// Declarations for class BFMatrix. // // The purpose of class BFmatrix is to have a class from which // to derive 2 other classes; FullBFMatrix and SparseBFMatrix. // The reason for this is that the two classes SplineField and // DCTField will return Hessian matrices that are either Sparse // (SplineField) or full (DCTField). By defining a pure virtual // class BFMatrix with a minimal (only what is needed for non- // linear reg.) functionality I will be able to write code that // is independent of type of matrix returned, and hence of type // field. // // The syntax for the (little) functionality is sort of a mixture // of Newmat and SparseMatrix. Mostly SparseMatrix actually. // I hope this will not complicate the use of the nonlin package // for those who are only interested in the full (normal) case. // // At one point SparseMatrix was replaced by SpMat as the underlying // sparse matrix representation in SparseBFMatrix. SpMat was written // with an API that largely mimicks that of NEWMAT. This is the // "historical" reason why a wrapper class was written, rather than // using templatisation which would have been possible given the // similarities in API between SpMat and NEWMAT. // /* Copyright (C) 2012 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ #ifndef BFMatrix_h #define BFMatrix_h #include #include "newmat.h" #include "SpMat.h" #include "cg.h" #include "bicg.h" namespace MISCMATHS { class BFMatrixException: public std::exception { private: std::string m_msg; public: BFMatrixException(const std::string& msg) throw(): m_msg(msg) {} virtual const char * what() const throw() { return string("BFMatrix::" + m_msg).c_str(); } ~BFMatrixException() throw() {} }; enum BFMatrixPrecisionType {BFMatrixDoublePrecision, BFMatrixFloatPrecision}; class BFMatrixColumnIterator; class BFMatrix { protected: public: // Constructors, destructors and stuff BFMatrix() {} BFMatrix(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) {} virtual ~BFMatrix() {} friend class BFMatrixColumnIterator; BFMatrixColumnIterator begin(unsigned int col) const; BFMatrixColumnIterator end(unsigned int col) const; // Access as NEWMAT::Matrix virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix AsMatrix() const = 0; // Basic properties virtual unsigned int Nrows() const = 0; virtual unsigned int Ncols() const = 0; // Print matrix (for debugging) virtual void Print(const std::string fname=std::string("")) const = 0; // Setting, deleting or resizing the whole sparse matrix. // virtual void SetMatrix(const MISCMATHS::SpMat& M) = 0; // virtual void SetMatrix(const MISCMATHS::SpMat& M) = 0; virtual void SetMatrix(const NEWMAT::Matrix& M) = 0; virtual void Clear() = 0; virtual void Resize(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) = 0; // Accessing inline double operator()(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const {return(Peek(r,c));} virtual double Peek(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const = 0; NEWMAT::Matrix SubMatrix(unsigned int fr, unsigned int lr, unsigned int fc, unsigned int lc) const; // Assigning virtual void Set(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) = 0; virtual void Insert(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) = 0; virtual void AddTo(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) = 0; // Transpose virtual boost::shared_ptr Transpose() const = 0; // Concatenation. Note that desired polymorphism prevents us from using BFMatrix->NEWMAT::Matrix conversion // Concatenate two matrices yielding a third // AB = [*this B] in Matlab lingo virtual void HorConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const = 0; virtual void HorConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const = 0; // AB = [*this; B] in Matlab lingo virtual void VertConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const = 0; virtual void VertConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const = 0; // Concatenate another matrix to *this virtual void HorConcat2MyRight(const BFMatrix& B) = 0; virtual void HorConcat2MyRight(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B) = 0; virtual void VertConcatBelowMe(const BFMatrix& B) = 0; virtual void VertConcatBelowMe(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B) = 0; // Multiply