS "<(&val),sizeof(val)); }else { if (j==(Scalars.Ncols()-1)){ fshape<0) { fshape<<"VECTORS "<(&val),sizeof(val)); }else { if (j==(Vectors.Ncols()-1)){ fshape< void fslvtkIO::writePoints(ofstream & fshape, const string & str_typename ){ //only handle polydata currently //writing points to vtk file if (Points.Nrows()>0) { fshape<<"POINTS "<(&tX),sizeof(tX)); fshape.write(reinterpret_cast(&tY),sizeof(tY)); fshape.write(reinterpret_cast(&tZ),sizeof(tZ)); }else fshape<(ofstream & fshape, const string & str_typename ); template void fslvtkIO::writePoints(ofstream & fshape, const string & str_typename ); bool fslvtkIO::readPoints(ifstream & fvtk) { int Npts; string stemp; fvtk>>stemp>>Npts; if ((strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"POINTS")) || (Npts<=0)) throw fslvtkIOException("POINTS not found"); fvtk>>stemp; Points.ReSize(Npts,3); if (BINARY) getline(fvtk,stemp); //gets rid of newline for (int i=0 ; i < Npts ; i++) { float x,y,z; if (!BINARY) fvtk>>x>>y>>z; else { fvtk.read(reinterpret_cast(&x),sizeof(float)); fvtk.read(reinterpret_cast(&y),sizeof(float)); fvtk.read(reinterpret_cast(&z),sizeof(float)); if (SWAP_BYTES) { Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(x),&x); Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(y),&y); Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(z),&z); } } Points.element(i,0)=x; Points.element(i,1)=y; Points.element(i,2)=z; } return true; } void fslvtkIO::setPolygons(const vector< vector > & vm) { Matrix m(vm.size(),vm.at(0).size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i>stemp>>NPolys; if (strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"POLYGONS")) throw fslvtkIOException("POLYGONS not found"); fvtk>>stemp; Polygons.ReSize(NPolys,3); if (BINARY) getline(fvtk,stemp); for (int i=0 ; i < NPolys ; i++) { unsigned int x,y,z; if (!BINARY) fvtk>>x>>x>>y>>z;//just ignore number of connections assumed to be 3 for polydata else { fvtk.read(reinterpret_cast(&x),sizeof(unsigned int)); //just ignore number of connections assumed to be 3 for polydata fvtk.read(reinterpret_cast(&x),sizeof(unsigned int)); fvtk.read(reinterpret_cast(&y),sizeof(unsigned int)); fvtk.read(reinterpret_cast(&z),sizeof(unsigned int)); if (SWAP_BYTES) { Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(x),&x); Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(y),&y); Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(z),&z); } } Polygons.element(i,0)=x; Polygons.element(i,1)=y; Polygons.element(i,2)=z; } return true; } void fslvtkIO::writePolygons(ofstream & fshape) { if (Polygons.Nrows()>0){ fshape<<"POLYGONS "<(Polygons.Ncols()); Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(val),&val); fshape.write(reinterpret_cast(&val),sizeof(val)); } unsigned int val=static_cast(Polygons.element(i,j)); Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(val),&val); fshape.write(reinterpret_cast(&val),sizeof(val)); }else { if (j==0) fshape<0){ addFieldData(pd_list, "PointFieldNames"); addFieldData(pd_type, "PointFieldAttTypes"); } if (cd_list.size()>0){ addFieldData(cd_list, "CellFieldNames"); addFieldData(cd_type, "CellFieldAttTypes"); } cout<<"open file "<(&test),sizeof(test)); fshape<<"this file was written using fslvtkio"<(fshape,"float"); writePolygons(fshape); break; case UNSTRUCTURED_GRID: fshape<<"UNSTRUCTURED_GRID"<(fshape,"float"); writeCells(fshape); writeUnstructuredGridCellTypes(fshape); break; default: cerr<<"Invalid Data Type"<(fshape,"float"); //Ignored cell data for now //write field data if ( ( fieldDataStr.size()>0) || (fieldDataNum.size()>0) ) { fshape<<"FIELD FieldData"<<" "<0) { for (unsigned int i=0; i(fieldDataNum.at(i).Ncols())>MAX) ) //Maximum limits the number of allowable columns in the field data (used to limit saved modes of variation) writeNumericField(fshape, fieldDataNumName.at(i), "float", fieldDataNum.at(i).SubMatrix(1,fieldDataNum.at(i).Nrows(),1,MAX)); else writeNumericField(fshape, fieldDataNumName.at(i), "float", fieldDataNum.at(i)); } } vector::iterator name_i=fieldDataStrName.begin(); for (vector< vector >::iterator i=fieldDataStr.begin(); i!