by scalar virtual void MulMeByScalar(double s) = 0; // Multiply by vector virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix MulByVec(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& v) const = 0; // Add another matrix to this one virtual void AddToMe(const BFMatrix& m, double s=1.0) = 0; // Given A*x=b, solve for x. virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SolveForx(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& b, MISCMATHS::MatrixType type=SYM_POSDEF, double tol=1e-6, int miter=200) const = 0; }; template class SparseBFMatrix : public BFMatrix { private: boost::shared_ptr > mp; public: // Constructors, destructor and assignment SparseBFMatrix() : mp(boost::shared_ptr >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat())) {} SparseBFMatrix(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) : mp(boost::shared_ptr >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat(m,n))) {} SparseBFMatrix(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, const unsigned int *irp, const unsigned int *jcp, const double *sp) : mp(boost::shared_ptr >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat(m,n,irp,jcp,sp))) {} SparseBFMatrix(const MISCMATHS::SpMat& M) : mp(boost::shared_ptr >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat(M))) {} SparseBFMatrix(const NEWMAT::Matrix& M) : mp(boost::shared_ptr >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat(M))) {} virtual ~SparseBFMatrix() {} virtual const SparseBFMatrix& operator=(const SparseBFMatrix& M) { mp = boost::shared_ptr >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat(*(M.mp))); return(*this); } friend class BFMatrixColumnIterator; // Access as NEWMAT::Matrix virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix AsMatrix() const {NEWMAT::Matrix ret; ret = mp->AsNEWMAT(); ret.Release(); return(ret);} // Basic properties virtual unsigned int Nrows() const {return(mp->Nrows());} virtual unsigned int Ncols() const {return(mp->Ncols());} // Print matrix (for debugging) virtual void Print(const std::string fname=std::string("")) const {mp->Print(fname);} // Setting, deleting or resizing the whole sparse matrix. virtual void SetMatrix(const MISCMATHS::SpMat& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat(M));} // virtual void SetMatrix(const MISCMATHS::SpMat& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat(M));} virtual void SetMatrix(const NEWMAT::Matrix& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat(M));} virtual void SetMatrixPtr(boost::shared_ptr >& mptr) {mp = mptr;} virtual void Clear() {mp = boost::shared_ptr >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat());} virtual void Resize(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) {mp = boost::shared_ptr >(new MISCMATHS::SpMat(m,n));} // Accessing values virtual double Peek(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const {return(mp->Peek(r,c));} // Setting and inserting values virtual void Set(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) {mp->Set(x,y,val);} virtual void Insert(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) {mp->Set(x,y,val);} virtual void AddTo(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) {mp->AddTo(x,y,val);} // Transpose. virtual boost::shared_ptr Transpose() const; // Concatenation of two matrices returning a third // AB = [*this B] in Matlab lingo virtual void HorConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const; virtual void HorConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const; // AB = [*this; B] in Matlab lingo virtual void VertConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const; virtual void VertConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const; // Concatenation of another matrix to *this virtual void HorConcat2MyRight(const BFMatrix& B); virtual void HorConcat2MyRight(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B); virtual void VertConcatBelowMe(const BFMatrix& B); virtual void VertConcatBelowMe(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B); // Multiply by scalar virtual void MulMeByScalar(double s) {(*mp)*=s;} // Multiply by vector virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix MulByVec(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& invec) const; // Add