=fieldDataStr.end();i++, name_i++) writeStringField(fshape, *name_i, *i); fshape.close(); } void fslvtkIO::writeStringField(ofstream & fvtk, const string & name, const vector & v_string) { fvtk<::const_iterator i=v_string.begin(); i!=v_string.end();i++) { if (i==v_string.begin()) fvtk<c_str(); else fvtk<<" "<c_str(); #ifdef PPC64 if ((m_n++ % 50) == 0) fvtk.flush(); #endif } } template void fslvtkIO::writeNumericField(ofstream & fvtk, const string & name, const string & type, const Matrix & Data) { unsigned int nrows=Data.Nrows(); unsigned int ncols=Data.Ncols(); fvtk<(Data.element(i,j)); Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(val),&val); fvtk.write(reinterpret_cast(&val),sizeof(val)); } #ifdef PPC64 if ((m_n++ % 20) == 0) fvtk.flush(); #endif } } template ReturnMatrix fslvtkIO::readField(ifstream & fvtk, const int & nrows,const int & mcols) { Matrix fieldM(nrows,mcols); T val; for (int i=0; i>val; else { fvtk.read(reinterpret_cast(&val),sizeof(T)); if (SWAP_BYTES) Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(val),&val); } fieldM.element(i,j)=val; // cout<<"val "<>stemp>>N; if (SWITCH_ROWS_COLS){ N-=1; }//only used to fix old model!!!!!!!! //read in field for ( int fieldnum=0; fieldnum< N ; fieldnum++){ string fieldname; fvtk>>fieldname; long unsigned int nrows,mcols; if (SWITCH_ROWS_COLS) {//only used to fix old model!!!!!!!! fvtk>>mcols>>nrows; if (mcols==1){ mcols=nrows; nrows=1; } }else fvtk>>nrows>>mcols; fvtk>>stemp; if (BINARY) { string stemp2 ; getline(fvtk,stemp2); }; if (! ((strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"float")) && (strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"unsigned int")) && (strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"double")) && (strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"int"))) ) { //deal with number field data fieldDataNumType.push_back(stemp); fieldDataNumName.push_back(fieldname); Matrix fieldM; if (!(strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"float"))) fieldM=readField(fvtk,nrows,mcols); else if (!(strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"double"))) fieldM=readField(fvtk,nrows,mcols); else if (!(strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"unsigned int"))) fieldM=readField(fvtk,nrows,mcols); else if (!(strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"int"))) fieldM=readField(fvtk,nrows,mcols); fieldDataNum.push_back(fieldM); }else if (!(strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"string"))) fieldDataStrName.push_back(fieldname); //deal with strings separately else if(fvtk.eof()) return; else throw fslvtkIOException(("Data type for field data not supported..."+stemp).c_str()) ; } } void fslvtkIO::readPointData( ifstream & fvtk, string & nextData){ //only handles SCALARS and VECTORS currently //assumes POINT_DATA is found // WARNING!! NEED TO DEAL WITH nextData BEING SET, AS IT INDICATES THAT A STRING HAS BEEN // REMOVED FROM THE STREAM BUT NOT YET PROCESSED!! string stemp,stype; int N;//number of Points fvtk>>N; if (N<=0) throw fslvtkIOException("no points in structure") ; //this will not read past any unsupported data bool still_PD=true; while (still_PD){ fvtk>>stemp; if (!strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"SCALARS")){ fvtk>>stemp>>stype; string lut; fvtk>>lut>>lut; //there is now an options fourth number of component argument not implemented here int mcols=1; if (BINARY) { string stemp2 ; getline(fvtk,stemp2); } if (! ((strcmp(stype.c_str(),"float") ) && (strcmp(stype.c_str(),"unsigned int")) && \ (strcmp(stype.c_str(),"double")) && (strcmp(stype.c_str(),"int")) )) { //deal with number field data Matrix fieldM; if (!(strcmp(stype.c_str(),"float"))) fieldM=readField(fvtk,N,mcols); else if (!