another matrix to this one virtual void AddToMe(const BFMatrix& m, double s=1.0); // Given A*x=b, solve for x virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SolveForx(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& b, MISCMATHS::MatrixType type, double tol, int miter) const; }; class FullBFMatrix : public BFMatrix { private: boost::shared_ptr mp; public: // Constructors, destructor and assignment FullBFMatrix() {mp = boost::shared_ptr(new NEWMAT::Matrix());} FullBFMatrix(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) {mp = boost::shared_ptr(new NEWMAT::Matrix(m,n));} FullBFMatrix(const MISCMATHS::SpMat& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr(new NEWMAT::Matrix(M.AsNEWMAT()));} FullBFMatrix(const NEWMAT::Matrix& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr(new NEWMAT::Matrix(M));} virtual ~FullBFMatrix() {} virtual const FullBFMatrix& operator=(const FullBFMatrix& M) { mp = boost::shared_ptr(new NEWMAT::Matrix(*(M.mp))); return(*this); } friend class BFMatrixColumnIterator; virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix AsMatrix() const {NEWMAT::Matrix ret; ret = *mp; ret.Release(); return(ret);} virtual const NEWMAT::Matrix& ReadAsMatrix() const {return(*mp);} // Basic properties virtual unsigned int Nrows() const {return(mp->Nrows());} virtual unsigned int Ncols() const {return(mp->Ncols());} // Print matrix (for debugging) virtual void Print(const std::string fname=std::string("")) const; // Setting, deleting or resizing the whole matrix. virtual void SetMatrix(const MISCMATHS::SpMat& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr(new NEWMAT::Matrix(M.AsNEWMAT()));} virtual void SetMatrix(const MISCMATHS::SpMat& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr(new NEWMAT::Matrix(M.AsNEWMAT()));} virtual void SetMatrix(const NEWMAT::Matrix& M) {mp = boost::shared_ptr(new NEWMAT::Matrix(M));} virtual void SetMatrixPtr(boost::shared_ptr& mptr) {mp = mptr;} virtual void Clear() {mp->ReSize(0,0);} virtual void Resize(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) {mp->ReSize(m,n);} // Accessing values virtual double Peek(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const {return((*mp)(r,c));} // Setting and inserting values. virtual void Set(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) {(*mp)(x,y)=val;} virtual void Insert(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) {(*mp)(x,y)=val;} virtual void AddTo(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double val) {(*mp)(x,y)+=val;} // Transpose. virtual boost::shared_ptr Transpose() const; // Concatenation of two matrices returning a third virtual void HorConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const; virtual void HorConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const; virtual void VertConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const; virtual void VertConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const; // Concatenation of another matrix to *this virtual void HorConcat2MyRight(const BFMatrix& B); virtual void HorConcat2MyRight(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B); virtual void VertConcatBelowMe(const BFMatrix& B); virtual void VertConcatBelowMe(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B); // Multiply by scalar virtual void MulMeByScalar(double s); // Multiply by vector virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix MulByVec(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& invec) const; // Add another matrix to this one virtual void AddToMe(const BFMatrix& m, double s); // Given A*x=b, solve for x virtual NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SolveForx(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& b, MISCMATHS::MatrixType type, double tol, int miter) const; }; class BFMatrixColumnIterator { public: BFMatrixColumnIterator(const BFMatrix& mat, unsigned int col, bool end=false) : _mat(mat), _col(col) { if (col > mat.Ncols()) throw BFMatrixException("BFMatrixColumnIterator: col out of range"); const FullBFMatrix *fp = dynamic_cast(&(_mat)); if (fp) { if (end) _row=_mat.Nrows()+1; else _row=1; _is_sparse=false; _is_double=true; } else { const SparseBFMatrix *sfp = dynamic_cast *>(&(_mat)); if (sfp) { if (end) _sfi = new