(strcmp(stype.c_str(),"double"))) fieldM=readField(fvtk,N,mcols); else if (!(strcmp(stype.c_str(),"unsigned int"))) fieldM=readField(fvtk,N,mcols); else if (!(strcmp(stype.c_str(),"int"))) fieldM=readField(fvtk,N,mcols); Scalars=fieldM; }else throw fslvtkIOException("Data type for points not supported."); }else if (!strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"VECTORS")){ fvtk>>stemp>>stype; if (! ((strcmp(stype.c_str(),"float") ) && (strcmp(stype.c_str(),"unsigned int")) && \ (strcmp(stype.c_str(),"double")) && (strcmp(stype.c_str(),"int")) )) { //deal with number field data Matrix fieldM; if (!(strcmp(stype.c_str(),"float"))) fieldM=readField(fvtk,N,3); else if (!(strcmp(stype.c_str(),"double"))) fieldM=readField(fvtk,N,3); else if (!(strcmp(stype.c_str(),"unsigned int"))) fieldM=readField(fvtk,N,3); else if (!(strcmp(stype.c_str(),"int"))) fieldM=readField(fvtk,N,3); Vectors=fieldM; }else throw fslvtkIOException("Data type for vectors not supported."); }else { nextData=stemp; still_PD=false; } } } void fslvtkIO::readUnstructuredGrid(string fname) { Cells.clear(); Cell_Types.clear(); ifstream fvtk; fvtk.open(fname.c_str()); string stemp; getline(fvtk,stemp); getline(fvtk,stemp);//used to get rid of second ascii line to avoid "modes" fvtk>>stemp; fvtk>>stemp>>stemp; readPoints(fvtk); fvtk>>stemp; int Ncells, Csize; fvtk>>Ncells>>Csize; for ( int i =0 ; i>temp1; vector vcell; vcell.push_back(temp1); for (unsigned int j=0; j>temp2; vcell.push_back(temp2); } Cells.push_back(vcell); } fvtk>>stemp>>stemp; for ( int i =0 ; i>temp1; Cell_Types.push_back(temp1); } while (fvtk>>stemp) { if (!strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"POINT_DATA")) { readPointData(fvtk,stemp); }else if(!strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"FIELD")) { readFieldData(fvtk); } } } void fslvtkIO::readPolyData(string name) { ifstream fvtk; fvtk.open(name.c_str()); if (fvtk.is_open()) { string stemp; getline(fvtk,stemp); //read first line if (strcmp(stemp.substr(0,14).c_str(),"# vtk DataFile")) throw fslvtkIOException("Not a vtk file (error in line 1)."); getline(fvtk,stemp); getline(fvtk,stemp); if (((strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"ASCII")) && (strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"BINARY")))) throw fslvtkIOException("ASCII or Binary not specified (line 3)"); else if (!strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"BINARY"))//if binary file test endianess, test number embedded on second line { BINARY=true; //reopen file and read binary flag from first line unsigned int testval; {//this bit just gets the test val ifstream* fvtktemp = new ifstream; fvtktemp->open(name.c_str()); getline(*fvtktemp,stemp);//throw away first line fvtktemp->read(reinterpret_cast(&testval),sizeof(testval)); fvtktemp->close(); delete fvtktemp; } if (testval!=BINFLAG) { SWAP_BYTES = true; Swap_Nbytes(1,sizeof(testval),&testval); } if (testval!=BINFLAG) throw fslvtkIOException("Unrecognised binary matrix file format"); } //once this point is reached the endianess if okay //SWAP_BYTE and BINARY state variables have been set such that readPoints, Polygons, etc... will work properly getline(fvtk,stemp); if (strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"DATASET POLYDATA")) throw fslvtkIOException("Is not specified as Polydata (line 4"); readPoints(fvtk); readPolygons(fvtk); bool already_read_stemp=false; while (already_read_stemp || (fvtk>>stemp)) { already_read_stemp=false; if (!strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"POINT_DATA")) { readPointData(fvtk,stemp); if (stemp.length()>0) {already_read_stemp=true;} } else { if(!strcmp(stemp.c_str(),"FIELD")) readFieldData(fvtk); } } }else{ throw fslvtkIOException("Cannot open file."); } } void fslvtkIO::displayNumericFieldDataNames() { for (vector::iterator i=fieldDataNumName.begin();i!=fieldDataNumName.end();i++) cout<<*i<