SpMat::ColumnIterator(sfp->mp->end(_col)); else _sfi = new SpMat::ColumnIterator(sfp->mp->begin(_col)); _is_sparse = true; _is_double = false; } else { const SparseBFMatrix *sdp = dynamic_cast *>(&(_mat)); if (sdp) { if (end) _sdi = new SpMat::ColumnIterator(sdp->mp->end(_col)); else _sdi = new SpMat::ColumnIterator(sdp->mp->begin(_col)); _is_sparse = true; _is_double = true; } else throw BFMatrixException("BFMatrixColumnIterator: No matching type for mat"); } } } BFMatrixColumnIterator(const BFMatrixColumnIterator& rhs) : _mat(rhs._mat), _col(rhs._col), _is_sparse(rhs._is_sparse), _is_double(rhs._is_double) { if (_is_sparse) { if (_is_double) _sdi = new SpMat::ColumnIterator(*(rhs._sdi)); else _sfi = new SpMat::ColumnIterator(*(rhs._sfi)); } else _row = rhs._row; } ~BFMatrixColumnIterator() { if (_is_sparse) { if (_is_double) free(_sdi); else free(_sfi); } } // Prefix case. Use this if at all possible. BFMatrixColumnIterator& operator++() { if (_is_sparse) { if (_is_double) ++(*_sdi); else ++(*_sfi); } else _row++; return(*this); } // Postfix case. Avoid. BFMatrixColumnIterator operator++(int dummy) { BFMatrixColumnIterator clone(*this); if (_is_sparse) { if (_is_double) ++(*_sdi); else ++(*_sfi); } else _row++; return(clone); } bool operator==(const BFMatrixColumnIterator& rhs) const { if (_is_sparse!=rhs._is_sparse || _is_double!=rhs._is_double) return(false); if (_is_sparse) { if (_is_double) return(*_sdi==*(rhs._sdi)); else return(*_sfi==*(rhs._sfi)); } else { if (_col!=rhs._col || &_mat!=&(rhs._mat)) return(false); else return(_row==rhs._row); } } bool operator!=(const BFMatrixColumnIterator& rhs) const { return(!(*this==rhs)); } double operator*() const { if (_is_sparse) { if (_is_double) return(*(*_sdi)); else return(double(*(*_sfi))); } else return(_mat.Peek(_row,_col)); } unsigned int Row() const { if (_is_sparse) { if (_is_double) return(_sdi->Row()); else return(double(_sfi->Row())); } else return(_row); } private: SpMat::ColumnIterator *_sdi; // ptr to Sparse Double Iterator SpMat::ColumnIterator *_sfi; // ptr to Sparse Float Iterator const BFMatrix& _mat; unsigned int _col; unsigned int _row; bool _is_sparse; bool _is_double; }; // // Here comes member functions for SparseBFMatrix. Since it is templated // these need to go here rather than in bfmatrix.cpp. // // // Member functions for SparseBFMatrix // // // Transpose // template boost::shared_ptr SparseBFMatrix::Transpose() const { boost::shared_ptr > tm(new SparseBFMatrix(mp->t())); return(tm); } // // Concatenation of two matrices returning a third // template void SparseBFMatrix::HorConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const { if (B.Nrows() && Nrows() != B.Nrows()) {throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::HorConcat: Matrices must have same # of rows");} SparseBFMatrix *pAB = dynamic_cast *>(&AB); if (pAB) { // Means that output is sparse of type T *pAB = *this; pAB->HorConcat2MyRight(B); } else { FullBFMatrix *fpAB = dynamic_cast(&AB); if (fpAB) { // Means that output is full *fpAB = FullBFMatrix(this->AsMatrix()); fpAB->HorConcat2MyRight(B); } else throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::HorConcat: dynamic cast error"); } } template void SparseBFMatrix::HorConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const { if (B.Nrows() && int(Nrows()) != B.Nrows()) {throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::HorConcat: Matrices must have same # of rows");} SparseBFMatrix *pAB = dynamic_cast *>(&AB); if (pAB) { // Means that output is sparse *pAB = *this; pAB->HorConcat2MyRight(B); } else { FullBFMatrix *fpAB = dynamic_cast(&AB); if (fpAB) {// Means that output is full *fpAB = FullBFMatrix(this->AsMatrix()); fpAB->HorConcat2MyRight(B); } else throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::HorConcat: dynamic cast error"); } } template void SparseBFMatrix::VertConcat(const BFMatrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const { if (B.Ncols() && Ncols() != B.Ncols()) {throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::VertConcat: Matrices must have same # of columns");} SparseBFMatrix *pAB = dynamic_cast *>(&AB); if (pAB) { // Means that output is sparse *pAB = *this; pAB->VertConcatBelowMe(B); } else { FullBFMatrix *fpAB = dynamic_cast(&AB); if (fpAB) { // Means that output is full *fpAB = FullBFMatrix(this->AsMatrix()); fpAB->VertConcatBelowMe(B); } else throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::VertConcat: dynamic cast error"); } } template void SparseBFMatrix::VertConcat(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B, BFMatrix& AB) const { if (B.Ncols() && int(Ncols()) != B.Ncols()) {throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::VertConcat: Matrices must have same # of columns");} SparseBFMatrix *pAB = dynamic_cast *>(&AB); if (pAB) { // Means that output is sparse *pAB = *this; pAB->VertConcatBelowMe(B); } else { FullBFMatrix *fpAB = dynamic_cast(&AB); if (fpAB) { // Means that output is full *fpAB = FullBFMatrix(this->AsMatrix()); fpAB->VertConcatBelowMe(B); } else throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::VertConcat: dynamic cast error"); } } // // Concatenate another matrix to *this // template void SparseBFMatrix::HorConcat2MyRight(const BFMatrix& B) { if (!B.Nrows()) return; if (Nrows() != B.Nrows()) {throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::HorConcat2MyRight: Matrices must have same # of rows");} const SparseBFMatrix *pB = dynamic_cast *>(&B); if (pB) { // Means that we want to concatenate a sparse matrix *mp |= *(pB->mp); } else { const FullBFMatrix *fpB = dynamic_cast(&B); if (fpB) { // Means that we want to concatenate a full this->HorConcat2MyRight(fpB->AsMatrix()); } else throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::HorConcat2MyRight: dynamic cast error"); } } template void SparseBFMatrix::HorConcat2MyRight(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B) { if (!B.Nrows()) return; if (int(Nrows()) != B.Nrows()) {throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::HorConcat2MyRight: Matrices must have same # of rows");} *mp |= B; } template void SparseBFMatrix::VertConcatBelowMe(const BFMatrix& B) { if (!B.Ncols()) return; if (Ncols() != B.Ncols()) {throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::VertConcatBelowMe: Matrices must have same # of columns");} const SparseBFMatrix *pB = dynamic_cast *>(&B); if (pB) { // Means that we want to concatenate a sparse matrix *mp &= *(pB->mp); } else { const FullBFMatrix *fpB = dynamic_cast(&B); if (fpB) { // Means that we want to concatenate a full this->VertConcatBelowMe(fpB->AsMatrix()); } else throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::VertConcatBelowMe: dynamic cast error"); } } template void SparseBFMatrix::VertConcatBelowMe(const NEWMAT::Matrix& B) { if (!B.Ncols()) return; if (int(Ncols()) != B.Ncols()) {throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::VertConcatBelowMe: Matrices must have same # of columns");} *mp &= B; } // Multiply by vector template NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SparseBFMatrix::MulByVec(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& invec) const { if (invec.Nrows() != int(Ncols())) {throw BFMatrixException("Matrix-vector size mismatch");} NEWMAT::ColumnVector outvec = *mp * invec; outvec.Release(); return(outvec); } // Add another matrix to this one template void SparseBFMatrix::AddToMe(const BFMatrix& M, double s) { if (Ncols() != M.Ncols() || Nrows() != M.Nrows()) { throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::AddToMe: Matrix size mismatch"); } const SparseBFMatrix *pM = dynamic_cast *>(&M); if (pM) { // Add sparse matrix to this sparse matrix if (s == 1.0) *mp += *(pM->mp); else *mp += s * *(pM->mp); } else { const FullBFMatrix *fpM = dynamic_cast(&M); if (fpM) { // Add full matrix to this sparse matrix if (s == 1.0) *mp += SpMat(fpM->ReadAsMatrix()); else *mp += s * SpMat(fpM->ReadAsMatrix()); } else throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::AddToMe: dynamic cast error"); } } // Given A*x=b, solve for x template NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix SparseBFMatrix::SolveForx(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& b, MISCMATHS::MatrixType type, double tol, int miter) const { if (b.Nrows() != int(Nrows())) { throw BFMatrixException("SparseBFMatrix::SolveForx: Matrix-vector size mismatch"); } NEWMAT::ColumnVector x = mp->SolveForx(b,type,tol,miter); x.Release(); return(x); } } // End namespace MISCMATHS #endif // End #ifndef BFMatrix_h